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What are the alternatives???


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I'm reading a separate list asking who to cut from the Bills roster. The problem with these lists is that they always lack the alternative. WHO do you expect us to utilize as a replacement for all of these players?


Bledsoe's replacement is obvious, but who do you get to replace Moulds and the entire offensive line? If you think #1 receivers and pro-bowl linemen are just lying around try asking Atlanta about their #1 receiver and Cleveland about lineman. It's nice to say jettison the lot of them, but without adequate replacements, I say we focus on a coaching staff that can develop the players we have.


I'll say this in parting: The fact that our teams seem to show improvements from the first half to the second half shows an ability to make adjustments at half-time that was completely lacking under the previous regime. I'm sad to say that this season is now a wash, but this staff needs time. Tread water and watch this team over the last month. If they still play awfully, then we need to be very concerned about our future. From what I've seen, I don't think that will be the case.

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