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On a more serious note, what is it with you RW crazy's and violenc

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He had an Obama bumper sticker on his car. The guy is harmless, yet some idiot decided to vandalize his car in Connecticut. This is politics, not war... if you guys want to continue act that way in the real America, sign up and go to Iraq where there is plenty of unjustified violence, go for it. If you don't have that much guts, show up on a local hockey rink... and view my moniker. Cut out the crap!

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If you think that's bad, you should see what we do to people with Syracuse University stickers!


Whoever was stupid enough to park that thing on campus, and then, during basketball season, and then the week we were playing them.... well, I don't think they'll ever be doing that again. (Note: I was not party to the destruction of the vehicle, nor do I condone such activity --- just saw the results as I was walking to my car after a night class.)


Politically, tho, up here in NE, it'd usually be the other way around if/when stuff like that does happen. Have heard from relatives around the state of cars with 'W' stickers being keyed, tires spiked or deflated, etc. That phenomena does seem to be confined to cities and large towns rather than suburbia and the sticks. Out here the most I've heard of is the taking down of lawn signs. Just isn't as fervent, at least in the Quiet Corner and even up into Mass.



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He had an Obama bumper sticker on his car. The guy is harmless, yet some idiot decided to vandalize his car in Connecticut. This is politics, not war... if you guys want to continue act that way in the real America, sign up and go to Iraq where there is plenty of unjustified violence, go for it. If you don't have that much guts, show up on a local hockey rink... and view my moniker. Cut out the crap!


Yeah because an Obama supporter would never do that to somebody with a McCain sticker on their car


You act like this crap is one directional

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If you think that's bad, you should see what we do to people with Syracuse University stickers!


Whoever was stupid enough to park that thing on campus, and then, during basketball season, and then the week we were playing them.... well, I don't think they'll be doing that again.


(Note: I was not party to the destruction of the vehicle, just saw the result as I was walking to my car after class one day.)


Up here in NE, it'd usually be the other way around if/when stuff like that does happen. That phenomena does seem to be confined to cities and large towns rather than suburbia and the sticks. Out here the most I've heard of is the taking down of lawn signs. Just isn't as fervent, at least in the Quiet Corner.


The Syracuse bumper stickers is understandable, we use to throw bananas at Patrick Ewing. Actually this was in Ridgefield... the upper crusty part of CT.

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If you think that's bad, you should see what we do to people with Syracuse University stickers!


Whoever was stupid enough to park that thing on campus, and then, during basketball season, and then the week we were playing them.... well, I don't think they'll be doing that again.


(Note: I was not party to the destruction of the vehicle, just saw the result as I was walking to my car after class one day.)


Up here in NE, it'd usually be the other way around if/when stuff like that does happen. That phenomena does seem to be confined to cities and large towns rather than suburbia and the sticks. Out here the most I've heard of is the taking down of lawn signs. Just isn't as fervent, at least in the Quiet Corner.


So it's ok to vandalize someone's car just because of a Syracuse bumper sticker or more on their car? This is the stuff that makes sports seem stupid.

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Yeah because an Obama supporter would never do that to somebody with a McCain sticker on their car


You act like this crap is one directional


No I don't believe it is one directional, I rail against it on either side, it is uncalled for. Sign stealing and defacing is harmless, but a rock is another.


But the stuff lately reminds me of the Bobby Knight firing at Indiana, when despite the guy being a fink, though a great strategist, it was time for him and his temper and ego to go, his supporters were calling in death threats and acting out because they were not getting their way.


The LW crazy anarchists in Seattle are the worst with the World Bank crap, but it is the same mentality and the McCain's camp seems to be playing up the jealousy and fear angle demonizing the other side, making it okay to attack them. Despicable.

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It goes both ways. You've actually had liberal groups attack Palins motorcade in the last couple of weeks, of course the mainstream media doesn't support her, so they don't report it. Or what about the groups that assaulted the police and supporters in Minn, during the RNC. they physically attempted to storm the proceeding, and injuring several police, and staff in the process, hence all the teargas. The obama groups actually did quite a bit of damage over the weekend here in VA, damaging numerous homes and businesses because they had Mccain signs up. Quite a few houses where sprayed painted with Fuvk mccain, or various other profanities. Of course the media also reported that several folks had obama signs stolen or torn down. We all know having your sign stolen is the same as having several thousand in damage done to your house or business. :sick:

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It goes both ways. You've actually had liberal groups attack Palins motorcade in the last couple of weeks, of course the mainstream media doesn't support her, so they don't report it. Or what about the groups that assaulted the police and supporters in Minn, during the RNC. they physically attempted to storm the proceeding, and injuring several police, and staff in the process, hence all the teargas. The obama groups actually did quite a bit of damage over the weekend here in VA, damaging numerous homes and businesses because they had Mccain signs up. Quite a few houses where sprayed painted with Fuvk mccain, or various other profanities. Of course the media also remorted that several folks had obama signs stolen or torn down.



Not to mention the guy who had KKK keyed into his car for having a McCain sticker.


Yea, the Left is so tolerant of others...

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It goes both ways. You've actually had liberal groups attack Palins motorcade in the last couple of weeks, of course the mainstream media doesn't support her, so they don't report it. Or what about the groups that assaulted the police and supporters in Minn, during the RNC. they physically attempted to storm the proceeding, and injuring several police, and staff in the process, hence all the teargas. The obama groups actually did quite a bit of damage over the weekend here in VA, damaging numerous homes and businesses because they had Mccain signs up. Quite a few houses where sprayed painted with Fuvk mccain, or various other profanities. Of course the media also reported that several folks had obama signs stolen or torn down. We all know having your sign stolen is the same as having several thousand in damage done to your house or business. :sick:


If I remember correctly there was a guy painting a hammer and sickle on Dem signs in Alexandria when I was there and another with a pick-up truck who just went around collecting Dem signs, he was caught and I think had to pay a $50 fine, he laughed and kept doing it. But it is the physical violence that I was referring to and I don't think that is appropriate. Paint can be washed off, signs replaced. Keying shouldn't be tolerated, though I have seen quite a bit of that lately and it would be hard to catch. Just stop it.

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It's something that is really surprising for an european visting the US during a campaign: All those signs on cars, lawns....

Political opinions are things we don't share as much as you do in America... We keep things more private in Europe... I'm not sure anyway i want to know who my neighbors are voting for...

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If your car gets bombed because you put a bumper sticker on it, it's on you. No crime. No police report. No insurance. You're just a buttnugget.


It has nothing to do with free speech--the government isn't locking you up for your bumper stickers--it has everything to do with bumper-sticker people being douches.


Doesn't matter what the topic is.

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I love the hypocrisy of the left.

Actually I didn't, others did, but I laughed and yes I was insensitive, get over it. In my younger days, GT was the enemy, no matter what, no holds bar. Ewing took down the Pearl, and the Pearl got up and punched him in the Nuts and dropped him. It is college BB, get over it. Makes politics look tame.

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He had an Obama bumper sticker on his car. The guy is harmless, yet some idiot decided to vandalize his car in Connecticut. This is politics, not war... if you guys want to continue act that way in the real America, sign up and go to Iraq where there is plenty of unjustified violence, go for it. If you don't have that much guts, show up on a local hockey rink... and view my moniker. Cut out the crap!



How do you know they vandalized his car because of the Obama sticker? Are you just assuming this because it makes a nice rant? Maybe it was an Obama supporter who was upset that they couldn't afford a car themselves and thought your cousin should have spread his wealth around instead of buying a car. Why should he have a car if others can't afford it!

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Actually I didn't, others did, but I laughed and yes I was insensitive, get over it. In my younger days, GT was the enemy, no matter what, no holds bar. Ewing took down the Pearl, and the Pearl got up and punched him in the Nuts and dropped him. It is college BB, get over it. Makes politics look tame.


You threw bananas (and you said we so I assume you did too) at a big black guy and your telling me to get over it. Sounds like a the party of sensitivity needs a little sensativity training.

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If your car gets bombed because you put a bumper sticker on it, it's on you. No crime. No police report. No insurance. You're just a buttnugget.


It has nothing to do with free speech--the government isn't locking you up for your bumper stickers--it has everything to do with bumper-sticker people being douches.

Doesn't matter what the topic is.



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Actually I didn't, others did, but I laughed and yes I was insensitive, get over it. In my younger days, GT was the enemy, no matter what, no holds bar. Ewing took down the Pearl, and the Pearl got up and punched him in the Nuts and dropped him. It is college BB, get over it. Makes politics look tame.



Racist assaults are excused when it involves college basketball apparently.

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