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The kid killed by the off duty cop


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He had oppositional defiant disorder, which caused him to defy all authority figures, his mother told The News in May.


Are you kidding - this is a disorder. I thought this was just called a troublemaker.

This info was in the Buffalo News from the getgo.... I said the same thing. "oppositional defiant disorder, which caused him to defy all authority figures"(!!!!)


My kid had this. Then I gave him a hard slap on the ass and it went away.


The headline in Saturdays News had a comment from the Aunt asking if the cop who shot him "needed to use deadly force". Are you kidding!!! as opposed to what? Slap him and ask him to stop? Maybe dive to the ground and try to shot him in the leg.

When you put a gun to someone's head (and who the hell cares that it was a BB gun, that should excuse the kid somehow? How would the person with the gun to their head know what kind of gun it was), you assume the risk of getting shot in return. Case Closed!!!

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