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A Random Thought

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having not read the replies, but you were standing in the shower, presumably naked, and you are thinking about rosie o'donnell??????????????????????????????????? :D :D


Does everybody remember that Flinstones movie they made back in the 90's? Here's my question. Why the hell did they cast Rosie O'Donnell as Betty Rubble? She was always the cute one on the show!


I mean, I know it was a crappy movie but the Flinstones is a pretty major deal in American pop culture and I believe it was a relatively high budget, high grossing movie at the time.


Just a thought.

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Does everybody remember that Flinstones movie they made back in the 90's? Here's my question. Why the hell did they cast Rosie O'Donnell as Betty Rubble? She was always the cute one on the show!


I mean, I know it was a crappy movie but the Flinstones is a pretty major deal in American pop culture and I believe it was a relatively high budget, high grossing movie at the time.


Just a thought.



You said " A Random thought popped into my head while showering"


Tell the truth , it was "Why is my d*ck so small?" :D

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having not read the replies, but you were standing in the shower, presumably naked, and you are thinking about rosie o'donnell??????????????????????????????????? :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


This is how I believe the series of events occurred.


I did some wake and bake then jumped into the shower. While taking the shower, I started thinking about how when the Flinstones took a shower, it was a woolly mammoth that shot water out of its trunk, and I thought about how awesome that would be if it happened in real life. Then that thought switched to me trying to remember what the dinosaurs, mammoths, etc looked like in the movie version. Then I thought..."Hey that movie wasn't actually so bad, who played Betty again? Wait, it was Rosie O Donnell right? WTF??"


so you see, it's not like I got into the shower and pictures of rosie popped up into the old noggin, there was a train of thought there.

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Didn't she just come off of A League of Their Own and other such movies? Pretty big name for herself at that point so I'm sure she helped put butts in seats. Besides, that was before she turned into a raving militant lesbian monster.


Blah. She's gross. Flannel-wearing sweaty gym teacher style gross.


That was a pretty crappy movie. It reminded me of "Dinosaurs!", which sucked pretty bad as well.

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This is how I believe the series of events occurred.


I did some wake and bake then jumped into the shower. While taking the shower, I started thinking about how when the Flinstones took a shower, it was a woolly mammoth that shot water out of its trunk, and I thought about how awesome that would be if it happened in real life. Then that thought switched to me trying to remember what the dinosaurs, mammoths, etc looked like in the movie version. Then I thought..."Hey that movie wasn't actually so bad, who played Betty again? Wait, it was Rosie O Donnell right? WTF??"


so you see, it's not like I got into the shower and pictures of rosie popped up into the old noggin, there was a train of thought there.


A train of thought that ended with Rosie O'Donnell. :sick:


'Nuff said.

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