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Mortenson's ESPN Pick

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I'm not too worried about this game. I don't think it will be a cake walk, division games are always tough, but it should be a W for the Bills.


We clearly have the better team and I expect to see improvement on our slow starts that plagued us in the first quarter of the season.


Miami has a gimic play offense and a D that has been playing above itself. I expect the D to come back down to earth a bit and there is plenty of film on the Wildcat or whatever to know how to defend it. I do worry a bit about our D's tendancy to overpursue though.


As long as Buffalo plays its game and doesn't give up a bunch of turnovers, we should win this game.



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I think that the Bills will beat the Mularkey style offense Donphins, but I'm afraid that it will be close. In fact, i'm guessing we will all be watching until the bitter end in what might be a nail biter. The big difference of course will be that some of us will get the game on cable.


But come Monday, we will all once again be the unpaid experts on what Jauron and Co. shoulda, woulda, and coulda done differently on Sunday. Man isn't football great!


Oh, and Go Bills!!!

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Big Surpise Chris Mortenson picked the phish over the Bills. He was the only one so far. Why does guy have a bug up his A$$ when it comes to Buffalo. THe Madden simulation never picks us either. It predicted a 24 to 9 Phish victory.:)

Did anyone mention they are using Madden 2004? That could explain things.



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