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Buffalo Bills (5-1) at Miami Dolphins (2-4)

Marcus Stroud, rightfully, is getting great ink for solidifying the Bills' defensive line, particularly against the run. But ask the Chargers why they were held to 263 yards last week in a mostly toothless performance in Orchard Park's and they'll credit the unknown Kyle Williams, Stroud's linemate, for a major role in Buffalo's front-fortress.


Prediction: Buffalo Bills 20, Miami Dolphins 16


Buffalo Bills

Miami Dolphins

Fans Say: Buffalo Bills (81%)




While I think Kyle is very good, he's no Stroud. In his prime, Marcus could do things on his own, Williams hasn't been able to do that with help. LT couldn't do jack because he's still injured but just can't say it.

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Stroud is a beast and the reason our run D has stepped up. That said, I have noticed that K. Williams making plays and tackles along that line. I believe he was the one who pressured Rivers to throw that INT in the endzone last week, and I remember a number of running plays where he made teh tackle along the line.


Great to see our DTs getting some good attention for a change. That hasnt happened since the other Williams left a number of years ago.



Believe it or not that was Copeland Bryan bringing the pressure on that pass attempt.



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While I think Kyle is very good, he's no Stroud. In his prime, Marcus could do things on his own, Williams hasn't been able to do that with help. LT couldn't do jack because he's still injured but just can't say it.



That doesn't mean that, on occasion THIS YEAR, Williams may have a better game than Stroud.

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Isn't this the guy who picks us to lose every week and ends up being wrong? :lol:




I myself use a sliding scale to rate all journalists. The ones who kiss our butts week in and week out, complimenting us regardless of how absolutely horrible we might be, those are the best. I give them a 10.


On the other hand, journalists who do their best at the completely impossible job of correctly rating 32 teams which improve or get worse virtually every moment during the season, and have good and bad weeks hiding at what point they actually are, the ones who do their best to correctly understand that and therefore occasionally voice a negative opinion about the Bills, those are the worst. I give them a 1.


So I ignore the extremely high opinion in which Peter King is held around the league, the virtually unparallelled access that he gets, and his entertaining style, and I rate him a 1. Unless he says good things about the Bills that week. Then his ratings go up temporarily. Oddly, the same thing is pretty much how I handle Dr. Z too.

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