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For all of u people who still think this rivalry is "the rivalry" u are just proving my point for me...no one is mentioning what has happened in the recent past. All everyone is bringing up is the 70's...Nobody but people over the age of 30 care and 80 percent of the people watching the games are between the ages of 15-30. And as for the argument that rivalries tend to come and go...really??? Red Sox - Yankees, Duke - UNC, Michigan (who sucks this year) - Ohio State...When is the last time that these rivalries didnt mean anything or took some time off...hmmmm NEVER...im sorry the bills - phins is not the same and its time to start up with the steelers and browns and bengals

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For all of u people who still think this rivalry is "the rivalry" u are just proving my point for me...no one is mentioning what has happened in the recent past. All everyone is bringing up is the 70's...Nobody but people over the age of 30 care and 80 percent of the people watching the games are between the ages of 15-30. And as for the argument that rivalries tend to come and go...really??? Red Sox - Yankees, Duke - UNC, Michigan (who sucks this year) - Ohio State...When is the last time that these rivalries didnt mean anything or took some time off...hmmmm NEVER...im sorry the bills - phins is not the same and its time to start up with the steelers and browns and bengals


To each his own. If it's not all that to you, that's fine. To many, myself included, it is a rivalry. It can be all things to all people, you know.

Has the game started yet?


I can't see; I need my reading glasses.


Somebody bring me a blanket. I'm cold.


Where's the Metamucil?

you quit yer complainin you young whippersnapper! in my day we didn't have such things as reading glasses. when yer eyes went on ya they dug a hole and threw you in. you know why? cause you were worthless, that's why. and blankets?! don't get me started on blankets!

you quit yer complainin you young whippersnapper! in my day we didn't have such things as reading glasses. when yer eyes went on ya they dug a hole and threw you in. you know why? cause you were worthless, that's why. and blankets?! don't get me started on blankets!


Sorry 'bout that, old timer. Forgot my place.

And as for the argument that rivalries tend to come and go...really??? Red Sox - Yankees, Duke - UNC, Michigan (who sucks this year) - Ohio State...When is the last time that these rivalries didnt mean anything or took some time off...hmmmm NEVER...


Not helping your petty argument much. Yanks/Sox & Duke/UNC still field winning teams -thus rivalry continues. No one thinks much about OSU/Mich these days as both are pretenders in an all girl conference.


Most here accept that you don't care for the rivalry. Why are you incapable of accepting our beliefs?


Dude...really...your Hot Pockets are ready.


LOL - great line


I agree that due to the fact both teams have basically sucked for years that this rivalry has lost nearly all of its steam.


THE replacement for the 0 for the 70's is now 0 and 4 in the SB's. As a Buffalo fan it is almost if there is no rivalry these days except for whatever team we may happen to see in our next superbowl. Losing to anybody in the regular season or even the playoffs pales in comparison to losing a championship much less four in a row. Until that wound gets treatment all the rest hardly matter.


Even the Patsies today - as much as I hate them still not the same as the old Fins rivalry. Probably is tied to the fact that Miami also gets viewed by many as the better city and not just the rival team.


In a twisted way I yearn for the return of Brian Cox. I used to love the build up to the game. The fans and the teams hated each other. The only thing I can compare it to today is some of the college rivalries.


Maybe a a new rivalry will heat up given the Bills are now actually capable of being consistently competitive.

Not helping your petty argument much. Yanks/Sox & Duke/UNC still field winning teams -thus rivalry continues. No one thinks much about OSU/Mich these days as both are pretenders in an all girl conference.


Most here accept that you don't care for the rivalry. Why are you incapable of accepting our beliefs?

Rivalries are not exclusive to teams that are "winners." Winners are just given more air-time on ESPN. Think Army-Navy is not a rivalry, just because Army has stunk up the joint for, oh, the last decade? And I think OSU-Mich will always be a "rivalry" regardless of won-loss records....just ask people in Columbus and Ann Arbor.


I still fail to comprehend the young lad's assertions that 80% of those watching NFL games are between the ages of 15-30. I'd like to see some citation there....and that moving to the AFC North will somehow instill an instant rivalry with the Browns and Steelers. You think those in Cleveland and Pittsburgh are clamoring for the addition of Buffalo in the division? Me thinks not, but that's only my opinion.

I still fail to comprehend the young lad's assertions that 80% of those watching NFL games are between the ages of 15-30. I'd like to see some citation there....



I dunno, Ned. I'd say 80% of the people @ RICH, during a game, spend their time getting up to go to the restroom, then back to their seats, then back to the concesison stand to get more of that watered down filth they claim is beer, then back to the restroom in their weekly Sunday ritual. And of that group, I'm quite sure most of them are under 30.


Of course, I don't know how much of the game they actually see, but...

Rivalries are not exclusive to teams that are "winners." Winners are just given more air-time on ESPN. Think Army-Navy is not a rivalry, just because Army has stunk up the joint for, oh, the last decade? And I think OSU-Mich will always be a "rivalry" regardless of won-loss records....just ask people in Columbus and Ann Arbor.


I still fail to comprehend the young lad's assertions that 80% of those watching NFL games are between the ages of 15-30. I'd like to see some citation there....and that moving to the AFC North will somehow instill an instant rivalry with the Browns and Steelers. You think those in Cleveland and Pittsburgh are clamoring for the addition of Buffalo in the division? Me thinks not, but that's only my opinion.



Ned, rivalries are exclusive to winners and losers. If one team is good and winning all the time and the other team is bad and losing all the the time there is no rivalry. And that rivalry loses its luster when both teams suck for a decade. And as far ESPN goes where do u think people get most of their sports exposure??? If it werent for ESPN there would be virtually no coverage of any sports. Does anyone execpt the alumni and current students really care about Army-Navy (except that over 30 crowd)??? Didn't think so...But when the Yanks and Sox, Duke and UNC and Michigan - Ohio State are on they get some the biggest ratings of the year...Why because people care about teams that havent sucked for extended periods of time.

i agree for you "old timers" it's a great rivalry. But you have to stop living in the past and start living in the is. The younger generation who doesnt view it as a big rivalry anymore is the driving force of the league. The 15-30 fan base is not capture by the rivalry. if we were to re-align into a division with steelers, browns and bengals it would intensify everything from leading up to the game, the tailgaiting and the game itself. it would make things so much more interesting

Yes, we should pander to the crowd that thinks the world revolves around them........

I still fail to comprehend the young lad's assertions that 80% of those watching NFL games are between the ages of 15-30. I'd like to see some citation there....and that moving to the AFC North will somehow instill an instant rivalry with the Browns and Steelers. You think those in Cleveland and Pittsburgh are clamoring for the addition of Buffalo in the division? Me thinks not, but that's only my opinion.


Agreed. The Browns and Steelers already have their rivalry game, with the Battle of Ohio not far behind. What makes anyone think a game against Buffalo could ever hope to approach the level of intensity on display in those matchups?


And for the record, I live in northwestern Pa. I know plenty of Steelers fans. And none of them give a damn about the Bills.

For some of us Bills fans, it will always be THE rivalry. Period.


0 for the 1970s


I'm with you dib, 0 for the 70's instilled in me a hatred for the fish that, although the Patriots are coming on, will probably never be surpassed. Add to that the late 80's and early 90's with Kelly vs. Marino, even the kids hate the fish more than any other team. By the way the kids , one is now finished and the other coming down from UCF for the weekend are going to the game. Last year they wanted me to go and I told them that it would just be fights, etc. in the stands. They went, were challenged by some drunk Dolphin fans, nothing came from it, (thankfully), and now they want to go again. When they were little I would take them to the Dolphin game, we would always win, and the jabs I would get were good natured, i.e "child abuse". Now they want to fight and I don't want the kids to be trying to defend the old man because he's a bit a of a hothead when it comes to defending the Bills, ( 0 for the 70's and all that rot!!) :D .


One thing the kids told me last year was that, at least in their section there were twice as many Bills fans as Dolphin fans. If all the guys come across from the west coast, Naples, etc., as usual ther will be a good balance and the kids will hopefully able to watch the game and cheer in peace.

I understand where you come from ...... now take the drubbing we have been suffering at the hands of the Pat*s and suffer through it for an entire decade ..... no matter what you do ..... no matter how bad they get ..... no matter how good we get .... we lose ...... twice every year ...... year in and year out ..... no matter what ..... for ten long years.


Now just how bad would you hate the Pat*s???


That's exactly the point!!! Ten years of sitting in the stands, freezing your arse off, and losing then listening to games that weren't televized on the radio and losing. Eeven when they weren't good and we were so-so, we lost. I'm beginning to hate the Pats, mostly because of the cheating and the "just give it to them attitude of the officials, but they don"t take the top position from the fish and they never will.


If we beat the Pats at home this year, does anybody really think that there will be such a catharsis that fans will run out on the field and tear down the goal post?


Last, my kids (who grew up in South Florida and have good friends who's fathers are former Dolphins), said they want to go to Bills game in the Ralph next year for the first time. The game want to go to, MIAMI!! We're talking about a 20 and 23 year old who spent their whole life in S. Florida. Maybe I'm just one of those parents who who brought their kids up right.

I dunno, Ned. I'd say 80% of the people @ RICH, during a game, spend their time getting up to go to the restroom, then back to their seats, then back to the concesison stand to get more of that watered down filth they claim is beer, then back to the restroom in their weekly Sunday ritual. And of that group, I'm quite sure most of them are under 30.


Of course, I don't know how much of the game they actually see, but...

Then I'm part of the 20% that don't get up except for halftime.

I was at every single home game against the fish from 1988 to 1996. The Bryan Cox era was the best. For one game, someone went out and bought a bunch of Dolphins trading cards, pulled out the Bryan Cox cards, and put them in the

urinals of every men's room in the stadium. To this day, I would love to know who came up with that idea. This anonymous Bills Fan, a true hero for all of us to to see, will always have a special place in my heart as a shining example of how to elegantly express the hatred we all feel toward all things Miami.


I brought a big sign that read "Miami sucks Cox" to that final game with Shula and Marino. We ran for like 330 yards! One of the best days of my life!

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