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What are ther chances that JP starts next week?

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I am going to the game and I really don't care to see another pittiful Drew Bledsoe performance.



None. And that is a good thing.


He's not ready. I'm not on the Drew wagon, but let's be realistic. The kid JUST had his first week of practice since Training Camp. He needs another 2 weeks at least to get healthy and into game shape before he can even be considered a viable option as a starter.

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The coach has said there is no chance that JP would be starting he has just started doing 7 0n 7"s this week at a very slow pace . Its said at the very minimun he would be ready to to start going full in about two weeks. As much as this season has been a nightmare and unentertaining one at that hardly for the sake of some kind of temporary excitement do we want Bills to risk what we hope is our future Quarterback. Frankly if they did there actually would be some substance to giving those who make such a decision taxi fare to the airport out of town.

Three - four weeks from now perhaps they can start to think about getting JP some late game work or as has been mentioned some situational red zone work where his mobility good be used and putting him in situations where he may have some chance at success him gain confidence and the team in him, then just maybe he could start some of the last 4-5 games of season. imo

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What did Bledsoe end up with, 4 interceptions? Two were tipped and the others were thrown into double/tripple coverage. Our QB of the future is coming off an injury, why rush him? With the way our O-line plays, JP will break his other leg and be out the rest of the season. I agree, time to bite the bullet and let the rookies play. I much rather watch Evans and McGahee play and get excited about our future. However, I can't justify putting in JP until he is 100%.

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Guest joe vegas

I spent today in the sportsbooks at the Bellagio and Mirage in Vegas and talked to about 50 different guys from around the country - it's unanimous - Bledsoe and the Bills are the laughingstock joke of the NFL. What a shame.


I've been a Bills fan for 40 years. What are the morons in the front office doing keeping Bledsoe on the team?

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