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Christian: of, pertaining to, believing in, or belonging to the religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.


Mormon: the popular name given to a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


Regardless, should we be watching the Mormons closely like the Muslims?


Problem is, they think that Jesus taught in NORTH AMERICA.


<geico caveman>


uh, WHAT?


</geico caveman>


If you ask my opinion, yes, we should. They're breaking the law, they should be made to pay.

JSP you should watch some iranian movies, or documentaries (not made by Faux news) about what is Iran today. You'll be surprised by what is the everyday life of an average Teheran citizen...


Again, the people consent to their own government. They're the ones that overthrew the Shah in favor of radical imams.


And what their government does is irresponsible, aggressive and puts all of the Middle East at risk.

I'm sorry, did I get my facts wrong?


Yes, you did.


You did mention living in preparation for Muslim attacks on America, yes?


I don't think I did, can you show me where I used those words?


And you do believe (though I don't) that Muslims were responsible for 9/11, yes?


Hold on one second...you don't believe Muslims were responsible for 9/11? Who was? The Zionists? The CIA? Who?


Get a !@#$ing grip, man.

Ah the great Pacific Northwest. Another (*^*&amp;%^&#036;^#tree hugger.

"Real" America is getting pretty small. The Pacific Northwest, The Northeast, The West Coast... Pretty soon "Real America" is going to be Alaska, Utah, Idaho and Wyoming, or Alutadahoming.

But since we're on the topic of a specific RELIGION unravelling the fabric of American existence, let's see what he has to say about voter manipulation in America:


But for now, the Muslims should be our priority.





They don't raise their voices in disapproval because those who raise a voice against the government in these theocracies/dictatorships are shot on sight.


You mean like some of the thousands who died in the American/French revolutions in overthrowing tyranny?





Excuse me, but the burka is part of their religious beliefs. Women are not forced against their will to wear burkas, the great great majority do it because it represents their faith. Don't project our feminist values onto another culture just because you see their clothing as oppressive. It is part of who they are.




Are you really that ignorant of reality? If a woman in Saudi doesn't wear the burka, she'll be flogged or worse. Your post in a nutshell displays the hypocrisy of liberal thought. On one hand, you B word and moan if someone is pro-life because it takes away a woman's "choice" but if MILLIONS of women are required, under threat of pain or death to live as virtual slaves it's because "It is part of who they are."


Hypocrisy, thy name is liberalism.

Timothy McVie.... need I say more... bull crap. Violents terrorists should be dealt with, but not making that distinction is as much a sin and makes as bad as the sinner.


I just love you people. Bitterly clinging to your ivory towers and political correctness.



Again, the people consent to their own government. They're the ones that overthrew the Shah in favor of radical imams.



Well it may be hard to figure from the US but the current system is way more democratic than the Shah regime...


Pro american regimes are not always the best for the locals...

"Real" America is getting pretty small. The Pacific Northwest, The Northeast, The West Coast... Pretty soon "Real America" is going to be Alaska, Utah, Idaho and Wyoming, or Alutadahoming.


Idaho is may too much liberal to be in that list!! Those Boise boys play on a gay blue rug!

Well it may be hard to figure from the US but the current system is way more democratic than the Shah regime...


Pro american regimes are not always the best for the locals...


Was the Shah a nice guy? Certainly not. But he was better for the world as a whole than the Ayatollahs.


Well, unless you're Russia, France, Germany or China.



I just love you people. Bitterly clinging to your ivory towers and political correctness.
That's my problem with America today...Political correctness...It's ok to respect minority views...but not at the expense of disrespecting the majority. Call it Christmas for Christ sakes! Not the holiday period.


Are you really that ignorant of reality? If a woman in Saudi doesn't wear the burka, she'll be flogged or worse. Your post in a nutshell displays the hypocrisy of liberal thought. On one hand, you B word and moan if someone is pro-life because it takes away a woman's "choice" but if MILLIONS of women are required, under threat of pain or death to live as virtual slaves it's because "It is part of who they are."


Hypocrisy, thy name is liberalism.


Saudi? You mean America's best friend in the Middle East?

Was the Shah a nice guy? Certainly not. But he was better for the world as a whole than the Ayatollahs.


Well, unless you're Russia, France, Germany or China.




or Iranian!


(by the way, France had some dirty links with the Iraq's Saddam regime but never has been much of a friend of Islamic Iran )

Saudi? You mean America's best friend in the Middle East?


Huh? I don't think the Saudis are our friends. Not in the least. The only "friend" we have in that neighborhood is Israel, and even they can't be trusted.

Huh? I don't think the Saudis are our friends. Not in the least. The only "friend" we have in that neighborhood is Israel, and even they can't be trusted.


If they are not America's friends, i wonder how it'd be if they were! :lol:

If they are not America's friends, i wonder how it'd be if they were! :lol:


I look at them like a drug dealer. We, as a nation, are oil addicted. They're the neighborhood pusher. You act nice to the pusher because he's the only person between you and withdrawal.



Tell that to the millions killed, tortured or imprisoned by the current regime.


never said Iran is a paradise... but it has never been anyway... and the personnal Guard of the Shah was no small player for torture, mass killings and overall cruelty.

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