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Can you explain why Islam is a poor religion?


I don't want to get into the whole argument in this thread, but the main basis for my criticism is due to the fact that mohhammed was a violent dickw@d who changed his tune as he grew in power. In other words, he preached peace when he had nothing, but once he had a significant following it was all conquering and death for non-believers. Hardly peaceful.

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Titling this thread "Hate" was pretty appropriate through most of the posts. Scratch the blind hatred and name calling and there are maybe three posts that actually contribute to the discussion.


If it wasn't Muslims, it would be something or someone else. Star-bellied Sneetches perhaps (Dr. Suess anyone?). The point is that the politicians in this country for the past several decades have done an EXCELLENT job of dividing, and conquering. They've convinced most people that the other side is evil. They demonize the other candidate.


And people still fall for it. Then they complain about the leadership, or lack thereof. The think the country is going in the wrong direction but...because they're too busy hating each other, they don't do the obvious which is band together and make a stand against it.


And that's what hate does. It's such a very effective tool. If America wants it to stop, Americans have to stop falling for it.


Now, back to Muslims. Sure let's kill all the extremists - Muslim or otherwise. Christians. Skinheads. Etc etc etc. And guess what? More will rise up to take their place.

Titling this thread "Hate" was pretty appropriate through most of the posts. Scratch the blind hatred and name calling and there are maybe three posts that actually contribute to the discussion.


If it wasn't Muslims, it would be something or someone else. Star-bellied Sneetches perhaps (Dr. Suess anyone?). The point is that the politicians in this country for the past several decades have done an EXCELLENT job of dividing, and conquering. They've convinced most people that the other side is evil. They demonize the other candidate.


And people still fall for it. Then they complain about the leadership, or lack thereof. The think the country is going in the wrong direction but...because they're too busy hating each other, they don't do the obvious which is band together and make a stand against it.


And that's what hate does. It's such a very effective tool. If America wants it to stop, Americans have to stop falling for it.


Now, back to Muslims. Sure let's kill all the extremists - Muslim or otherwise. Christians. Skinheads. Etc etc etc. And guess what? More will rise up to take their place.


Who here amongst Bills fans can say there's no hate in our hearts? That's right, we can't. Nobody could with the Patriots playing in your division! <---oooo the word "division"

I'm sorry, but try and tell a 16-year old girl who's subjugated into an arranged marraige and then abused by her erstwhile husband while all the time being forced into wearing a burka for the rest of her life about how enlightened Islam is.


I just read about this today in the Buffalo News. Oh wait, actually it was about a Christian Fundamentalist sect in Arizona and Nevada.



Titling this thread "Hate" was pretty appropriate through most of the posts. Scratch the blind hatred and name calling and there are maybe three posts that actually contribute to the discussion.


If it wasn't Muslims, it would be something or someone else. Star-bellied Sneetches perhaps (Dr. Suess anyone?). The point is that the politicians in this country for the past several decades have done an EXCELLENT job of dividing, and conquering. They've convinced most people that the other side is evil. They demonize the other candidate.


And people still fall for it. Then they complain about the leadership, or lack thereof. The think the country is going in the wrong direction but...because they're too busy hating each other, they don't do the obvious which is band together and make a stand against it.


And that's what hate does. It's such a very effective tool. If America wants it to stop, Americans have to stop falling for it.


Now, back to Muslims. Sure let's kill all the extremists - Muslim or otherwise. Christians. Skinheads. Etc etc etc. And guess what? More will rise up to take their place.


And I suppsoe YOU have the answer? Should we turn the other cheek when radical muslims kill thousands of Americans and others? Should we just ignore them? Maybe they'll go away if we do. Just like the Communists would have folded up tent without us resisting them.

I just read about this today in the Buffalo News. Oh wait, actually it was about a Christian Fundamentalist sect in Arizona and Nevada.




Again, there's nothing Christian about Mormonism.


Mormons are Mormons, not Christians, regardless of what their propaganda machine produces. I'll not bother debating the theology of it with you, because you'd likely not understand. But the fact is they're about as Christian as the Moonies are.

And I suppsoe YOU have the answer? Should we turn the other cheek when radical muslims kill thousands of Americans and others? Should we just ignore them? Maybe they'll go away if we do. Just like the Communists would have folded up tent without us resisting them.

No, we should protect ourselves, but stay away from the insane practice of trying to turn them all against us or denying their basic humanity

And I suppsoe YOU have the answer? Should we turn the other cheek when radical muslims kill thousands of Americans and others? Should we just ignore them? Maybe they'll go away if we do. Just like the Communists would have folded up tent without us resisting them.



Lets just talk to them Joesph. They're nice people. They'll listen to reason. Lets sit down with them and talk with no preconditions.


< Jack Handey>

Lets just talk to them Joesph. They're nice people. They'll listen to reason. Lets sit down with them and talk with no preconditions.


< Jack Handey>


Or better yet, when they DO attack, let's attack another country, completely unrelated to the ACTUAL attack on America. None of the people who did us harm will feel our vengance, but it'll teach them a lesson!

Or better yet, when they DO attack, let's attack another country, completely unrelated to the ACTUAL attack on America. None of the people who did us harm will feel our vengance, but it'll teach them a lesson!


It must be fun living in a bubble.

Again, there's nothing Christian about Mormonism.


Mormons are Mormons, not Christians, regardless of what their propaganda machine produces. I'll not bother debating the theology of it with you, because you'd likely not understand. But the fact is they're about as Christian as the Moonies are.


Christian: of, pertaining to, believing in, or belonging to the religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.


Mormon: the popular name given to a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


Regardless, should we be watching the Mormons closely like the Muslims?

And I suppsoe YOU have the answer? Should we turn the other cheek when radical muslims kill thousands of Americans and others? Should we just ignore them? Maybe they'll go away if we do. Just like the Communists would have folded up tent without us resisting them.

Let's just keep attacking each other why don't we then. THAT will solve everything.


I review of my post says nothing about turning the other cheek. But common sense, and history, proves that unless you can eradicate every last one of them, they can't be stopped. The harder you press, the more they resist and the more cause you create to hate us and come up with new, inventive ways of killing us.


Seems to me we lived in fairly peaceful coexistence with them for a long time.


We fought the Commies in Korea. We fought the Commies in Vietnam. And we lost. Eventually their own rotten system gave way and caved in. Probably all those wars they liked so much didn't help either. Maybe they didn't fold up tent on OUR timetable...but fold they did. Maybe we accelerated that a bit...maybe not.


There is never one, simple answer. I realize that "kill em all" is very attractive to a certain set of people who have very narrow, simplistic views of the world (usually with themselves at the center). If it were only that simple.

It must be fun living in a bubble.


I'm sorry, did I get my facts wrong? You did mention living in preparation for Muslim attacks on America, yes? And you do believe (though I don't) that Muslims were responsible for 9/11, yes? And it was these attacks on 9/11 which Bush/Cheney used to justify the war in Iraq, yes? Yet, you're also aware that the Muslims from 9/11 were Saudi Arabian, yes?


May be you should get your own bubble, evidently it helps you get with the program.

I'm sorry, did I get my facts wrong? You did mention living in preparation for Muslim attacks on America, yes? And you do believe (though I don't) that Muslims were responsible for 9/11, yes? And it was these attacks on 9/11 which Bush/Cheney used to justify the war in Iraq, yes? Yet, you're also aware that the Muslims from 9/11 were Saudi Arabian, yes?


May be you should get your own bubble, evidently it helps you get with the program.


And don't forget to include those Iranians. Those Muslims, err, Arabs, err Persians are also an imminent threat.

Should it be? If the Iranians and Saudi Arabs REALLY were nice, open-minded, peace-loving people who were radically opposed to the ideas of Jihad and sharia, wouldn't they throw off their oppressors?


JSP you should watch some iranian movies, or documentaries (not made by Faux news) about what is Iran today. You'll be surprised by what is the everyday life of an average Teheran citizen...

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