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Stuckincincy, is this your daughter or granddaughter?


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I'm sorry, but she gets arrested for petty theft? Surely the cops have better things to do.


After the 3rd incident and refusing to accept a citation. So apparently this wasn't the first time this had happened. Age is only a number, you act like a jerk, you get treated like one. Would this have been more acceptable if she was only 59? Please also realize that arrest doesn't always include being tackled to the ground and handcuffed. What I'm sure happened was she was taken down the police station, booked, issued an appearance ticket then brought home. Heck, technically in the eyes of the law, you are being arrested if you are given an appearance ticket, even without being cuffed and taken to the PD.


Seriously, if she was having problems with the ball in her yard and the kids parents were not trying to remedy the situation, she could have very well just called the police for trepassing on her property. While the police probably won't arrest the kid, it might give the family a wake up call to keep better tabs on baby junior son of a b*tch.


Just the .02 cents from a lowly patrol officer

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After the 3rd incident and refusing to accept a citation. So apparently this wasn't the first time this had happened. Age is only a number, you act like a jerk, you get treated like one. Would this have been more acceptable if she was only 59? Please also realize that arrest doesn't always include being tackled to the ground and handcuffed. What I'm sure happened was she was taken down the police station, booked, issued an appearance ticket then brought home. Heck, technically in the eyes of the law, you are being arrested if you are given an appearance ticket, even without being cuffed and taken to the PD.


Seriously, if she was having problems with the ball in her yard and the kids parents were not trying to remedy the situation, she could have very well just called the police for trepassing on her property. While the police probably won't arrest the kid, it might give the family a wake up call to keep better tabs on baby junior son of a b*tch.


Just the .02 cents from a lowly patrol officer

She picked up something in her yard. Why is she required to give it to anybody? You drop $20 and the wind carries it to my feet. Am I required to give you the $20?


And let us not forget the most important fact. Paul Tanis let an 89 year old grandmother beat him in a foot race to the ball. If I was his son I would be too embarassed to go to school.

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She picked up something in her yard. Why is she required to give it to anybody? You drop $20 and the wind carries it to my feet. Am I required to give you the $20?


And let us not forget the most important fact. Paul Tanis let an 89 year old grandmother beat him in a foot race to the ball. If I was his son I would be too embarassed to go to school.


Agreed that the kid should be faster than the old lady...that is very sad for today's youth...


However, technically, yes just because something comes onto your property does not give you legal ownership. Say your friend parks in your driveway, you don't get ownership of the vehicle. If you guys get into a fight and you damage his car, you're liable for the damages whether it was on your property or not. Finders keepers doesn't hold up in court, especially if you know where the item came from and the statute of limitations for the said situation hasn't expired. Now if the football was found in her yard and no one claimed it for X amount of days, then yes, she can claim ownership of the ball and is not required to give it back if someone tries to claim it.

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After the 3rd incident and refusing to accept a citation. So apparently this wasn't the first time this had happened. Age is only a number, you act like a jerk, you get treated like one. Would this have been more acceptable if she was only 59? Please also realize that arrest doesn't always include being tackled to the ground and handcuffed. What I'm sure happened was she was taken down the police station, booked, issued an appearance ticket then brought home. Heck, technically in the eyes of the law, you are being arrested if you are given an appearance ticket, even without being cuffed and taken to the PD.


Seriously, if she was having problems with the ball in her yard and the kids parents were not trying to remedy the situation, she could have very well just called the police for trepassing on her property. While the police probably won't arrest the kid, it might give the family a wake up call to keep better tabs on baby junior son of a b*tch.


Just the .02 cents from a lowly patrol officer


The family and she were friends. He was against any filing of charges.


Years ago, all across the nation, some folks here and there decided that fences on front lawn were unsightly - or anti-social perhaps.


That upturned the sensible adage : "Good fences make good neighbors".


I have a corner property, with a 90 x 45 foot lawn on one side. Naturally, there is a path worn diagonally across it, and it is a popular repository of dog sh*t and urine burns, compliments of folks walking their loved one...with those long cable leashes.


If zoning laws would permit, I would erect a tasteful, well-maintained fence (not chain link and not treated wood). And doggie could deposit his doo to its' hearts content on the planting strip...

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The family and she were friends. He was against any filing of charges.


Years ago, all across the nation, some folks here and there decided that fences on front lawn were unsightly - or anti-social perhaps.


That upturned the sensible adage : "Good fences make good neighbors".


I have a corner property, with a 90 x 45 foot lawn on one side. Naturally, there is a path worn diagonally across it, and it is a popular repository of dog sh*t compliments of folks walking their loved one...with those long cable leashes


If zoning laws would permit, I would erect a tasteful, well-maintained fence (not chain link and not treated wood). And doggie could deposit his doo to its' hearts content on the planting strip...


Fences do make better neighbors.


Property damage from something like that is definitely justification for a fence....and maybe a citation for the doggie parents that don't clean up after their kids.


Question, if the father was against filing any charges, how did the police get involved?

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Balderdash! You obviously did not grow up next door to Mr. Wilson. (Dennis the Menace reference)


LOL, haven't heard a dennis the menace reference in ages. Actually I did have a neighbor just like that who would threaten us when we played baseball and the tennis ball rolled from my yard to his. Never had the cops involved though...granted he did threaten to kill us a few times...we were much too fast for him


Which leads me to my next point. Elders should not be taking balls away from our youth, especially ones that are too slow to beat them in a foot race. They should be encouraging them to play because God know how out of shape a kid as to be to lose a footrace to an 89 year old.

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There were a few of these grisly old bats in my neighborhood, growing up in Niagara Falls. I despise them now, almost as much as I did, then.

I knew a bunch of crotchety old fussbags myself. But I don't hold it against them really. If I make it to that age, I'm definitely gonna terrorize some neighborhood kids. But I won't bust on the ones playing football. I wanna concentrate on the candy ass kids whose parents drive them everywhere with the dvd player in the SUV and the kids are obese and stupid and helpless. I wanna make those kids cry. That's gonna be my area of curmudgeonly specialization.

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I knew a bunch of crotchety old fussbags myself. But I don't hold it against them really. If I make it to that age, I'm definitely gonna terrorize some neighborhood kids. But I won't bust on the ones playing football. I wanna concentrate on the candy ass kids whose parents drive them everywhere with the dvd player in the SUV and the kids are obese and stupid and helpless. I wanna make those kids cry. That's gonna be my area of curmudgeonly specialization.


It's good to have a plan for the future. :ph34r:

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The family and she were friends. He was against any filing of charges.


Years ago, all across the nation, some folks here and there decided that fences on front lawn were unsightly - or anti-social perhaps.


That upturned the sensible adage : "Good fences make good neighbors".


I have a corner property, with a 90 x 45 foot lawn on one side. Naturally, there is a path worn diagonally across it, and it is a popular repository of dog sh*t and urine burns, compliments of folks walking their loved one...with those long cable leashes.


If zoning laws would permit, I would erect a tasteful, well-maintained fence (not chain link and not treated wood). And doggie could deposit his doo to its' hearts content on the planting strip...

I believe the adage is "Tall fences make good neighbors" - and an even taller fence might have prevented the errant toss from landing in the old biddy's yard!


You should get your own mean junkyard dog, feed it a diet of raw meat, then watch all those whippersnappers cower in fear and cross the street as they approach your house. :ph34r:

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I wanna concentrate on the candy ass kids whose parents drive them everywhere with the dvd player in the SUV and the kids are obese and stupid and helpless. I wanna make those kids cry. That's gonna be my area of curmudgeonly specialization.

God, that made me laugh.

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See my link to the Cincy Enquirer, in a previous post.


Was such a short post, I scrolled right past it


Wow what a pain in the rear...and then to have all the charges dropped after that. Guess if you're old and you fuss you can get away with anything. Granted I would have loved to see the look on the younger officers face when she started giving him the business. If any of you know about the place where I work, Chautauqua Institution, we have a large assortment of ornery old bags and I always love sending rookies to deal with them just to watch their reactions when they flip out on them. its priceless :ph34r:


Alls well that ends well I suppose...however I think the Tanis' need to get some sort coaching...the dad can't hit a receiver that can't out run an old lady? Athletic family :ph34r:

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I knew a bunch of crotchety old fussbags myself. But I don't hold it against them really. If I make it to that age, I'm definitely gonna terrorize some neighborhood kids. But I won't bust on the ones playing football. I wanna concentrate on the candy ass kids whose parents drive them everywhere with the dvd player in the SUV and the kids are obese and stupid and helpless. I wanna make those kids cry. That's gonna be my area of curmudgeonly specialization.



I can understand that, and has others have mentioned, it is good to have a goal.



I never figured I would live as long as I have, but I do have a reason to live to be quite old, just in case. I want to be the sweet (seemingly) little old man that, in the hospital/nursing home/doctor's office, calls the hot young nurse over and, while she bends down to hear what I am trying to say, I grab here boobs! That's what I see in my future, should I have one.

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