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The AFC Offensive player of the week is

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I just thought it was surprising given this past week's performances (including Sammy Morris's):


Matt Schaub - in a Houston win he had 26 completions out of 31 attempts for 267 yards and 2 TDs. No INT. QB rating of 124.1


LenDale White - in a Tennessee win he had 149 rushing yards and 3 TDs.


Mewelde Moore - in a Pittsburgh win he had 120 rushing yards and 2 TDs.

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How they don't give it to Lendale White over friggin Matt Cassel is beyond me. Just stupid.


You obviously haven't been paying attention the last 5 years or so, but due to Kraft's influence the Pats* are the League's media darlings despite the whining their fans do about things like Spygate.


Speaking of which, anyone else notice how poorly officiated a game it was on Monday night (going in guess which direction)? I've never seen that head official before in my life. Just curioius, but has anyone else ever seen him before? Perhaps Mike Pereira ordered him up special for Big Bob just to make sure that the new "America's Team" didn't find itself on the wrong end of things. As it turned out, the Donkos played so badly they didn't need any help, but I'm sure they'd have been there for the Pats* if they'd have needed it, last years' Ravens-game style.....

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I can only laugh because Cassel isn't even close enough to being good that a shot of confidence is going to significantly help his play. Maybe by the end of the year he can develop into a solid #2 QB but right now he is AWFUL, even when he does good (like on monday nite), he looks bad.

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When I first saw the post I was excited because I thought it was a joke. When I found out that the truth was the opposite I wanted to puke. No acknowledgement that the defense he played against sucked and come on less than 200 yards. While the patsies racked up a big score Cassel's stats were otherwise very pedestrian. :lol:

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Huh?? 83% completions & that's not good enough?



If he went 5-5, for 25 yards, that would be 100% completion rate. Would that be good enough to win Offensive Player of the Week?


I don't think anyone is questioning that he had a very good day, or that his completion % wasn't high enough. It's just that, his performance (and stats), overall, aren't the stuff of the typical OP of the Week.

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