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kellen winslow


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Jesus christ, here we go with the correcting of grammar again. The fact that people even bother to post stupid posts like this boggles my mind. I'm sorry sir, it was a STAPH infection



I agree. But still, I have gotten more than a few laughs from the remarks posted here.

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No thanks. He's a great talent but clearly a first rate punk and self absorbed a-hole; not to mention injury prone.


I love that the Bills are building a winner without any primadonnas.


AGREED! Winslow is a cancer. and his father hates the entire world. the apple doesn't fall far from the tree... Stay away from those kind of guys

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Wether or not Winslow is a D-bag or not, with his apparent "Me First" attitude he has shown that he is not the type of player the Bills would want.


Kinda funny, he is the exact opposite of his father who is one of the most respected former players - team first, shut his mouth and played.

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Actually, there is some decent TE talent in the draft this year if the Bills decide to go that way. Pettigrew out of OK St is the exact mold of what the front office has shown they are looking for. A big, blocking TE who can also catch. Woudn't shock me at all to see us go that route.

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This is too bad. Winslow, when he's been on the field, has played hard.


Problem is, he was a spoiled brat as a kid b/c of his father's success and just never grew up.


I know where Winslow lives...not too far from me, actually. In fact, it's about 200 yards from where he wiped out his motorcycle. I can go egg his house if you want. :lol:

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Actually, there is some decent TE talent in the draft this year if the Bills decide to go that way. Pettigrew out of OK St is the exact mold of what the front office has shown they are looking for. A big, blocking TE who can also catch. Woudn't shock me at all to see us go that route.


hey don't forget Rob Gronkowski out of arizona..kid went to williamsville north high school in amherst. pretty good talent, but at 19 and a sophmore, probably would stay in school a couple more years. He's also got a brother thats a TE at Maryland thats a senior, but not as much talent or upside.

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It all depends how much guaranteed money he has on his contract. Cleveland is a crap organization and I'd be pissed to be playing there too. If the Bills can pick him up with limited risk involved, go for it. TE is probably our most glaring weakness right now, though one could make a case for C/OG.

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As I have said with regard to other possibilities, recently: I will trust this front office to make the right decision. I can't see KW coming to the Bills. However, if the Bills, after evaluating the situation (and after talking with KW, his agent, etc), decide he is worth the risk, I will accept him as a Bill, without reservation. I seriously doubt that will ever happen, though, and I am fine with that, too.

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Apparently Winslow has rubbed the Browns the wrong way and there are rumors that he will be dealt this offseason. We offered a 3rd and change for TG, I certainly would be willing to do the same for Winslow. He's much younger and is a very good TE. No one in the draft has close to the talent that he does. Anyone agree?

Dreaming! Why would you want this trouble.

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If I was Winslow , I would have spoke out the same way he did. The rumor I heard over an erie radio station was that he had a horrible case of GHONORHEA, thus making his testes swell up to the size of large cocunts. However a Staph infection is obtained by being in an uncleanly, unsanitary eviornment such as the Browns have provided for their players. Staph infections are often aquired in Hospitals where a saff member practices unsterile tecqniques , one most common one is not washing hands between patient contact.

If this Rumor was going on, simply because the Browns facility was being hush hush about the truth(as to not tarnish their Reputation) Why the heck should Winslow take the heat for the Browns F up. I cant blame him one bit for speaking out, nor can I balme him one bit for wanting out of Cleveland after they suspend him for trying to clear himself of an unjust Rumor.

He is a great TE and if the other things he has supposedly done are anything like this garbage, I got no problem bringing him to Buffalo, sounds like hes one of those who could use a change of scenery and a new start. Huge pickup for us.

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If I was Winslow , I would have spoke out the same way he did. The rumor I heard over an erie radio station was that he had a horrible case of GHONORHEA, thus making his testes swell up to the size of large cocunts. However a Staph infection is obtained by being in an uncleanly, unsanitary eviornment such as the Browns have provided for their players. Staph infections are often aquired in Hospitals where a saff member practices unsterile tecqniques , one most common one is not washing hands between patient contact.

If this Rumor was going on, simply because the Browns facility was being hush hush about the truth(as to not tarnish their Reputation) Why the heck should Winslow take the heat for the Browns F up. I cant blame him one bit for speaking out, nor can I balme him one bit for wanting out of Cleveland after they suspend him for trying to clear himself of an unjust Rumor.

He is a great TE and if the other things he has supposedly done are anything like this garbage, I got no problem bringing him to Buffalo, sounds like hes one of those who could use a change of scenery and a new start. Huge pickup for us.


This strain of staph is extremely serious and pretty new and the medical community doesn't really have an answer for it, hence the surgeries to clean out infections. If I were a player, as little as they know about controlling this, I wouldn't want to play against a team that has mutliple players coming down with it for fear of contracting the disease from those guys. That's why they wanted him to keep his mouth shut. That said, it's his decision and he's not wrong for saying something.

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