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If we get lit up by the dolphins

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I get the joke but it is still weak to post something like this on the board without referencing the original. Fans from other teams will think we are as fairweather as the original poster if we don't slam you. Therefore, you suck, we don't want you as a fan, go cheer for the Fins or the Patsies* or whoever else won a game recently.


sry, should've posted a link. The other thread was hot at the time so I thought more people would get it.




GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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.... no longer be a fan of this team. Not for a long time anyway. And yes that means I will no longer post on this board (not for a long time anyway.) I hate Pennington and Dolphins aren't even a quality team this year. And if Bills embarress me with a blowout loss to them next week(like two weeks's ago's debacle against can't beat the Ariz Cards), I am no longer a fan of this team. They would not represent me. I'm sorry, but that's how I feel and that's the deal.


Troll :ph34r::lol::(

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Oh, c'mon. Doesn't everyone here love to be able to say the old "don't let the door hit you in the ass..." to someone on a daily basis?


Jonathan was just helping people express the hatred that makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :(

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"no longer be a fan"? Sounds to me like you aren't a fan right now, but a hopeful bandwagon rider. You are an embarrassment to the "real" fans. Go sit on your porch, that Cowboys or Steelers bandwagon will be riding by soon, you can jump on with half of the rest of the country that has never even been to the state where their "favorite" team plays. I guess we can call you the "Willis McGahee of Fans". Bye we don't miss you already.

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