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Jesse Jackson on Obama

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I'm not reading it. Jesse Jackson is on par with StupidNation and Da Big man as far as lack of brains go.


Soo... whatever he said, I'm sure it was dumb.


This coming from a guy who said he was making his last thread and can't follow his own logic?


Yeah, you're a genius.

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Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.

Responds to Distortions in NY Post Column

-For Immediate Release-


Contact: Butch Wing, 510-701-8955

Shelley Davis, 773-490-8665

October 14, 2008


The recent column in no way represents my views on Middle East peace and security. The writer is selectively imposing his own point of view, and distorting mine.


I have a long held position of a two state solution to achieve peace in the Middle East. I stand forthrightly for the security and stability of Israel, its protection from any form of hostility, and a peaceful, non-violent resolution to co-existing with its Palestinian neighbors. I have advocated for peaceful, non-violent negotiation. This is a framework that all people who pursue peace and reconciliation embrace. Both presidential candidates embrace this approach to advance Middle East negotiations and the peace process. It is our national policy.


The slant of this writer’s article is designed to incite fear and division. It must not be allowed to divert our focus away from the substantative and sensitive debate around the critical foreign policy and domestic economic issues in this critical region of the world.


Reverend Jackson is not a representative of Senator Obama. He has never had a conversation with Senator Obama about Israel or the Middle East, and was not characterizing his views on these issues.

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Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.

Responds to Distortions in NY Post Column

-For Immediate Release-


Contact: Butch Wing, 510-701-8955

Shelley Davis, 773-490-8665

October 14, 2008


The recent column in no way represents my views on Middle East peace and security. The writer is selectively imposing his own point of view, and distorting mine.


I have a long held position of a two state solution to achieve peace in the Middle East. I stand forthrightly for the security and stability of Israel, its protection from any form of hostility, and a peaceful, non-violent resolution to co-existing with its Palestinian neighbors. I have advocated for peaceful, non-violent negotiation. This is a framework that all people who pursue peace and reconciliation embrace. Both presidential candidates embrace this approach to advance Middle East negotiations and the peace process. It is our national policy.


The slant of this writer’s article is designed to incite fear and division. It must not be allowed to divert our focus away from the substantative and sensitive debate around the critical foreign policy and domestic economic issues in this critical region of the world.


Reverend Jackson is not a representative of Senator Obama. He has never had a conversation with Senator Obama about Israel or the Middle East, and was not characterizing his views on these issues.


Oh, okay...that's a relief...



I have advocated for peaceful, non-violent negotiation.


As opposed to combatative negotiation with spiked clubs and gaffing hooks? Jesse, you're boring me.

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