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Ok, I know about channel surfing, Stooge TV and justin tv. Some one even posted a place for me to DL the torrent after the game (which is great but takes forrrrever).

But those all haven't worked very well with my super slow internet and having to look at Yahoo game day to see what is happening just slows them down even more, the internet at my house in Bangkok is really slow! what can I say.

BUT a few weeks ago there was a connection on here where there was a password to see the game ( it was 2278, why do I remember that but not what it was, was it Jusin tv?) and it worked really, really well, there was no chat box which also seem to maybe affect my game view, can anybody help me out here? I really want to watch this week and don't have work tomorrow, so I can stay up and it doesn't matter.

Playing the Bolts is always one of my favorite things since I was 5 years old and went to the Championship game at WMS.


BTW, I have a Mac so the option of watching it with sopcast is out.

Thanks guys

and GO BILLS!!!!!


I don't know about the website you are looking for. But, while you are waiting, you may want to try this:




Try the Brewcrew TVAnts link. It is at a pretty low Bitrate (300 Kbps), so it isn't super high quality. I'm watching it now (showing a local Packer's pregame show), and looks OK. You will have to download and install the TVAnts player (free and safe) first, if you don't already have it.


When the content is streaming, if it gets too choppy, you can right click inside the player and change the buffering settings (under options). Unfortunately the most you can buffer is 60 seconds. I have a 1.5 Mbs DSL connection (that's pretty slow by broadband standards) and it is working well (with very occasional stopping for a second or two) so far.


Good Luck!


Yes it was justin TV. Here's the address:




Personally I thought the quality of the picture is better on Stooge as you can resize the picture to whatever size you want. On Justin you have two choices, about a 3X3 which is kind of small to see very well and full size which is very grainy.


The game is already listed at:






(the Brewcrew TVAnts stream is up and running, and working well. You need the TVAnts player installed to use this link.)


Some of you may not know how to use stoogetv.com site. Go to the following link:




Then, about 10 minutes before kickoff, keep your eyes on the chat window on the right of the screen. The mods stop the chat, and then post links to the streams of the various games. You click on the [link] to open up a new window with the game. You must click that link shortly after it is posted (20-30 seconds) or it expires. If you miss it, wait and the mods re-post it about 10 minutes later, and at intervals throughout the game.


EDIT: FYI, the Stooge stream is very likely to be the Justin TV feed.


They stop the chat? Guess I missed that as that is the biggest knock I have on using Stooge is trying to catch the links flying by. If they do stop it, must be for a very short time, like seconds. There also is a problem after it opens where it gives an error, can't recall the words, somethign about not having permission. But you just need to keep re-trying. That's where it can get hard though as the link may already be scrolled off the screen.


I don't think it's the same feed as the two games I used Justin, the feed was out of a Canada station, G1 from Toronto and G2 from I think it was Kitchner or someplace near there. The two games I wached on Stooge had a US/CBS feed, though can't recall where the local commercials were from.


That being said, Stooge TV is still my first choice!



Then, about 10 minutes before kickoff, keep your eyes on the chat window on the right of the screen. The mods stop the chat, and then post links to the streams of the various games. You click on the [link] to open up a new window with the game. You must click that link shortly after it is posted (20-30 seconds) or it expires. If you miss it, wait and the mods re-post it about 10 minutes later, and at intervals throughout the game.


EDIT: FYI, the Stooge stream is very likely to be the Justin TV feed.

They stop the chat? Guess I missed that as that is the biggest knock I have on using Stooge is trying to catch the links flying by. If they do stop it, must be for a very short time, like seconds. There also is a problem after it opens where it gives an error, can't recall the words, somethign about not having permission. But you just need to keep re-trying. That's where it can get hard though as the link may already be scrolled off the screen.


I don't think it's the same feed as the two games I used Justin, the feed was out of a Canada station, G1 from Toronto and G2 from I think it was Kitchner or someplace near there. The two games I wached on Stooge had a US/CBS feed, though can't recall where the local commercials were from.


That being said, Stooge TV is still my first choice!



The last few weeks they have stopped the chat for a good long time. I think there were too many complaints (I sent several) about the way the links flew by. the Stooge TV links are often, but not always, Justin TV.


Thanks guys, it seems the channels on stooge need a password.

Anyone know a p2p player that isn't a .exe file? I have a Mac and the stuff Dean posts can't be used on my computer.

I have tried opening some of them in VLC and Qtime but that doesnt work either.

BTW I am pretty computer stupid maybe I am just not understanding something basic.

Thanks guys, it seems the channels on stooge need a password.

Anyone know a p2p player that isn't a .exe file? I have a Mac and the stuff Dean posts can't be used on my computer.

I have tried opening some of them in VLC and Qtime but that doesnt work either.

BTW I am pretty computer stupid maybe I am just not understanding something basic.



The password for Stooge TV channels is: stoogetv.com


But, the Bills game isn't likely to be on any stooge tv channel. Again, a link will be posted in the CHAT room, right before game time. It will most likely not need any special player or password. If there is a password requested, use "stoogetv.com" (without the quotes).


As for the TVAnts link, I just posted, you CAN run TVAnts on a Mac OS (from what I understand), but I wouldn't recommend it.


The link on channelsurfing.net will play though the browser...but it may need a better Internet connection than you have, though.


The link says OS doesn't reconize the address doesn't matter the browser, But as I said im stupid. Thanks Dean Im hoping some one posts the right stooge link when it comes on. BTW I might of missed that post as I am busy trying to find it sorry and thanks again.

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