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National Enquire endorses Obama

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Aliens to follow with endorsement later this evening at the House of Obama. Two drink minimum. Check your guns and love of Country at the door. Enjoy the free entitlements from now till whenever. Speaker will be Rev Wright, and the topic will be: KKK America, how it works for you and the Obama way.


Enjoy your evening. Take all the cheese you need. XXXOOO





Exclusive next week: Pelosi to have a sex change back to female.



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Aliens to follow with endorsement later this evening at the House of Obama. Two drink minimum. Check your guns and love of Country at the door. Enjoy the free entitlements from now till whenever. Speaker will be Rev Wright, and the topic will be: KKK America, how it works for you and the Obama way.


Enjoy your evening. Take all the cheese you need. XXXOOO





Exclusive next week: Pelosi to have a sex change back to female.



I understand Farukaan (sp)will be Sec. of State

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I'm seen your photography. Maybe you need to look in the mirror.On second thought, strike that.


Whatever, I am updating my website and if you are into landscapes, I just put a bunch up on a site where you can order them, not political though, but there are some shots of DC.




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