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GOP should be proud...


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Never said they wouldn't. However it seems to me that one side in this election is a bit on the ridiculous side for not stopping their rallies when someone in the crowd yells out terrorist or kill him.



And really instead of saying you are right, that is horrible. It's oh, well the other side does it too. Just sad. Almost condoning it.

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Never said they wouldn't. However it seems to me that one side in this election is a bit on the ridiculous side for not stopping their rallies when someone in the crowd yells out terrorist or kill him.



And really instead of saying you are right, that is horrible. It's oh, well the other side does it too. Just sad. Almost condoning it.


You're pointing your finger at me! Holy !@#$!! God you're an idiot.

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You're pointing your finger at me! Holy !@#$!! God you're an idiot.



One would think an adult would at least say, yeah that is pretty nasty or stupid on their part... but you know the other side....


You never did. Oh-well.

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One would think an adult would at least say, yeah that is pretty nasty or stupid on their part... but you know the other side....


You never did. Oh-well.



So let me ask you this Einstein. Do you think it might have crossed your little pea brain to do the exact same thing you're asking me to do in your opening post?


Naaa. Sorry. You're right



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And really instead of saying you are right, that is horrible. It's oh, well the other side does it too. Just sad. Almost condoning it.



I believe he's calling you a hypocrite. I'm a democrat who is embarrassed at how low the Democratic party has fallen. They are now led by left radical freaks who say that George Bush blew up the World Trade Center and now proudly wear t-shirts that read "Sarah Palin is a c_nt". It's shameful that you choose only to take offense at the fringe people on the far right. Just sad is right.

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Never said they wouldn't. However it seems to me that one side in this election is a bit on the ridiculous side for not stopping their rallies when someone in the crowd yells out terrorist or kill him.



And really instead of saying you are right, that is horrible. It's oh, well the other side does it too. Just sad. Almost condoning it.


Get over it . . .we already know that the "Kill Him" was made up by the reporter in Scranton. Oh, I forgot . . . you're on the left. Please proceed with telling a lie enough times that it becomes the truth.

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I believe he's calling you a hypocrite. I'm a democrat who is embarrassed at how low the Democratic party has fallen. They are now led by left radical freaks who say that George Bush blew up the World Trade Center and now proudly wear t-shirts that read "Sarah Palin is a c_nt". It's shameful that you choose only to take offense at the fringe people on the far right. Just sad is right.


I have yet to see any of the "Democratic leaders" say Bush blew up the WTC or wear such shirts. Please share with me who these people are.

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The people in the first video said that a woman raped should pay double for their rape kit. Please find me something equal to that as far as stupid goes.



Fer Christ sakes dude. How much more anal could you be, really. There's enough hyperbole out there to stroke your little Obama lovin ego from here till Nov 4. But dont let that get in the way of your kool aide drinkin rant. Slurp Slurp dude.

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Fer Christ sakes dude. How much more anal could you be, really. There's enough hyperbole out there to stroke your little Obama lovin ego from here till Nov 4. But dont let that get in the way of your kool aide drinkin rant. Slurp Slurp dude.

Bite me.

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Fer Christ sakes dude. How much more anal could you be, really. There's enough hyperbole out there to stroke your little Obama lovin ego from here till Nov 4. But dont let that get in the way of your kool aide drinkin rant. Slurp Slurp dude.


Lol, I'd love to have that exact exact exchange of words with you in front of a girl who was just raped, just to see the look on her face. It would be priceless.

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Lol, I'd love to have that exact exact exchange of words with you in front of a girl who was just raped, just to see the look on her face. It would be priceless.



Again. You've convinced yourself that NOTHING as vitriol as what your saying hasn't been said on the other side. this shows your naivete. Go ahead tell me you know for sure there hasn't been. More Violins. Whatever. The both suck. McCain and his my friends and Obams "Change" can go !@#$ themselves.


And Deb, lose thirty and I'll consider it. :thumbsup:

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