scribo Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 Dear fellow Bills and politics fans, I am posting this today because I am deeply concerned for the nation we all love and depend on. Polls widely show Barack Obama is on track to become president. I have long supported Sen. McCain. I've read his books, volunteered for his campaign in 2000 during the primaries, and have followed his work in Washington closely. But honestly, even though I firmly believe he is the best man alive to lead America through the trying times we are now in, my worries are not about Sen. McCain losing. My worries are about Obama winning. I openly am a news junkie. I work in D.C. and it is my job to be well informed of what's happening in the government. Those of us who keep up on politics have known for some time that Obama was setting up this run, that he would be a formidable candidate, but also that he had to take some shortcuts and align himself with some very shady people to rise as quickly as he has. We know he is a master of following the polls, is very liberal at heart and leans toward socialism. I feel it is my patriotic duty to ensure you are aware of the reasons I fear an Obama-led America. I have compiled all of this myself, fact checking every bit of it, twice. I am asking you to read it all as Americans entrusted with the responsibility of a vote and as a personal favor to me. For those of you who think I am just attacking Obama because I have nothing positive to say about Sen. McCain, I will answer that call next week. My personal collection... "The bedfellows politics made are never strange. It only seems that way to those who have not watched the courtship." -- Marcel Achard Obama has happily associated with anti-American and corrupt people and organizations over the years when they were helping him climb the world's biggest ladder, but now that he's near the top rung, he wants all of us to forget how he got there. He has not adequately explained why he used such despicable people and organizations to begin with. This is of grave concern to me. Here is a spattering of those with whom Obama has had questionable relations. Acorn -- the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now The Michigan Secretary of State told the press in September that Acorn had submitted "a sizable number of duplicate and fraudulent applications." Earlier this month, Nevada's Democratic Secretary of State Ross Miller requested a raid on Acorn's offices, following complaints of false names and fictional addresses (including the starting lineup of the Dallas Cowboys). Nevada's Clark County Registrar of Voters Larry Lomax said he saw rampant fraud in 2,000 to 3,000 applications Acorn submitted weekly. Officials in Ohio are investigating voter fraud connected with Acorn, and Florida's Seminole County is withholding Acorn registrations that appear fraudulent. New Mexico, North Carolina and Missouri are looking into hundreds of dubious Acorn registrations. Wisconsin is investigating Acorn employees for, according to an election official, "making people up or registering people that were still in prison." Then there's Lake County, Indiana, which has already found more than 2,100 bogus applications among the 5,000 Acorn dumped right before the deadline. "All the signatures looked exactly the same," said Ruthann Hoagland, of the county election board. Bridgeport, Connecticut, estimates about 20 percent of Acorn's registrations were faulty. As of July, the city of Houston had rejected or put on hold about 40 percent of the 27,000 registration cards submitted by Acorn. Enough already. right? That's just this year. In 2004, four Acorn employees were indicted in Ohio for submitting false voter registrations. In 2005, two Colorado Acorn workers were found to have submitted false registrations. Four Acorn Missouri employees were indicted in 2006; five were found guilty in Washington state in 2007 for filling out registration forms with names from a phone book. Which brings us to Obama, who got his start as a Chicago "community organizer" at Acorn's side. In 1992 he led voter registration efforts as the director of Project Vote, which included Acorn. This past November, he lauded Acorn's leaders for being "smack dab in the middle" of that effort. Obama also served as a lawyer for Acorn in 1995, in a case against Illinois to increase access to the polls. During his tenure on the board of Chicago's Woods Fund, that body funneled more than $200,000 to Acorn. More recently, the Obama campaign paid $832,000 to an Acorn affiliate. The campaign initially told the Federal Election Commission this money was for "staging, sound, lighting." It later admitted the cash was to get out the vote. The Obama campaign is now distancing itself from Acorn, claiming Obama never organized with it and has nothing to do with illegal voter registration. It's disingenuous to channel cash into an operation with a history of fraud and then claim you're shocked to discover reports of fraud. 'Tony' Antoin "Tony" Rezko, a corrupt, jailed political fundraiser, is a longtime friend of Obama. Tony offered Obama a job when he finished law school, funding Obama's earliest political campaigns and purchasing a lot next to his house. Rezko was convicted this summer of scheming to use his clout with Illinois Democrats to squeeze $7 million in kickbacks out of a contractor and seven money management firms seeking to do business with the state. He raised $159,000 for Obama's campaigns for the state legislature, the House and the Senate. In 2005, the Obamas paid $1.65 million for their home, $300,000 less than the asking price, on the day that Rezko's wife Rita bought an adjoining lot at the full price of $650,000. Obama later paid her $105,000 for a sixth of her yard in order to expand his garden. The deal took place while Rezko was under investigation. The seller insisted on both plots being sold together, which suggests that Rezko did Obama a favor even if the deal was not illegal. The seller has so far refused to speak with the press. When details of the cozy relationship surfaced, Obama said it was a "bonehead" error to have asked for the additional land because it looked like he was getting a favor. Obama has returned around $85,000 in campaign contributions from Rezko, but only after Rezko's criminal acts became national news. Alsammarae Holding dual American and Iraqi citizenship, Aiham Alsammarae moved to Chicago in the late 1970s but returned to Iraq just after the American-led invasion. He fled Iraq in late 2006 after being held on a corruption conviction. When he returned, he helped his friend Tony Rezko out with his $8.5 million bail. Then Alsammarae sat down with Rezko's buddy, Sen. Obama. Obama's office worked to keep Aiham from being deported back to Iraq where he was still wanted on an outstanding warrant. While the senator was taking care of that, Alsammarae allegedly helped a firm Rezko owned, Companion Security, win a $50 million contract to train Iraqi power plant guards. When Obama's association with Alsammarae became public knowledge, the Obama campaign gave to charity the $2,300 in presidential campaign contributions he had received from Alsammarae, but reports about fundraising Alsammarae led for Obama vary and have gone unanswered by the Obama camp. His Reverand By now, most of you have heard about Rev. Jeremiah Wright. He called the United States "the No. 1 killer in the world." He accused the U.S. government of having "started the AIDS virus" to wipe out black people. After 9/11, he said, "America's chickens are coming home to roost." And he said, "God damn America" for "killing innocent people." When it came out that this hate-monger had been a spiritual advisor and role model of Obama's for more that 20 years, Obama quickly said he had never heard these sermons and eventually turned his back on his longtime reverend. But, Obama attended Rev. Wright's services for more than 20 years. Rev. Wright married Obama and his wife Michelle, baptized their two daughters and is credited by Obama for the title of his book, "The Audacity of Hope." Obama thought so highly of Wright that he was appointed by Obama to the senator's African American Religious Leadership Committee. Direct quotes from Obama's reverand: "The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing 'God Bless America.' No, no, no, God damn America, that's in the Bible for killing innocent people," Wright said in a 2003 sermon. "God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme." AND "We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost," Wright told his congregation five days after the attacks of Sept. 11. Farrakhan Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, another powerful Chicago-based political figure associated with the Rev. Wright and other long-time associates of Obama, is leaving no doubt about what he thinks of Obama. He says when Obama talks, "the Messiah is absolutely speaking." The full quote: "You are the instruments that God is going to use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn't care anything about. That's a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking." And with what message does Farrakahn want to reach the youth of America? He won't say, but he is a militant and a long, staunch critic of American society and said he was in "full support" of intentions in other countries to seize white-owned land and property, even when the seizures lead to violence and contributed to the collapse of farming and agriculture. Farrakhan said "it was aimed at correcting a historical injustice." Weather Underground The association with domestic terrorist could in the past be enough for America to deem anyone an unacceptable candidate for the White House. But somehow Obama's documented realtionship with William "Bill" Ayers, a war protester who admits to have been linked to Vietnam-era bombings on U.S. soil, is excused. Somehow, it is now possible to be old buddies with a proud domestic terrorist and still convince people you are looking out for our beloved nation. Ayers and Obama worked together on two nonprofit organizations from the mid-1990s to 2002. And Ayers hosted Obama's first-ever meet-the-candidate event in 1995 as he first ran for the state Senate. But after years of working with Ayers, Obama claims he barely knows Ayers and did not know of his past. Ayers participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, the United States Capitol building in 1971, and The Pentagon in 1972, as he proudly noted in his 2001 book, Fugitive Days. "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." -- Winston Churchill Capitalism is one of the things that makes America great, giving us all the chance to make it big, to better ourselves and live the American dream. Well, it seems pretty clear that Obama's policies contradict capitalism, rather leaning heavily toward socialism. Here are more than a few real examples of what I mean. Again, I fact checked all of these and I invite you to do the same. Trickle-up economics Obama's tax plan is redefining the meaning of a tax cut. Obama will put a huge tax increase on those who earn the most and will redistribute those tax dollars to those who make less. For those who make less, this is not just about a tax cut -- those people will receive a check they can cash from the government even if they pay no taxes at all. That is SOCIALISM on a vast scale! "My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody," Obama told now-famous "Joe the Plumber" during a campaign stop Oct. 12 in Ohio. "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." I don't want a modern-day Robin Hood in the White House, confiscating money from those who have worked hard and sacrificed greatly to give to the poor. It's clear that his main goal is redistribution of wealth, not growth. This socialistic mindset explains how Obama can promise an income-tax cut for millions who aren't even paying income taxes right now. Health Care Insurance Obama wants to make his plan mandatory, fining companies that don't offer it. An Obama-led American government would try to control businesses. I don't like people going without health care insurance, but it's not my job to pay for everyone else's. It's hard enough paying for my family's. Socialists Like What They See Obama's socialist backing goes back at least to 1996, when he first received the endorsement of the Chicago branch of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) for an Illinois state senate seat. The national DSA has endorsed him ever since. As a state senator, Obama eulogized Saul Mendelson, one of the "champions" of "Chicago's democratic left" and a long-time socialist activist. Obama quietly campaigned for openly socialist Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. When Sanders won his seat in 2006, he called Obama "one of the great leaders of the United States Senate," even though Obama hadn't been on the Hill for even two years. Obama has Greg Craig, Fidel Castro's attorney during the Elian episode, as a senior policy adviser. Obama was for lifting the U.S. embargo on Cuba before he understood the polls told him to be against it. Obama proposed legislation earlier this year that forces companies to unionize to gain tax credits. The bill Obama said he is most proud of, "The Global Poverty Act," with the assistance of Sen. Joe Biden, commits the U.S. to spending hundreds of billions of dollars more in foreign aid on the rest of the world. He is, in fact, an associate of a Chicago-based socialist group with ties to the Socialist International, access to millions of labor union dollars and connections to expert political consultants, including another convicted swindler. Who is funding Obama's run? Obama has raised about $3.3 million from contributors who are not U.S. citizens and do not reside in one of the U.S. states or territories. This is illegal and the GOP asked this week for it to be investigated, which is now happening. But this worries me beyond words. Turning on Israel The most important change in Obama-led American foreign policy would occur in the Middle East, where "decades of putting Israel's interests first" would end, according to one of Obama's longtime confidants, Rev. Jesse Jackson. Jackson said although "Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades" remain strong, they'll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House. "Obama is about change," Jackson told a reporter named Amir Taheri in France this month. "And the change that Obama promises is not limited to what we do in America itself. It is a change of the way America looks at the world and its place in it." "Barack is determined to repair our relations with the world of Islam and Muslims," Jackson says. "Thanks to his background and ecumenical approach, he knows how Muslims feel while remaining committed to his own faith." Before you dismiss this because of the incident when Jackson made a disparaging remark about Obama while forgetting he was wearing a microphone. Know that Jackson said in the same interview that Obama has been "a neighbor or, better still, a member of the family." Jackson's son has been a close friend of Obama for years, and Jackson's daughter went to school with Obama's wife Michelle. "We helped him start his career," Jackson said of Obama. "And then we were always there to help him move ahead. He is the continuation of our struggle for justice not only for the black people but also for all those who have been wronged." America is at an intersection right now We must take one way or the other. One way has a real hero with a ton of experience, a remarkable record of fighting for our freedom and unquestionable courage ready to guide us. The other way has a man we honestly don't know much about except that he has several questionable (to say the least) associates from his not-so-distant past and he apparently is in favor of a socialistic government. That's my take, at least. If you think what's here is important, please feel free to forward it along. Please, decide for yourself, and no matter what, vote Nov. 4.
scribo Posted October 17, 2008 Author Posted October 17, 2008 Your well though-out reply is most appreciated, pBills. It is fitting. And yes, that video really gave me a great deal of reason to trust Obama. Oh wait, it didn't tell me anything.
Johnny Coli Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 For those of you who think I am just attacking Obama because I have nothing positive to say about Sen. McCain, I will answer that call next week. You should ask the person that emailed you this spam why it is going to take them a whole week to find something positive to say about McCain.
PastaJoe Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 I laugh whenever I hear someone say, "He has not adequately explained why he used such despicable people and organizations to begin with". Basically what they're saying is that they don't like the explainations that have been given because they undermine their arguments, and won't be happy until the explainations equal their predetermined conclusions.
scribo Posted October 17, 2008 Author Posted October 17, 2008 You should ask the person that emailed you this spam why it is going to take them a whole week to find something positive to say about McCain. I wrote it myself yesterday. Thanks. And I have a full-time job and four children, so finding the time to put this together is not easy.
pBills Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 Your well though-out reply is most appreciated, pBills. It is fitting. And yes, that video really gave me a great deal of reason to trust Obama. Oh wait, it didn't tell me anything. Thought out... please you repeated the same garbage that's been repeated over and over again.
RkFast Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 I laugh whenever I hear someone say, "He has not adequately explained why he used such despicable people and organizations to begin with". Basically what they're saying is that they don't like the explainations that have been given because they undermine their arguments, and won't be happy until the explainations equal their predetermined conclusions. Yeah, because the general "explanation" of "I barely know him/them/they and what they "do/did" is just so........detailed.
scribo Posted October 17, 2008 Author Posted October 17, 2008 I laugh whenever I hear someone say, "He has not adequately explained why he used such despicable people and organizations to begin with". Basically what they're saying is that they don't like the explainations that have been given because they undermine their arguments, and won't be happy until the explainations equal their predetermined conclusions. His explanations are obviously dishonest, at least in part, for everyone one of these guys. Any with an open mind sees that. I just blows my mind how so many people realize the dishonesty but give him a pass because they also realize full disclosure in these cases would be political suicide. Are we as a society so use to being lied to now we find it acceptable for a presidential candidate to tell obvious lies right to us?
scribo Posted October 17, 2008 Author Posted October 17, 2008 Thought out... please you repeated the same garbage that's been repeated over and over again. It's not garbage, and it is very evident to me that not nearly enough people see all these bit and pieces together. I could live with one or two or maybe even three of these items, but together, they are way too much to trust Obama at controls of our nation.
IDBillzFan Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 All I have to say to this post is "OH MY GOD" Translation: I have no response to this well-thought out post, soooooooooo....KILL THE PLUMBER! KILL THE PLUMBER!!!
/dev/null Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 My biggest concern with Obama winning is that one party will have a lock on the Executive branch and both houses of the Legislature That said, regardless who wins we're screwed either way
pBills Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 His Reverand - no proof he was ever in the church when the reverand went off. Also has denounced his statements. Farrakhan - has stated he does have the same view points as him. Weather Underground - no story here. He was eight years old. Turning on Israel - yes, he would be Isreal last? give me a break he stated over and over how important that country is. Start looking at the other ticket and let me know what you find to be dishonest or anti-american.
bills_fan_in_raleigh Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 so basically you cut and pasted from many of the right leaning rags liek NY Post etc. Good job wonder if this was emailed to the faithful
Johnny Coli Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 His explanations are obviously dishonest, at least in part, for everyone one of these guys. Any with an open mind sees that. I just blows my mind how so many people realize the dishonesty but give him a pass because they also realize full disclosure in these cases would be political suicide. Are we as a society so use to being lied to now we find it acceptable for a presidential candidate to tell obvious lies right to us? Maybe the vast majority of the people who have seen this characterization realize it's a load of bunk. You know, every time your candidate spews out this stuff Obama's poll numbers go up. Perhaps the American people are actually smarter than the blogger who wrote this you think.
bills_fan_in_raleigh Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 My biggest concern with Obama winning is that one party will have a lock on the Executive branch and both houses of the Legislature That said, regardless who wins we're screwed either way actually might not be a bad thing. The gridlock hasnt worked so lets see if a party with full power and filibuster breaking can actually get something done right now that possibility only looks like the democrats at this time. Also Obama has stated that he would look to folks like Luger etc and probably will create a balanced cabinet. I am tired of the same ole same ole so of checks and balances plus the minority still can raise a ruckus if they think something is way off, just once I would love to see a leader from a party clearly articulate to the American public why a plan/bill is bad/good.
PastaJoe Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 His explanations are obviously dishonest, at least in part, for everyone one of these guys. Any with an open mind sees that. I just blows my mind how so many people realize the dishonesty but give him a pass because they also realize full disclosure in these cases would be political suicide. Are we as a society so use to being lied to now we find it acceptable for a presidential candidate to tell obvious lies right to us? If it's "obviously dishonest", then when are you or McCain going to present the voters with the documented proof that you all have that supports your statements of some close connections and relationships? Otherwise you're just doing the same thing that Dan Rather was accused of doing to Bush.
Chef Jim Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 Dear fellow Bills and politics fans, I am posting this today because I am deeply concerned for the nation we all love and depend on. Polls widely show Barack Obama is on track to become president. I have long supported Sen. McCain. I've read his books, volunteered for his campaign in 2000 during the primaries, and have followed his work in Washington closely. But honestly, even though I firmly believe he is the best man alive to lead America through the trying times we are now in, my worries are not about Sen. McCain losing. My worries are about Obama winning. I openly am a news junkie. I work in D.C. and it is my job to be well informed of what's happening in the government. Those of us who keep up on politics have known for some time that Obama was setting up this run, that he would be a formidable candidate, but also that he had to take some shortcuts and align himself with some very shady people to rise as quickly as he has. We know he is a master of following the polls, is very liberal at heart and leans toward socialism. I feel it is my patriotic duty to ensure you are aware of the reasons I fear an Obama-led America. I have compiled all of this myself, fact checking every bit of it, twice. I am asking you to read it all as Americans entrusted with the responsibility of a vote and as a personal favor to me. For those of you who think I am just attacking Obama because I have nothing positive to say about Sen. McCain, I will answer that call next week. My personal collection... "The bedfellows politics made are never strange. It only seems that way to those who have not watched the courtship." -- Marcel Achard Obama has happily associated with anti-American and corrupt people and organizations over the years when they were helping him climb the world's biggest ladder, but now that he's near the top rung, he wants all of us to forget how he got there. He has not adequately explained why he used such despicable people and organizations to begin with. This is of grave concern to me. Here is a spattering of those with whom Obama has had questionable relations. Acorn -- the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now The Michigan Secretary of State told the press in September that Acorn had submitted "a sizable number of duplicate and fraudulent applications." Earlier this month, Nevada's Democratic Secretary of State Ross Miller requested a raid on Acorn's offices, following complaints of false names and fictional addresses (including the starting lineup of the Dallas Cowboys). Nevada's Clark County Registrar of Voters Larry Lomax said he saw rampant fraud in 2,000 to 3,000 applications Acorn submitted weekly. Officials in Ohio are investigating voter fraud connected with Acorn, and Florida's Seminole County is withholding Acorn registrations that appear fraudulent. New Mexico, North Carolina and Missouri are looking into hundreds of dubious Acorn registrations. Wisconsin is investigating Acorn employees for, according to an election official, "making people up or registering people that were still in prison." Then there's Lake County, Indiana, which has already found more than 2,100 bogus applications among the 5,000 Acorn dumped right before the deadline. "All the signatures looked exactly the same," said Ruthann Hoagland, of the county election board. Bridgeport, Connecticut, estimates about 20 percent of Acorn's registrations were faulty. As of July, the city of Houston had rejected or put on hold about 40 percent of the 27,000 registration cards submitted by Acorn. Enough already. right? That's just this year. In 2004, four Acorn employees were indicted in Ohio for submitting false voter registrations. In 2005, two Colorado Acorn workers were found to have submitted false registrations. Four Acorn Missouri employees were indicted in 2006; five were found guilty in Washington state in 2007 for filling out registration forms with names from a phone book. Which brings us to Obama, who got his start as a Chicago "community organizer" at Acorn's side. In 1992 he led voter registration efforts as the director of Project Vote, which included Acorn. This past November, he lauded Acorn's leaders for being "smack dab in the middle" of that effort. Obama also served as a lawyer for Acorn in 1995, in a case against Illinois to increase access to the polls. During his tenure on the board of Chicago's Woods Fund, that body funneled more than $200,000 to Acorn. More recently, the Obama campaign paid $832,000 to an Acorn affiliate. The campaign initially told the Federal Election Commission this money was for "staging, sound, lighting." It later admitted the cash was to get out the vote. The Obama campaign is now distancing itself from Acorn, claiming Obama never organized with it and has nothing to do with illegal voter registration. It's disingenuous to channel cash into an operation with a history of fraud and then claim you're shocked to discover reports of fraud. 'Tony' Antoin "Tony" Rezko, a corrupt, jailed political fundraiser, is a longtime friend of Obama. Tony offered Obama a job when he finished law school, funding Obama's earliest political campaigns and purchasing a lot next to his house. Rezko was convicted this summer of scheming to use his clout with Illinois Democrats to squeeze $7 million in kickbacks out of a contractor and seven money management firms seeking to do business with the state. He raised $159,000 for Obama's campaigns for the state legislature, the House and the Senate. In 2005, the Obamas paid $1.65 million for their home, $300,000 less than the asking price, on the day that Rezko's wife Rita bought an adjoining lot at the full price of $650,000. Obama later paid her $105,000 for a sixth of her yard in order to expand his garden. The deal took place while Rezko was under investigation. The seller insisted on both plots being sold together, which suggests that Rezko did Obama a favor even if the deal was not illegal. The seller has so far refused to speak with the press. When details of the cozy relationship surfaced, Obama said it was a "bonehead" error to have asked for the additional land because it looked like he was getting a favor. Obama has returned around $85,000 in campaign contributions from Rezko, but only after Rezko's criminal acts became national news. Alsammarae Holding dual American and Iraqi citizenship, Aiham Alsammarae moved to Chicago in the late 1970s but returned to Iraq just after the American-led invasion. He fled Iraq in late 2006 after being held on a corruption conviction. When he returned, he helped his friend Tony Rezko out with his $8.5 million bail. Then Alsammarae sat down with Rezko's buddy, Sen. Obama. Obama's office worked to keep Aiham from being deported back to Iraq where he was still wanted on an outstanding warrant. While the senator was taking care of that, Alsammarae allegedly helped a firm Rezko owned, Companion Security, win a $50 million contract to train Iraqi power plant guards. When Obama's association with Alsammarae became public knowledge, the Obama campaign gave to charity the $2,300 in presidential campaign contributions he had received from Alsammarae, but reports about fundraising Alsammarae led for Obama vary and have gone unanswered by the Obama camp. His Reverand By now, most of you have heard about Rev. Jeremiah Wright. He called the United States "the No. 1 killer in the world." He accused the U.S. government of having "started the AIDS virus" to wipe out black people. After 9/11, he said, "America's chickens are coming home to roost." And he said, "God damn America" for "killing innocent people." When it came out that this hate-monger had been a spiritual advisor and role model of Obama's for more that 20 years, Obama quickly said he had never heard these sermons and eventually turned his back on his longtime reverend. But, Obama attended Rev. Wright's services for more than 20 years. Rev. Wright married Obama and his wife Michelle, baptized their two daughters and is credited by Obama for the title of his book, "The Audacity of Hope." Obama thought so highly of Wright that he was appointed by Obama to the senator's African American Religious Leadership Committee. Direct quotes from Obama's reverand: "The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing 'God Bless America.' No, no, no, God damn America, that's in the Bible for killing innocent people," Wright said in a 2003 sermon. "God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme." AND "We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost," Wright told his congregation five days after the attacks of Sept. 11. Farrakhan Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, another powerful Chicago-based political figure associated with the Rev. Wright and other long-time associates of Obama, is leaving no doubt about what he thinks of Obama. He says when Obama talks, "the Messiah is absolutely speaking." The full quote: "You are the instruments that God is going to use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn't care anything about. That's a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking." And with what message does Farrakahn want to reach the youth of America? He won't say, but he is a militant and a long, staunch critic of American society and said he was in "full support" of intentions in other countries to seize white-owned land and property, even when the seizures lead to violence and contributed to the collapse of farming and agriculture. Farrakhan said "it was aimed at correcting a historical injustice." Weather Underground The association with domestic terrorist could in the past be enough for America to deem anyone an unacceptable candidate for the White House. But somehow Obama's documented realtionship with William "Bill" Ayers, a war protester who admits to have been linked to Vietnam-era bombings on U.S. soil, is excused. Somehow, it is now possible to be old buddies with a proud domestic terrorist and still convince people you are looking out for our beloved nation. Ayers and Obama worked together on two nonprofit organizations from the mid-1990s to 2002. And Ayers hosted Obama's first-ever meet-the-candidate event in 1995 as he first ran for the state Senate. But after years of working with Ayers, Obama claims he barely knows Ayers and did not know of his past. Ayers participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, the United States Capitol building in 1971, and The Pentagon in 1972, as he proudly noted in his 2001 book, Fugitive Days. "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." -- Winston Churchill Capitalism is one of the things that makes America great, giving us all the chance to make it big, to better ourselves and live the American dream. Well, it seems pretty clear that Obama's policies contradict capitalism, rather leaning heavily toward socialism. Here are more than a few real examples of what I mean. Again, I fact checked all of these and I invite you to do the same. Trickle-up economics Obama's tax plan is redefining the meaning of a tax cut. Obama will put a huge tax increase on those who earn the most and will redistribute those tax dollars to those who make less. For those who make less, this is not just about a tax cut -- those people will receive a check they can cash from the government even if they pay no taxes at all. That is SOCIALISM on a vast scale! "My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody," Obama told now-famous "Joe the Plumber" during a campaign stop Oct. 12 in Ohio. "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." I don't want a modern-day Robin Hood in the White House, confiscating money from those who have worked hard and sacrificed greatly to give to the poor. It's clear that his main goal is redistribution of wealth, not growth. This socialistic mindset explains how Obama can promise an income-tax cut for millions who aren't even paying income taxes right now. Health Care Insurance Obama wants to make his plan mandatory, fining companies that don't offer it. An Obama-led American government would try to control businesses. I don't like people going without health care insurance, but it's not my job to pay for everyone else's. It's hard enough paying for my family's. Socialists Like What They See Obama's socialist backing goes back at least to 1996, when he first received the endorsement of the Chicago branch of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) for an Illinois state senate seat. The national DSA has endorsed him ever since. As a state senator, Obama eulogized Saul Mendelson, one of the "champions" of "Chicago's democratic left" and a long-time socialist activist. Obama quietly campaigned for openly socialist Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. When Sanders won his seat in 2006, he called Obama "one of the great leaders of the United States Senate," even though Obama hadn't been on the Hill for even two years. Obama has Greg Craig, Fidel Castro's attorney during the Elian episode, as a senior policy adviser. Obama was for lifting the U.S. embargo on Cuba before he understood the polls told him to be against it. Obama proposed legislation earlier this year that forces companies to unionize to gain tax credits. The bill Obama said he is most proud of, "The Global Poverty Act," with the assistance of Sen. Joe Biden, commits the U.S. to spending hundreds of billions of dollars more in foreign aid on the rest of the world. He is, in fact, an associate of a Chicago-based socialist group with ties to the Socialist International, access to millions of labor union dollars and connections to expert political consultants, including another convicted swindler. Who is funding Obama's run? Obama has raised about $3.3 million from contributors who are not U.S. citizens and do not reside in one of the U.S. states or territories. This is illegal and the GOP asked this week for it to be investigated, which is now happening. But this worries me beyond words. Turning on Israel The most important change in Obama-led American foreign policy would occur in the Middle East, where "decades of putting Israel's interests first" would end, according to one of Obama's longtime confidants, Rev. Jesse Jackson. Jackson said although "Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades" remain strong, they'll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House. "Obama is about change," Jackson told a reporter named Amir Taheri in France this month. "And the change that Obama promises is not limited to what we do in America itself. It is a change of the way America looks at the world and its place in it." "Barack is determined to repair our relations with the world of Islam and Muslims," Jackson says. "Thanks to his background and ecumenical approach, he knows how Muslims feel while remaining committed to his own faith." Before you dismiss this because of the incident when Jackson made a disparaging remark about Obama while forgetting he was wearing a microphone. Know that Jackson said in the same interview that Obama has been "a neighbor or, better still, a member of the family." Jackson's son has been a close friend of Obama for years, and Jackson's daughter went to school with Obama's wife Michelle. "We helped him start his career," Jackson said of Obama. "And then we were always there to help him move ahead. He is the continuation of our struggle for justice not only for the black people but also for all those who have been wronged." America is at an intersection right now We must take one way or the other. One way has a real hero with a ton of experience, a remarkable record of fighting for our freedom and unquestionable courage ready to guide us. The other way has a man we honestly don't know much about except that he has several questionable (to say the least) associates from his not-so-distant past and he apparently is in favor of a socialistic government. That's my take, at least. If you think what's here is important, please feel free to forward it along. Please, decide for yourself, and no matter what, vote Nov. 4. I stopped right there.
scribo Posted October 17, 2008 Author Posted October 17, 2008 His Reverand - no proof he was ever in the church when the reverand went off. Also has denounced his statements. Farrakhan - has stated he does have the same view points as him. Weather Underground - no story here. He was eight years old. Turning on Israel - yes, he would be Isreal last? give me a break he stated over and over how important that country is. Start looking at the other ticket and let me know what you find to be dishonest or anti-american. Your post was, once again, not well thought-out. The original post did not say Obama was in the church. But I find implausible that Obama could attend that church for more than two decades and never once hear Rev. Wright go on these tirades, especially when other members of the church said these types of sermons were not uncommon. Farrakhan said that after the criticism toward Obama started to mount. The speech I quoted was before Farrakhan realized his support would hurt Obama's chances at get elected. Yes, yes, he was 8 years old when the bombings happened. But how old was he when he was in holding a meet the candidate night in the convicted terrorist's living room? We all know he has denounced the actions of the above, but didn't he do that before the polls told him it was bad to associated with crooks, etc. I know what Obama has said about Israel, but I doubt his honesty because of the other lies and because someone who has helped Obama get where he is today is saying otherwise to the foreign press. I notice you didn't reply to the Iraqi, Acorn and Tony. I have looked closely at the other ticket, and I strongly support Sen. McCain. He is anything but anti-American.
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