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And what was Bush doing 35 years ago?

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He say that, yet cant get over the 2000 election?????? I'm !@#$ing dumbfounded. :flirt:



I am over the election eryn. I think you miss my point. I don't want to see these numbers split down the middle 50-50. We can't go on like that. I firmly believe we are treading in dangerous water every four years if things keep going like it did in 2000. I really don't care. We keep going down this electoralate road, it is civil unrest that will get us faster than the terrorists.


I just wish someone would slam dunk the other and things right themselves domestically and electorally. And after 9/11, GWB was staring at chip shot, he pooched it.


What is 2004, Ground Hog Day?


I can mourn the 3,000.

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He say that, yet cant get over the 2000 election?????? I'm !@#$ing dumbfounded. :flirt:



You know, I get tired of being ignored. That's why I posted my go vote for Kerry post. I've also said, more than once-we are in trouble. We are. this country doesn't understand we are at war. Our opponents do. So be it. Enjoy the next installment of whatever TV show turns you on. We are going to get slammed again, everyone will blame it on Bush, never understanding that we are just as much at fault because we don't want any inconvienience, and don't really believe it's real.


That post just sort of just reinforced it.

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You know, I get tired of being ignored. That's why I posted my go vote for Kerry post. I've also said, more than once-we are in trouble. We are. this country doesn't understand we are at war. Our opponents do. So be it. Enjoy the next installment of whatever TV show turns you on. We are going to get slammed again, everyone will blame it on Bush, never understanding that we are just as much at fault because we don't want any inconvienience, and don't really believe it's real.


That post just sort of just reinforced it.


Huh, did you say something, I was watching reruns of the Ellen Show. :unsure:


I was also getting ready for SouthPark. Is it time to attack Canada again? :flirt:

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You know, I get tired of being ignored. That's why I posted my go vote for Kerry post. I've also said, more than once-we are in trouble. We are. this country doesn't understand we are at war. Our opponents do. So be it. Enjoy the next installment of whatever TV show turns you on. We are going to get slammed again, everyone will blame it on Bush, never understanding that we are just as much at fault because we don't want any inconvienience, and don't really believe it's real.


That post just sort of just reinforced it.



I have a hard on for the way Bush went into this... His way or the highway... He is just a bad manager. Well it failed... It is his baby only... How are you gonna unify around someone when it is solely their blame? Go out and cast a sympathy fug vote? There is no way he is going to unify the country and the world now... It IS JUST NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Wake up! We are now preceived as the bad-guy, the bully... Cite me one country that took this road to victory. I hope you can because I REALLY WANT TO THINK.


If he would have handled this in a more diplomatic way, Guess what? We would have been still fighting the war, the dems would have been licking their asses in defeat. Yes, I would have voted for Bush.

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I have a hard on for the way Bush went into this... His way or the highway... He is just a bad manager.  Well it failed... It is his baby only... How are you gonna unify around someone when it is solely their blame?  Go out and cast a sympathy fug vote?  There is no way he is going to unify the country and the world now... It IS JUST NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.  Wake up!  We are now preceived as the bad-guy, the bully... Cite me one country that took this road to victory.  I hope you can because I REALLY WANT TO THINK.


If he would have handled this in a more diplomatic way,  Guess what? We would have been still fighting the war, the dems would have been licking their asses in defeat.  Yes, I would have voted for Bush.



You know everyone sits here and complains, about how he didn't have a good coalition. Have you ever checked the real deal in the mid-east. France was there supporting with flight ops from there new carrier the Charles !@#$ing De Gaul. An impressive, yet poorly designed ship. It was on station for 6 months performing "unknown" operations insupport of the coalition in Iraq.


France may run away and poisture and publicly make a stink but when push come to shove they are/were there.


Of course don't let facts get in your way, saying we had no support.

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You know everyone sits here and complains, about how he didn't have a good coalition.  Have you ever checked the real deal in the mid-east.  France was there supporting with flight ops from there new carrier the Charles !@#$ing De Gaul.  An impressive, yet poorly designed ship.  It was on station for 6 months performing "unknown" operations insupport of the coalition in Iraq. 


France may run away and poisture and publicly make a stink but when push come to shove they are/were there. 


Of course don't let facts get in your way, saying we had no support.




That is a fact Jack! Where is it getting us?


Oh we have had the support, but not where it counts. Public perception counts for something, we can't win without it. Bush took a gamble and it blew up in his face. Guess what? He played a great hand and drove it to one of the worst possible outcomes.


Thanks tough guy (Bush)!



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That is a fact Jack!  Where is it getting us?


Oh we have had the support, but not where it counts.  Public perception counts for something, we can't win without it.  Bush took a gamble and it blew up in his face.  Guess what?  He played a great hand and drove it to one of the worst possible outcomes.


Thanks tough guy (Bush)!


:flirt:  :unsure:  :(



So you would rather countries be public in their support but not fund or send troops?


Yet if a country say publicly we don't support you, you're full of stevestojan, yet they somewhat less publicly send an armada of ships 100 combat aircraft, and do 6000 sortees a month, that wouldn't be okay.


Your logic is a little screwy. Personally call me a jerk all you want, but when I am at a game fighting dolphin fans I hope you join me.

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So you would rather countries be public in their support but not fund or send troops? 


Yet if a country say publicly we don't support you, you're full of stevestojan, yet they somewhat less publicly send an armada of ships 100 combat aircraft, and do 6000 sortees a month, that wouldn't be okay. 


Your logic is a little screwy.  Personally call me a jerk all you want, but when I am at a game fighting dolphin fans I hope you join me.



Of course I will brother!


The first gulf war we had both?

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So you would rather countries be public in their support but not fund or send troops?



Yeah, actually. The War on Terror is never going to be a force-on-force war. As an asymmetric conflict that's likely to last two generations at least, public perception counts far more than the commitment of a CVBG for six months. The war's going to be won, for better or worse, on public perception, not on behind-the-scenes commitments of a couple squadrons of tired old Super Etendards.

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People like Beaker truly scare me. Everything comes back to Bush Bad Kerry good. Kerry says Kerry is good because he has three purple hearts. Ergo, Kerry must be President.


What I find truly bizarre is that the so-called Republicans on this board are supporting a candidate who has greatly expanded the size of government, increased Medicare, increased funding to the U.S. Department of Education, run up a monsterous federal deficit, immersed the U.S. in a completely avoidable war with Iraq instead of concentrating U.S. resources on the terrorism threat.... I mean, what exactly do you see in this guy?


Why do you conservatives find yourselves arguing so passionately for someone with virtually no military experience who is violating many of the most cherished ideals of conservatism?


Bush is not only a bad President, he's a bad Republican. Yet you want to blindly vote for him anyways. Why? Don't tell us that you hate Kerry. That's just avoiding the question. Tell us instead, what exactly do you like about Bush? What part of Bush's platform excites you the most, and why?

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Tell us instead, what exactly do you like about Bush?


It's been too long a day to go into detail on this tonight, but I will tell you the first thing that comes to mind, and I'll elaborate tomorrow should the opportunity presents itself.


I like the fact that he doesn't waver. I like his stability. I like the fact that his message never changes on the issues that are important to me. Big government...medicare...federal deficit...please. These issues go up and down and up and down. The only thing that stays consistent is personal accountability.


Oh, whatdayaknow...it's the lack of these traits that dictate exactly what I hate about Kerry.


By the way, what makes you think Bush has been avoiding terrorism in exchange for fighting the war in Iraq. Were we attacked again recently? Did I miss something? Is it because we haven't found Bin Laden, as though THAT would topple terrorism.


Tell me...how has he ignored terrorism, and what is Kerry's published and promised position on how HE will go after it.


He WILL go after it, won't he? Maybe with a little help from France and Germany?


Tell me...what is Kerry's plan to fight terrorism and how does his plan differ from Bush's in a way that will help advance America in a way that Bush's hasn't?????

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What I find truly bizarre is that the so-called Republicans on this board are supporting a candidate who has greatly expanded the size of government, increased Medicare, increased funding to the U.S. Department of Education, run up a monsterous federal deficit, immersed the U.S. in a completely avoidable war with Iraq instead of concentrating U.S. resources on the terrorism threat.... I mean, what exactly do you see in this guy? 


Why do you conservatives find yourselves arguing so passionately for someone with virtually no military experience who is violating many of the most cherished ideals of conservatism? 


Bush is not only a bad President, he's a bad Republican.  Yet you want to blindly vote for him anyways.  Why?  Don't tell us that you hate Kerry.  That's just avoiding the question.  Tell us instead, what exactly do you like about Bush?  What part of Bush's platform excites you the most, and why?



It's simple one cadidate lowered taxes, the other promises to raise them. But I also feel, at this point in history, more comfortable with the known vs the unknown.

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What I find truly bizarre is that the so-called Republicans on this board are supporting a candidate who has greatly expanded the size of government, increased Medicare, increased funding to the U.S. Department of Education, run up a monsterous federal deficit, immersed the U.S. in a completely avoidable war with Iraq instead of concentrating U.S. resources on the terrorism threat.... I mean, what exactly do you see in this guy? 


Why do you conservatives find yourselves arguing so passionately for someone with virtually no military experience who is violating many of the most cherished ideals of conservatism? 


Bush is not only a bad President, he's a bad Republican.  Yet you want to blindly vote for him anyways.  Why?  Don't tell us that you hate Kerry.  That's just avoiding the question.  Tell us instead, what exactly do you like about Bush?  What part of Bush's platform excites you the most, and why?



Don't be confused... They don't like Bush (or that is what they'll tell you)... Just defend him MOST of the time... :flirt:


Welcome to modern America.



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It's been too long a day to go into detail on this tonight, but I will tell you the first thing that comes to mind, and I'll elaborate tomorrow should the opportunity presents itself.


I like the fact that he doesn't waver. I like his stability. I like the fact that his message never changes on the issues that are important to me. Big government...medicare...federal deficit...please. These issues go up and down and up and down. The only thing that stays consistent is personal accountability.


Oh, whatdayaknow...it's the lack of these traits that dictate exactly what I hate about Kerry.


By the way, what makes you think Bush has been avoiding terrorism in exchange for fighting the war in Iraq. Were we attacked again recently? Did I miss something? Is it because we haven't found Bin Laden, as though THAT would topple terrorism.


Tell me...how has he ignored terrorism, and what is Kerry's published and promised position on how HE will go after it.


He WILL go after it, won't he? Maybe with a little help from France and Germany?


Tell me...what is Kerry's plan to fight terrorism and how does his plan differ from Bush's in a way that will help advance America in a way that Bush's hasn't?????



Then you must be a big Bledsoe fan? He really keeps the Bills stable!



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It's simple one cadidate lowered taxes, the other promises to raise them.  But I also feel, at this point in history, more comfortable with the known vs the unknown.



But we are IN DEBT? :unsure: So what you are saying is being in debt, having lower revenue is better than not being in debt, having higher revenue? Debt must be a good thing to you? I wish I could run a deficit every month like the Gov. can do and not let it have it catch up with me. And I am in a fantasy world? :flirt:


Differnce between liberal and conservative?


Liberal=not afraid of the unknown


conservative=afraid of the unknown

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Don't be confused... They don't like Bush (or that is what they'll tell you)... Just defend him MOST of the time...  :flirt:


Welcome to modern America.


:unsure:  :(



Don't be confused... They don't like Kerry (or that is what they'll tell you)... Just defend him MOST of the time...


Funny how that works both ways.

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What I find truly bizarre is that the so-called Republicans on this board are supporting a candidate who has greatly expanded the size of government, increased Medicare, increased funding to the U.S. Department of Education, run up a monsterous federal deficit, immersed the U.S. in a completely avoidable war with Iraq instead of concentrating U.S. resources on the terrorism threat.... I mean, what exactly do you see in this guy? 


Why do you conservatives find yourselves arguing so passionately for someone with virtually no military experience who is violating many of the most cherished ideals of conservatism? 


Bush is not only a bad President, he's a bad Republican.  Yet you want to blindly vote for him anyways.  Why?  Don't tell us that you hate Kerry.  That's just avoiding the question.  Tell us instead, what exactly do you like about Bush?  What part of Bush's platform excites you the most, and why?



I'm not blindly following Bush. I work in defense and happen to agree with the directions we are taking in that area. My right. I think Kerry's strategy concepts are wrong, and don't want to see us go that way. I've posted probably 10,000 words on the subject, so I'm not going into detail. Just suffice to say it's not just the here and now, it's what do we need the world to be like ten years down the road. What makes Jaques the baker in Paris feel all warm and fuzzy is not necessarily what's good for America.

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