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Another glimpse of Palin supporter's true colors!

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What's the difference between "white people" and Palin supporters? Palin supporters love not knowin' the answer to your question.


"Is Barack Obama a Christian?"


"I don't know that sh---Keepin' it real!"


Keepin' it real stupid! Wanna keep your money safe from Palin supporters? Hide it in your books-Palin supporters don't read! Books are like kryptonite to Palin supporters!

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How about this:




What a-holes


In a perfect confluence of all the current toxic elements of the GOP:


Sacramento County Republican leaders Tuesday took down offensive material on their official party Web site that sought to link Sen. Barack Obama to Osama bin Laden and encouraged people to "Waterboard Barack Obama" – material that offended even state GOP leaders.


Not a lone protestor or crowd member. Not a fringe nut on Free Republic. On the official Republican website in the state capitol of the most populous state in the Union. This is why the GOP has to be defeated this time. For the sake of a decent conservatism. There's hypocrisy here too:

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If you're really honest about extremism, look no further than the Dailykooks and MoveOn.org. The hate and vitriol against Bush and the GOP is far more extreme than anything on the right even with the worst congress in the history of the U.S. under Democratic leadership.

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No, not really.


YES, REALLY. Wake the eff up, moron.




Speaking of “violent escalation of rhetoric” you never hear about:


*Obama supporters in Philadelphia sported “Sarah Parah is a [disgusting vulgarism referring to female genitalia]” t-shirts and yelled “Let’s stone her, old school” over the weekend.


*An Internet artist has designated Palin an “M.I.L.P” – “Mother I’d Like to Punch” – and published a drawing of a man’s fist knocking a tooth out of the Alaska governor’s mouth and the glasses off her face.


*“ABORT Palin” grafitti has sprouted on the sidewalks of Seattle and “Abort Sarah Palin” bumper stickers are spreading on Web stores.


*Sarah Palin-bashing Madonna performs before an audience of thousands, screeching and threatening to “kick her a**.”


*Getty Images publishes a photo of a man pointing a fake gun at the head of a cardboard cutout of Palin on display at the Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition building.


And no one blinks. Not a peep from the Obamedia.


But when Sarah Palin simply spotlights Obama’s longtime relationship with Weather Underground bombing terrorist Bill “We Didn’t Do Enough” Ayers?


“Inciting violence,” frets NBC reporter Ron Allen. “Concerned…for Senator Obama’s safety,” agonizes ABC reporter Terry Moran. “Beyond the pale,” cries Obama campaign manager David Plouffe. As if the no-holds-barred Obama campaign has ever had a rhetorical pale to stake.


All the world’s a Kabuki stage for the selectively outraged over rage.

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YES, REALLY. Wake the eff up, moron.




Speaking of “violent escalation of rhetoric” you never hear about:


*Obama supporters in Philadelphia sported “Sarah Parah is a [disgusting vulgarism referring to female genitalia]” t-shirts and yelled “Let’s stone her, old school” over the weekend.


*An Internet artist has designated Palin an “M.I.L.P” – “Mother I’d Like to Punch” – and published a drawing of a man’s fist knocking a tooth out of the Alaska governor’s mouth and the glasses off her face.


*“ABORT Palin” grafitti has sprouted on the sidewalks of Seattle and “Abort Sarah Palin” bumper stickers are spreading on Web stores.


*Sarah Palin-bashing Madonna performs before an audience of thousands, screeching and threatening to “kick her a**.”


*Getty Images publishes a photo of a man pointing a fake gun at the head of a cardboard cutout of Palin on display at the Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition building.


And no one blinks. Not a peep from the Obamedia.


But when Sarah Palin simply spotlights Obama’s longtime relationship with Weather Underground bombing terrorist Bill “We Didn’t Do Enough” Ayers?


“Inciting violence,” frets NBC reporter Ron Allen. “Concerned…for Senator Obama’s safety,” agonizes ABC reporter Terry Moran. “Beyond the pale,” cries Obama campaign manager David Plouffe. As if the no-holds-barred Obama campaign has ever had a rhetorical pale to stake.


All the world’s a Kabuki stage for the selectively outraged over rage.


Pictures or it didn't happen.

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Pictures or it didn't happen.


Come on gimme a break . . . . Like this sh-- doesn't happen. That's the problem with the left in ANY situation. . . The holier-than-thou-smarter-then f'ckin-everyone left-wing moonbats never pull any BULLsh-- like this. Just like they didn't keep finding votes in Washingtion State until a Democrat was elected governor, just like they didn't torch a Rep election office in Ohio, etc. etc. etc.


Grow up . . . . I've read a number of your posts and you usually put up a half-way decent argument. Dismissing this out of hand is living in denial. . . .

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Come on gimme a break . . . . Like this sh-- doesn't happen. That's the problem with the left in ANY situation. . . The holier-than-thou-smarter-then f'ckin-everyone left-wing moonbats never pull any BULLsh-- like this. Just like they didn't keep finding votes in Washingtion State until a Democrat was elected governor, just like they didn't torch a Rep election office in Ohio, etc. etc. etc.


Grow up . . . . I've read a number of your posts and you usually put up a half-way decent argument. Dismissing this out of hand is living in denial. . . .


Pictures or it didn't happen

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For Elegant Elliot and his boat on the Nile . . .



Speaking of “violent escalation of rhetoric” you never hear about:


*Obama supporters in Philadelphia sported “Sarah Parah is a [disgusting vulgarism referring to female genitalia]” t-shirts and yelled “Let’s stone her, old school” over the weekend.


Pictures and it DID Happen


*An Internet artist has designated Palin an “M.I.L.P” – “Mother I’d Like to Punch” – and published a drawing of a man’s fist knocking a tooth out of the Alaska governor’s mouth and the glasses off her face.




*“ABORT Palin” grafitti has sprouted on the sidewalks of Seattle and “Abort Sarah Palin” bumper stickers are spreading on Web stores.


Abort Palin Bumper Sticker


*Sarah Palin-bashing Madonna performs before an audience of thousands, screeching and threatening to “kick her a**.”


Meh, who cares what Madonna thinks . . .


*Getty Images publishes a photo of a man pointing a fake gun at the head of a cardboard cutout of Palin on display at the Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition building.


No pic, but legitimate News Story


It's call Google, Elliot . . . You should check it out

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Pictures or it didn't happen.



In the words of the great Bugs Bunny, what a maroon.




It's call Google, Elliot . . . You should check it out


That would require the Elegant Idiot to have more brainpower than a squirrel.

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What's the difference between "white people" and Palin supporters? Palin supporters love not knowin' the answer to your question.


"Is Barack Obama a Christian?"


"I don't know that sh---Keepin' it real!"


Keepin' it real stupid! Wanna keep your money safe from Palin supporters? Hide it in your books-Palin supporters don't read! Books are like kryptonite to Palin supporters!



Well most of those statements are true:

-He affiliates with a terrorist and has done so for years

-He was registered a Muslim at the Catholic school in Indonesia and lied about it, and now that the proof of his school registration publicly exists no one cares that he lied about it

-He may have anti-white sympathies as you cannot hang out and adore Rev. Wright and think that he doesn't have the same beliefs but is not a "wolves in sheep's clothing"? Of course that may be a reality. He admitted to reading and writing papers on other Black extremists


Some of course are completely false.

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Keepin' it real stupid! Wanna keep your money safe from Palin supporters? Hide it in your books-Palin supporters don't read! Books are like kryptonite to Palin supporters!


Please pay Chris Rock for stealing one of his bits. The actual joke uses the word ni**ers.

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