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Why does he need a transition team to go back to the Senate? Can't they just pin a note to his jacket with instructions for the cabbie on where to drop him off?

Why does he need a transition team to go back to the Senate? Can't they just pin a note to his jacket with instructions for the cabbie on where to drop him off?


He needs a team of able bodied whippersnappers to lug around all of his Depends!


This looks bad for McCain. One, it turns his own guilt by association meme around on him, and with a direct link to someone the right had painted as a focus of the WOT. Secondly, it's yet another example of a lobbyist having significant influence on the McCain campaign, and in this case, the potential future McCain administration. This is a campaign that is running against Washington insiders, but is being run by Washington insiders. Seems hypocritical at best.

Was a terrorist. Just like Quadaffy in Lybia or Kim Ill in North Korea, former terrorists, both.


WAS a Terrorist.........And Hitler WAS the Antichrist.


But I hear he makes a mean bratwurst.


Anyone got his number? Im hungry.

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