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I really need a jump start on losing some weight. Has anyone here ever tried Nutrisystem?


I mean... it worked for Chris Berman, why not me? :angry:

I have never heard of the stuff, with a name like nutisystem I assume it one of those systems where you eat peanuts and cashews all day or do you get locked up with mental patients. Please describe the Nutisystem

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I really need a jump start on losing some weight. Has anyone here ever tried Nutrisystem?


I mean... it worked for Chris Berman, why not me? :angry:


I think it would. Weight Watchers also works. If you buy their food - which does have you follow a good diet - and don't take a bite outside of their plan - it will work.


I've known several who followed all the strictures of Weight Watchers, paid for their food, with excellent results. It also includes exercise, of course.


The Weight Watcher meetings help, too - mutual encouragement.


Certainly, reading food labels and acting accordingly, working out your own exercise works - but being in a 3rd party "plan" of action" has helped many.


I say you give it a try! :angry:

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I have never heard of the stuff, with a name like nutisystem I assume it one of those systems where you eat peanuts and cashews all day or do you get locked up with mental patients. Please describe the Nutisystem

Title corrected, thanks for the help :angry:

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I started NutriSystem on August 25 and have lost 26 pounds. The food is decent...not great but not awful. The portions are not that big, but they're not that small either. (FYI, I'm a big eater.)


For $340, I got 35 breakfasts, 35 lunches, 35 dinners and 70 desserts. You go online and choose all of it, or they can send you their choies if you don't want to take the time to do it. I selected my own food...doesn't take too long to do so. Essentially, this is what I have every day:


Breakfast: A NutriSystem entree (granola bar or cereal are my regular choices, although they also have oatmeal and a few different pastries or muffins), a piece of fruit, a dairy serving (I have a glass of fat-free milk or fat-free yogurt), and a carb serving (I usually eat a piece of wheat bread, dry).


Mid-morning: Another fruit serving and another dairy serving.


Lunch: A NutriSystem entree (they have various soups, some Ramen-type stuff, various pastas), and a salad with fat-free dressing.


Mid-Afternoon: A NutriSystem dessert. They have chips, chocolate bars, pretzels...all kinds of stuff.


Dinner: A NutriSystem entree (they have pizza, pastas, tacos, meatloaf, roast...lots of choices), a vegetable serving, a fruit serving, a fat serving (I usually just eat a handful of peanuts or almonds) and a carb serving (I will have another slice of wheat bread or a serving of canned corn).


Evening (9 p.m. or so): Another NutriSystem dessert.


I travel a lot with my job and I've taken some road trips for fun (once to Buffalo for the season opener, once to St. Louis for Bills-Rams, Wisconsin-Penn State last weekend, etc.). While I can't follow the above schedule 100 percent, I have been pretty disciplined. It's not easy. It was brutal turning down the great-smelling/looking food at the TBD tailgate, and the burgers udonkey was grilling in St. Louis. But I can tell you that the weight is coming off and I'm feeling good.


Like I said, I've always been a big eater. I try to remind myself that nothing tastes as good as I feel with the weight off. There's still a ways to go. I'm sticking to this, knowing that there are going to be times such as the holidays and the constant travel during hoops season where I'm going to have to really be disciplined. But what this is doing is teaching me how to eat, what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat...which isn't a big secret, but of course is easier said than done.


Oh...and finally, drink a lot of water. Minimum 64 ounces a day. You can have diet soda. I try to stick to just water. No alcohol...although I'm sure the occasional beer won't hurt too bad.


Hope that helps anyone who is thinking about doing it. Glad to try and answer any questions if anyone has any.


EDIT: I rarely have exercised during this time because of back problems. I'm going to slowly start working that in my routine once I drop a little more weight.

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Hope that helps anyone who is thinking about doing it. Glad to try and answer any questions if anyone has any.


EDIT: I rarely have exercised during this time because of back problems. I'm going to slowly start working that in my routine once I drop a little more weight.

Thanks for the feedback Dave. I have to lose about 30 pounds. I do exercise regularly (2 mile walk with the dog each day, Karate twice a week) but my eating habits are terrible. I think a program like NS may be the forced caloric discipline that I need.


The biggest complaints I see about the program come from women who think the food is bad, yet guys never seem to mind it.

I'll make my decision later this week.

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Many thanks Cincy.



You're welcome.


I ate poorly for many years - until it came back to bite me.


The nutrition labels on foods are a godsend...take the time to understand them, what the recommendations are for fats, salt, protein, fiber, carbs, and the like, and one can easily have a nutritious, good-tasting diet.


Here's one of my favorite resources - the Nutrition Data site. There's a lot of info and features, well worth taking time to go through it.



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yes, I started it in May and lost 40lbs. I too needed a kick start, the program more then anything taught me portion control which I had been lacking. I stopped buying the food about 2 months ago but am still following it on my own replacing the entrees with like that I can buy in the store. The Hormel lean Completes that you can get at walmart are a good match calorie wise and protein wise to the dinner entrees. One word of advice you get 2 salad or like servings a day with your entrees lunch and dinner. Make a huge salad and add your fruit serving and cheese (dairy serving) to it along with all the "free" veggies and use a fat free or lite dressing 2 TBS. Two 2 large salads a day really makes this diet work, it fills you up.


I'm 6' 2" and would like to get down to under 200 lbs. so I got about 18 more lbs. to go. The weight comes off a lot slower when you get down near your goal weight, but the cool thing is now I have a good plan that works and can follow it the rest of my life! Good luck!

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yes, I started it in May and lost 40lbs. I too needed a kick start, the program more then anything taught me portion control which I had been lacking. I stopped buying the food about 2 months ago but am still following it on my own replacing the entrees with like that I can buy in the store. The Hormel lean Completes that you can get at walmart are a good match calorie wise and protein wise to the dinner entrees. One word of advice you get 2 salad or like servings a day with your entrees lunch and dinner. Make a huge salad and add your fruit serving and cheese (dairy serving) to it along with all the "free" veggies and use a fat free or lite dressing 2 TBS. Two 2 large salads a day really makes this diet work, it fills you up.


I'm 6' 2" and would like to get down to under 200 lbs. so I got about 18 more lbs. to go. The weight comes off a lot slower when you get down near your goal weight, but the cool thing is now I have a good plan that works and can follow it the rest of my life! Good luck!


Good post, Helmet. I'm still 6 weeks or so from finishing the three-month plan, but obviously want to stick to the routine I've fallen in with regards to when I eat, what I eat and, as you suggested, how much I eat. Weighed in yesterday and now I'm down an even 30 lbs.

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