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I live in Connecticut and I love this part of the country. That being said, I can always spot a Red Sox fan by their demeanor


Again... There is a reason why states like MA have to park cops in construction zones while the workers work... Sure there are azzholes everywhere... But, the heart of NE is the worst.

Isn't that how Red Sox fans label Yankees fans all these years?



No. We didn't label Yankee fans as classless azzholes because a few of them gave the finger after a game. We labeled them as azzholes because so many of them act like azzholes, all over the country, every freaking day of the year. :(

hey guess where I am now? Top of sec.27 at Fenway! I'll be sure go clulip the bird if I see a camera.





Outstanding! I'm jealous.

A few Red Sox fans flip the bird after a big loss and now the entire Red Sox Nation is scum? Maybe the title should be Stay Classy, Sports Fans.

don't start gettin rational and fair minded on this board.....the home base of the worlds classiest fans......billlsss fansss

No. We didn't label Yankee fans as classless azzholes because a few of them gave the finger after a game. We labeled them as azzholes because so many of them act like azzholes, all over the country, every freaking day of the year. :(


Uh huh. And Boston fans are so different.


Mark Wahlberg on Mike and Mike this morning was the typical Red Sox fan, saying that he was fine if the Red Sox lost to Tampa because he gets to celebrate the fact that the Yankees missed the playoffs. And therein lies the difference between Yankee fans and Red Sox fans; we don't think about the Red Sox when we're playing a playoff series against another team.

Hey... Game 4 is being played... Are the Bean Eaters flocking to the gates?



By the 6th inning we went from standing room to having our pick of field box seats. What a beatdown! I will say fans are not behaving badly. It's likely their last home game.



By the 6th inning we went from standing room to having our pick of field box seats. What a beatdown! I will say fans are not behaving badly. It's likely their last home game.




The play a 2-3-2 format... At least one more (Thurs) in Bean Eater's Paradise. :(

don't start gettin rational and fair minded on this board.....the home base of the worlds classiest fans......billlsss fansss





That's why I think it's a good place to be fair minded...because we are the fuc#ing BEST!

Uh huh. And Boston fans are so different.


Mark Wahlberg on Mike and Mike this morning was the typical Red Sox fan, saying that he was fine if the Red Sox lost to Tampa because he gets to celebrate the fact that the Yankees missed the playoffs. And therein lies the difference between Yankee fans and Red Sox fans; we don't think about the Red Sox when we're playing a playoff series against another team.



You remember that far back?

Uh huh. And Boston fans are so different.


Mark Wahlberg on Mike and Mike this morning was the typical Red Sox fan, saying that he was fine if the Red Sox lost to Tampa because he gets to celebrate the fact that the Yankees missed the playoffs. And therein lies the difference between Yankee fans and Red Sox fans; we don't think about the Red Sox when we're playing a playoff series against another team.

Newsflash: It's not just the Red Sox fans who think like that. A lot of non-Yankee fans feel the same way.


My favorite teams are the Indians, and whoever is playing the Yanks and Red Sox, and I know a lot of fans that feel the same way. Maybe not as much about the Red Sox yet, but more and more.

Newsflash: It's not just the Red Sox fans who think like that. A lot of non-Yankee fans feel the same way.


My favorite teams are the Indians, and whoever is playing the Yanks and Red Sox, and I know a lot of fans that feel the same way. Maybe not as much about the Red Sox yet, but more and more.


Me too. I can't stand either the Yankees or the Red Sox. And it's well-known here that I'm a Tribe fan.

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