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[closed]Let's say we land Tony Gonzalez tomorrow...

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Is there?


I know he hasn't played the Chargers yet this year, but I would think he could at least give us some insight in preparing for them.


Guess I'm swinging way ahead of the slow curve ball, huh?

How long does it take to learn "get to the end zone and catch the ball?"



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Really not that hard, although TE might be 2md most difficult position on team, a veteran already know how to read coverages and can be told the correct route to run by QB, hardest part will be understanding run scheme and pass protections.

I hate to disagree with you on this one but... TE might be one of the easiest positions to learn on the field. Blocking is fairly simple to pick up because TEnds are usually "open", meaning they are the last one on the line. And since TE's normaly dont pull/trap, their man is very easy to identify especially in a zone blocking scheme. Routes for TE's are also very to pick up because they are limited in any scheme. Some vertical/combo but mostly simple underneath routes and having the ability to find the holes in the zone and sit. If we get TG in here tomorrow, he will be on the field all day long on Sunday. We are playing an oppenent that he is very familiar with and he is obviously in game shape. Very excited that we are even in the hunt for a guy like this!

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