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Howard Stern: is satellite radio making him irrelevent?


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Stern has been irrelevant for many years, IMO. When is the last time he did anything interesting?


"Interesting" is the opinion of individuals.


"Relevant" would be the ability to exert influence on multitudes of people, via a large audience or platform.


I would say Rush Limbaugh hasn't done anything interesting in years, but he's certainly relevant in that MANY people love/hate him and are aware of him. Howard's awareness level amongst the general public has certainly decreased since he left free radio, and interest in him has fallen. While he used to be gossip page fodder, now he's almost like a back-burner known only amongst his loyal listeners.


I like Stern and think he's done some of his most interesting stuff since his move to satellite.

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so he goes from 12 million listeners who were paying $0.00 to listen to him, to potentially 19 million paying 12.00/month, or more "realistically" 1-2 million "actual" listeners at $12.00 a month...granted he isnt getting the 12.00/month, but i would bet that he is the reason for a good portion of the listeners, I know I count mice elf among those. doesnt sound irrelevant to me


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so he goes from 12 million listeners who were paying $0.00 to listen to him, to potentially 19 million paying 12.00/month, or more "realistically" 1-2 million "actual" listeners at $12.00 a month...granted he isnt getting the 12.00/month, but i would bet that he is the reason for a good portion of the listeners, I know I count mice elf among those. doesnt sound irrelevant to me

The point of the article is that A-list celebrities don't bother getting on the Stern show like they once used to, and he doesn't make news like he once did because of his FCC troubles. No one disputes he has more money than god now.



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yeah, i am guilty of a knee jerk reaction, i read the rest of the article after i posted...and frankly thats fine with me, he gets people on his show that want to be on the show(or at least that is the impression I get) rather than people that need to be on to whore themselves out for their new project


The point of the article is that A-list celebrities don't bother getting on the Stern show like they once used to, and he doesn't make news like he once did because of his FCC troubles. No one disputes he has more money than god now.



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As Chef Jim noted, what is "relevant" may or may not be relevant to you. Do you know who the biggest star in Bollywood is? Me neither, but I bet 500-600 million people in India do.


I started listening to the Adam Carolla show podcasts. I really enjoy his show, but it doesn't matter to me if it's considered "relevant". It just needs to entertain me.

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As Chef Jim noted, what is "relevant" may or may not be relevant to you. Do you know who the biggest star in Bollywood is? Me neither, but I bet 500-600 million people in India do.


I started listening to the Adam Carolla show podcasts. I really enjoy his show, but it doesn't matter to me if it's considered "relevant". It just needs to entertain me.


Hell I can't even tell you who the biggest star in Hollywood is. :(

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I've listened forever. Haven't noticed a guest dropoff. He rarely has huge superstars and has about the same number now as ever. Big stars don't risk his show. For example, Brad Pitt is a huge Howard fan but refuses to go on the show. Others are like that.


One way to measure his relevance: whenever he has a guest, that person (even the most irrelevant porn star) jumps to top 10 (usually top 3)in Google Trends. Happens 100% of the time. Also Google Trends reflects when they run a particularly good bit.


After most shows, you can go to the Google Trends top 50 and 10 of the topics are related to Howard's show that day. I'd say that's pretty relevant, whether you listen anymore or not.

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I've listened to the show for years. I think that Howard is simply in a much happier place in his life, which may not be condusive to being "relevent." He's been in three-times-a-week therapy for years (making him a much calmer, happier guy), signed a contract for $500 million and just married a super model. Yeah, that's irrelevent, for sure.


When I tune in it's just to hear old friends do their thing. I don't care if "A" listers don't come on - give me Eric the Midget anyday.

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I've listened to the show for years. I think that Howard is simply in a much happier place in his life, which may not be condusive to being "relevent." He's been in three-times-a-week therapy for years (making him a much calmer, happier guy), signed a contract for $500 million and just married a super model. Yeah, that's irrelevent, for sure.


When I tune in it's just to hear old friends do their thing. I don't care if "A" listers don't come on - give me Eric the Midget anyday.


I don't care much about A-listers either, I just want a fresh variety of new guests. No more Joan Rivers, no more Lisa Lampenelli, no more Tito Ortiz, and no more Iron Sheik.

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