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Thoughts on Tony Gonzalez

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Here are some thoughts on the Tony Gonzalez possibility, to keep the discussion going:


1) Let me preface this by saying that I haven't "scouted" TG this year, so I have no idea how much he has left in the tank. Those of you who have seen him play, I'd be very interested to know what your thoughts are.


2) IMO the two most important issues when signing or trading for a veteran player are (1) are they intelligent (i.e., can they pick up the scheme quickly), and (2) are they workout nuts? The second one is EXTREMELY important, IMO. The key reason that some vets decline so quickly and others play well into their thirties has to do with training and conditioning. Injuries play a role as well. A vet who knows how to keep himself in top shape and makes it his priority will continue to play at a high level. From what I recall, TG is, in fact, a workout freak. He's also quite intelligent. Both of these factors are satisfied.


3) Many of us have been saying since the season started that the lack of a playmaking tight end was really holding this offense back. Kudos to the front office for realizing that (albeit late, and after the draft). A quality tight end is unbelievably underrated by most NFL fans (and some teams). A smart, athletic tight end causes all kinds of problems for a defense, especially a cover-2 defense, as he can move the safeties and linebackers around and open up the middle of the field for the other skill players. With the way Edwards utilizes the short pass, a playmaking tight end would really bring this offense to the next level - provided that Turk knows what to do with him. Again, I don't think the impact of someone like TG (assuming he's playing at a high level) can be underestimated - it would almost be as big an impact as adding Stroud to the defensive line. Which brings me to my next point...


4) I really have to give credit to Brandon for even being in the TG conversation right now. First he pulled of the Stroud trade, which addressed our biggest need and was critical to our defensive success this year. Now he's at least exploring doing the same thing for the offensive side of the ball, which shows that he understands our biggest needs and is willing to explore what it takes to address them. Major props.


5) I really hope this happens. Stroud for a 3 and a 5 was well worth it. TG would add the same impact to the offensive side of the ball, so a 3 and a 5 again wouldn't be unreasonable. If we could get it done for less than that, say a 3rd straight up, or a 3rd and a 6th or 7th, it's really a no-brainer. I hope it happens.

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