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Why not a write in?? The libertarians seem to have lost their way some The Constitution party platform is clearly laid out without all of the politico crap ya find in the major party platforms.

Like I said, I haven't decided. I like "most" of the Constitution party's platform but I'm not a fan of the religious overtones because that crap always leads off course.

You realize that you're not actually responding to me, right? Or am I actually spending that much time in your head?


As far as who I'm voting for, I haven't decided. Nor am I likely to share that information with you or anyone else. You can rest assured that it won't be John McCain or Barack Obama. I guarantee that. It'll likely come down to the Constitution or Libertarian party candidates. I have my issues with each of their platforms as well but they certainly wouldn't be as bad for America as the behemoths so many of you are beholden to.



Like I said, I haven't decided. I like "most" of the Constitution party's platform but I'm not a fan of the religious overtones because that crap always leads off course.

yeah but the founding fathers had alot of religious overtones as well. But today this sh-- scares me more than anything else. I really cant wait till end oft his election season problem is in about 2 years the junk starts all over again. When will the American electorate finally get disgruntled with the major parties and finally create TRUE opposition? Oh well living in a traditional red state I still think I am going blue just to throw the map off a little. I hate all this red/blue state stuff as well.

Let us know when you become the least bit relevant, fringe-boy.

What you mean like the rest of you lobotomized followers? Idiots like you would've been running for the King's skirt when the going got tough. No get out there and worship your pariah like a good little minion.

What you mean like the rest of you lobotomized followers? Idiots like you would've been running for the King's skirt when the going got tough. No get out there and worship your pariah like a good little minion.






I predicted in 04' you'd say that about Max. :lol:

Like I said, I haven't decided. I like "most" of the Constitution party's platform but I'm not a fan of the religious overtones because that crap always leads off course.


You must hate this part of their platform-


The Constitution assigns all powers not delegated to the federal government to the states or the people.


Domestic federal "aid" not authorized by the Constitution is not only illegal, it is immoral.


We call upon the states, therefore, to decline to accept all monies from the federal government for any purpose not specifically and clearly articulated in the Constitution, and reject all federal mandates and regulations which are unconstitutional, thus restoring the intended balance of power between the states and their creation, the U.S. Government

What you mean like the rest of you lobotomized followers? Idiots like you would've been running for the King's skirt when the going got tough. No get out there and worship your pariah like a good little minion.

Very responsible for a moderator. Enlighten us with your profound political knowledge that doesn't come from all those posts you have. Other than name calling, something that really changes the course of this thread. I am all a twitter in anticipation to read what the god alaska darin has to post :( .

What you mean like the rest of you lobotomized followers? Idiots like you would've been running for the King's skirt when the going got tough. No get out there and worship your pariah like a good little minion.


Just how much canned goods and bottles of water do you keep in your safe room? How long do you think you can holdout when they come gunning for you?

Very responsible for a moderator.

I wasn't acting as a moderator, so you're either confused, stupid, or unable to frame any valid retort so you have to go after a meaningless title. Big surprise you're an avid follower of the most corrupt party in American history.

Enlighten us with your profound political knowledge that doesn't come from all those posts you have. Other than name calling, something that really changes the course of this thread. I am all a twitter in anticipation to read what the god alaska darin has to post :( .

There isn't a way to enlighten someone who's so dim.


AD and Tom, come out of the closet. You two, despite your statements are closest ........Republicans!

Just how much canned goods and bottles of water do you keep in your safe room?

Safe room? Someone watches too much television.

How long do you think you can holdout when they come gunning for you?

Who exactly is "they"? Or is this just another of those really smart tactics that you liberals use because you know deep down what a group of mindless losers you really are. Keep hiding behind your sloganeering and false sense of superiority. Meanwhile those you worship will continue driving the country off the proverbial cliff.

AD and Tom, come out of the closet. You two, despite your statements are closest ........Republicans!

Which is why I have a lunkhead from each party going after me in back-to-back posts...



You mean like "all of them"? Of course.


But it's fun to pretend that what's being reported has any semblence of truth to it. The Republican party in Alaska very much resembles the Democratic machinery in places like Illinois, Massachussetts, NY, etc. Very powerful and corrupt with virtually no chance of losing their majority.


Sarah Palin won the primary and the governorship of the state with virtually no party support. Most of the party leadership absolutely loaths her.


Nice try dingbat. There are 700,000 people in AK. The party machines are big, but with that few people spread out over 700,000 square miles, the party machines are by no way infallible victors.


Now mix in the screwy mindset of said AK citizens and you can get you Minnesota equiv of Jesse "The Body" Ventura's bucking the system.


I know you want to say how the political game is NO different... But, the game IS different, when it comes to breaking rank. Like the difference between Old Maid and Pinocle... Both are cards game, and that why the similarites end.

Nice try dingbat. There are 700,000 people in AK. The party machines are big, but with that few people spread out over 700,000 square miles, the party machines are by no way infallible victors.

Thanks for telling me how it works in a state you've never actually set foot in. Once again, you're incredibly full of sh--.

looks like alot of the repubs nationally are starting to loath her as well, but she is doing great for Tina Fey

Plus a whole generation now know the name "Phyllis Schlafly" ... as in "Caribou Barbie is the reincarnation of Phyllis Schlafly".


Or if you prefer, George Bush in a dress. Actually I think she might be worse.

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