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I think that wednesday's edition was decent. Not a wet your pants funny, but it definitely drove home their point on the indiana jones movie and the olympics. It almost seemed "filler" if you ask me. Usually episodes like that one, which don't really stand out, preclude legendary episodes... This makes me excited for next wednesday.

This episode was pretty crappy. I am not sure why they do this all the time, but is it really necessary to re-enact scenes from other movies EXACTLY? It might have been funny the first 10 times, but it's getting a bit hacky if you ask me.


Butters was pretty funny though:


"I thought that movie was pretty good"



The funny thing is, earlier that day, an old guy at the cigar shop mentioned to me that he thought the newest IJ movie was, "Pretty good". I met old-man Butters!


Is it just me, or has Cartman's voice gotten deeper and deeper as time's gone on?


You never hear him say "but moooooommm" in that squealy voice anymore...i miss it


The Indiana Jones subplot was hilarious, the PF Chang one sucked balls

Is it just me, or has Cartman's voice gotten deeper and deeper as time's gone on?


You never hear him say "but moooooommm" in that squealy voice anymore...i miss it


The Indiana Jones subplot was hilarious, the PF Chang one sucked balls

I wish they would have used chitty wok instead of PF changs, maybe there would have been a better dynamic to the episode

I wish they would have used chitty wok instead of PF changs, maybe there would have been a better dynamic to the episode



Well PF Chang's does have a little bit of canon to the show. It's where Towelie worked before writing A Million Little Fibers.


But I agree, Chitty Wok would've been better.



I understand about PF Changs, but it was a one-off. They didn't even have a waitron ask "How spicy would you like your Chang sauce?"


Now, if Towlie was the new manager at Changs...

I understand about PF Changs, but it was a one-off. They didn't even have a waitron ask "How spicy would you like your Chang sauce?"


Now, if Towlie was the new manager at Changs...


Gawdam Mongrians always trying to knock down walls

Gawdam Mongrians always trying to knock down walls



They should have used the Gawdam Mongorians and transitioned into Thursday's Sarah Silverman.


Well...maybe not. But, the PJ Changs scene was pretty weak.

They should have used the Gawdam Mongorians and transitioned into Thursday's Sarah Silverman.


Well...maybe not. But, the PJ Changs scene was pretty weak.


I think it would have been funny if you had Butters should the Chitty Wok guy in the balls.

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