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McCain and the Science Vote?

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In the debate, McCain portrayed Barack Obama as an excessive spender, and he punctuated his attack (twice) with this example:



"[Obama] voted for nearly a billion dollars in pork barrel earmark projects, including, by the way, $3 million for an overhead projector at a planetarium in Chicago, Illinois. My friends, do we need to spend that kind of money?"


Turns out, a lot of people think we do. This is no ordinary overhead projector from your 5th grade classroom. The blog Cosmic Variance sums it up:



"If you've ever had the pleasure of visiting the Adler Planetarium, you'd probably guess that the 'overhead projector' he's talking about is the spectacular 'Sky Theater' -- one of the most engrossing, gorgeous venues for displaying visuals about space."


The science community is notoriously tight-knit, especially when rallying to a cause, and boy are they are rallying to this one. Alan Boyle's Cosmic Log has a great summary of the uproar:


-"For McCain to use this as a political zinger is insulting..." (Bad Astronomy)


-"Planetariums are Bridges to the Future, and America would be a much better place if all the congressional earmarks went to projects like them." (The Perfect Silence)


-"The logo for Senator John McCain's campaign has a star in the middle. I wonder what his guide star is? It can't be the same one that ten million children have seen at the Adler Planetarium. Why should anyone want their star to dim?" (Discovery Space)

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-"Planetariums are Bridges to the Future, and America would be a much better place if all the congressional earmarks went to projects like them." (The Perfect Silence


If by Bridges to the Future he means places to go drop acid and watch light shows to Pink Floyd'd Dark Side of the Moon, then yes, I have to agree with him. 0:)

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If by Bridges to the Future he means places to go drop acid and watch light shows to Pink Floyd'd Dark Side of the Moon, then yes, I have to agree with him. 0:)


I dunno if you are being sarcastic or not...


But if you are being serious: Are you trying to insult planetariums? Is that what I'm reading?

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I dunno if you are being sarcastic or not...


But if you are being serious: Are you trying to insult planetariums? Is that what I'm reading?


Well seeing I grew up in the 70's and that's all we used planteriums for, yes I'm bagging on planetariums. But go ahead and tell me how they've changed and how important they are at explaining the heavens to five year olds.

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Well seeing I grew up in the 70's and that's all we used planteriums for, yes I'm bagging on planetariums. But go ahead and tell me how they've changed and how important they are at explaining the heavens to five year olds.


Never been in one...I looked at the sky, myself. 0:)



Seriously...is this something worth spending federal money on?

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Seriously...is this something worth spending federal money on?


I'm pro-Science spending, but I don't want to see money tossed around as earmarks. We wind up having no idea what we are spending overall, and earmarks all too often don't have the same accountability and oversight as funding through traditional mechanisms.


NASA and NSF get money for public education. You want a planaterium, let them prioritize it against other initiatives and ask for it in their budget requests.

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Multi task.


Man now what are we doing? I'm no planetarium expert. It just seems funny to make fun of them. Are they not mainstays of space research? Analyzing telescope images and you know.. examining sunspots and looking for asteroids and all of that jazz. Correct me if I'm wrong but the tourist ceiling with stars on it is just fund raising so the planetariums are not all public money.


Just please tell me we're not going to turn planetariums into some bastards libs vs dems vs fox news vs McObama brainless fart argument.

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Man now what are we doing? I'm no planetarium expert. It just seems funny to make fun of them. Are they not mainstays of space research? Analyzing telescope images and you know.. examining sunspots and looking for asteroids and all of that jazz. Correct me if I'm wrong but the tourist ceiling with stars on it is just fund raising so the planetariums are not all public money.


Just please tell me we're not going to turn planetariums into some bastards libs vs dems vs fox news vs McObama brainless fart argument.


Just so you know what McCain was referring to....



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Man now what are we doing? I'm no planetarium expert. It just seems funny to make fun of them. Are they not mainstays of space research? Analyzing telescope images and you know.. examining sunspots and looking for asteroids and all of that jazz. Correct me if I'm wrong but the tourist ceiling with stars on it is just fund raising so the planetariums are not all public money.


Just please tell me we're not going to turn planetariums into some bastards libs vs dems vs fox news vs McObama brainless fart argument.


No, they are NOT mainstays of space research. Maybe you're thinking of observatories.


Off the top of my head, although I can think of several research institutions that have planetariums, I can't think of a single planetarium that's used for any research.

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No, they are NOT mainstays of space research. Maybe you're thinking of observatories.


Off the top of my head, although I can think of several research institutions that have planetariums, I can't think of a single planetarium that's used for any research.


Oh well then a planetarium is no better than a zoo. Which I bet are also great places to drop acid and listen to pink floyd.

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No, they are NOT mainstays of space research. Maybe you're thinking of observatories.


Off the top of my head, although I can think of several research institutions that have planetariums, I can't think of a single planetarium that's used for any research.


I once researched the female anatomy in one once. 0:)

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Why not have Obama's and Ayer's old stomping grounds, the Annenberg Inititive fund it. Oh, they didn't fund any science or math education programs, just left wing social programs.


Every time you post meaningless drivel that you got from Rush or Hannity (congrats on expanding your horizons to include Hannity), I reconsider voting for a 3ed party and vote for Obama instead. Hopefully my sanity will prevail, but keep inspiring the Obama types with the absolute worst takes on things. Mind you you, Rush is good at what he does. He even occasionally skewers the dems. Hannity on the other hand is a wannabe with a big audience. What does that say about the audience?

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Oh well then a planetarium is no better than a zoo. Which I bet are also great places to drop acid and listen to pink floyd.


No zoos are great places to take put wild animals after you've taken them out of their wild and natural habitat.


Whoa, did I just sound like a tree hugging liberal there? :thumbdown:

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