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Conservative writer David Brooks

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Ah, but there is a subtle difference: Obama blames the lack of troops, which is in essence laying the blame at the doorstep of our troops. McCain on the other hand wisely blames the altitude, not the troops. See the subtle difference?

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Ah, but there is a subtle difference: Obama blames the lack of troops, which is in essence laying the blame at the doorstep of our troops. McCain on the other hand wisely blames the altitude, not the troops. See the subtle difference?


Not at all, that's laying blame at the doorstep of the Pentagon and Bush.

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AD, while I agree with the stuff I left out, I am not sure about gun control on two fronts. One gun control is both a constitutional issue and a social issue. It gets into both territories. Banning guns is a social construct. That being said, from a legislative, in this case constitutional amendment necessity it is a bad idea. However, computerized background checks and a waiting period before a gun is allowed to handed over in all circumstances should be the law. In today's day and age, an aggressive attempt to keep guns out of the hands of common criminals, higher regulation gun dealers should be instituted.

There isn't a single thing in this society that is more regulated than guns.

That being said, it won't solve the issue, just put a damper on it. Kind of like the fence across the southern border. But I do think the Dems if they win the WH will attempt some form of legislation. I am tired of yahoo's walking out into the woods drinking and shooting, let alone the cattle drives they call hunting and sportsmanship.

Why is it that when "Gun Control" is the subject, there's always stupid retorts like "drinking and shooting" and "cattle drives"? Neither of these things have anything to do with the actual issue. Go check out Washington DC's response to the Heller decision and get back to me on what the !@#$ I'm actually referring to.

The stem cell deal really bothers me and if Obama wins and they don't do something significant about it, I am going to be really disappointed. God, I sound like my mom.


F'mm if they don't. My son has a neuro issue and this research may be able cure the underlying problem combined with some gene therapy. Screw the religo nuts who block this kind of research based on their narcissistic view of the bible. Wake up, it ain't God's will and they are just delaying the inevitable because of the red cool aide they are drinking. So their only accomplishment is that more folks will suffer, need more government services, and cost the tax payers money.


It is the shame based society we live in, pathetic and all sides seem to practice it in one form or another. :thumbdown:


The rest I couldn't agree with you more,

Prepare to be disappointed.

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There isn't a single thing in this society that is more regulated than guns.

That is an overstatement, but I won't quibble guns have a lot of regs.


Why is it that when "Gun Control" is the subject, there's always stupid retorts like "drinking and shooting" and "cattle drives"? Neither of these things have anything to do with the actual issue. Go check out Washington DC's response to the Heller decision and get back to me on what the !@#$ I'm actually referring to.


My point is not that they aren't regulated, but that they are not regulated or enforced uniformly from state to state. Can you regulate enforcement.... mandatory sentence guidelines and holding the dealers and sales folks criminally liable *(oh yeh often they are... increase the penalty then and add civil liablity) for not following the law.


Because too many yahoos go out drinking whiskey and shooting (hunting??) on their ATVs a la Dick Cheney an only end up shooting each other. Everyone who owns a guns should be required to take an NRA safety class every 3 years, a la CPR certification. For most this will just be review and boring, but there is nothing like the human mind's built in forgetter, (called denial it won't happen to me attitude) that needs a wake up call. The yahoos give a bad name to real hunters. In lower 48 it is a real problem, in AK there may be enough space not worry so much. Plus, tundra trees and animal size are such that you might mistake another hunter for say an elk or a prairie chicken.

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Why is it that when "Gun Control" is the subject, there's always stupid retorts like "drinking and shooting" and "cattle drives"?


Because when you drive through PA this time of year, you often read the headlines, "DEER SEASON OPEN, THREE HUNTERS KILLED" in the local papers. I have read this headline and other similar at least five times in the last ten years.

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That is an overstatement, but I won't quibble guns have a lot of regs.


My point is not that they aren't regulated, but that they are not regulated or enforced uniformly from state to state.

Welcome to the United States, where each state is supposed to be allowed to decide things.


The Federal Government chooses not to enforce federal laws uniformly. Has nothing to do with whether they exist or not. Care to guess why that is?

Can you regulate enforcement.... mandatory sentence guidelines and holding the dealers and sales folks criminally liable *(oh yeh often they are... increase the penalty then and add civil liablity) for not following the law.

There are already mandatory sentencing guidelines and too much regulation. The problem will always be the government's ability to regulate the laws it passes, which is why far more care should be taken on every bill, regardless of subject. These things have real consequences.


The reality is, the government passes most laws with the idea that they'll use them at their convenience at some point. Get used to it because it's not changing.

Because too many yahoos go out drinking whiskey and shooting (hunting??) on their ATVs a la Dick Cheney an only end up shooting each other. Everyone who owns a guns should be required to take an NRA safety class every 3 years, a la CPR certification. For most this will just be review and boring, but there is nothing like the human mind's built in forgetter, (called denial it won't happen to me attitude) that needs a wake up call. The yahoos give a bad name to real hunters. In lower 48 it is a real problem, in AK their may be enough space not worry so much. Plus, tundra trees and animal size are such that you might mistake another hunter for say an elk or a prairie chicken.

Not a gun issue, nor do I support being forced into another government "education" program that has virtually no benefit but instead punishes the 99.9% of gun owners and hunters that don't engage in those behaviors. Good luck legislating stupidity out of existence.

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Because when you drive through PA this time of year, you often read the headlines, "DEER SEASON OPEN, THREE HUNTERS KILLED" in the local papers. I have read this headline and other similar at least five times in the last ten years.

So? People get killed. Life is dangerous. Not a gun control issue.

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People like me? really. what exactly is a "person" like me?


Thats a person whose ideas dont match lockstep with those who got all giddy over what took place in the Denver version of the Deutsche Stadion a while back.


I find it funny that the same crew who say "DONT LOOK AT HIS PAST!!!!" are rooting for the guy whose got a literal army of lawyers dumpster diving in Wasilla, AK right now.

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Thats a person whose ideas dont match lockstep with those who got all giddy over what took place in the Denver version of the Deutsche Stadion a while back.


I find it funny that the same crew who say "DONT LOOK AT HIS PAST!!!!" are rooting for the guy whose got a literal army of lawyers dumpster diving in Wasilla, AK right now.

They really don't need to dumpster dive, the bi-partisan investigation into Moose Babe was underway before she was nominated and will be released today.

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