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Obama's Robert Gibbs pwns Sean Hannity

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No. I just didn't see at any point where the Microsoft guy got the better of Hannity. And before you mistake me for a Hannity fan, I hate his guts.

I think by clearly pointing out how completely and utterly stupid it was to accuse Hannity of being an anti-Semite, it clearly pointed out how completely and utterly stupid it was for Hannity and his ilk to associate Obama to the domestic terrorist life of Ayers.

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Wut? There was no pwning in that video. I think Hannity is as dumb as they come, but he was by no means pwned in that video. Interesting discussion, but calling him pwned is just not true, both sides stood their ground well, even given both of their biases based on contractual obligations to their employers.

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Actually, I heard somewhere that Obama learned how to make suicide vests as a child at a madrassa when he was still muslim.


They say he plans on blowing himself up in the Whitehouse once elected... :lol:

Finally, that tacky Nancy Reagan china will be disposed of as it deserves.

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