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Do you think it's a gaffe/infamous moment on the same level as Al Gore sighing and invading GWB's space, GHWB checking his watch during the debate, Dukakis's terrible answer about the rape of his wife, or Gerald Ford's Poland gaffe?


He was appealing to the dumb bigots who Palin whipped up into a frenzy with her "Obama is a terrorist" bull sh-- to the point where one of them allegedly screamed "kill him!".


A "gaffe" would suggest that it was a blunder, or a mistake. I don't believe it was a mistake at all. I think McCain is a man consumed with hate, barely holding it together.

A "gaffe" would suggest that it was a blunder, or a mistake. I don't believe it was a mistake at all. I think McCain is a man consumed with hate, barely holding it together.


I'm sure if elected he'll collect up all minorities and place them in camps because his hate is so deep.


I could see the hate boiling out of his ears. :doh:


BTW, you have an appropriate log in name as you're often found in schit.


I guess you are going to get two sides to this and it will run along racial lines. Either McCain meant:


That One = That Politician

That One = That Sub-Human


Now take in to the notion that McCain calling someone a politician is negative... One can easily apply the Law of Syllogism (Chain rule).


Along with lawyers and politicians most (especially the one's Republicans are panderiong too) will argue they are sub-human.




That One = That Politician

That Politician = Sub-Human

Sub-Human= That One


Now... Again, we can all be certain that McCain was equating "That One" to something negative. Obviously, nothing is respectful or nice about something negative... Throw any negative name you want into that equation and you have what McCain meant.


On the hideous and insideous high end you would have:




And on the more "respectful" end you have a word like:




McCain... Fugged up big time, IMO.

I'm sure if elected he'll collect up all minorities and place them in camps because his hate is so deep.


I could see the hate boiling out of his ears. :doh:


BTW, you have an appropriate log in name as you're often found in schit.

I never mentioned race in my post. I believe McCain hates Obama for a multitude of reasons that have nothing to do with Obama's race.


Good one on my login.

I believe McCain hates Obama for a multitude of reasons that have nothing to do with Obama's race.


I disagree.


I don't think McCain hates Obama at all. Nor do I believe Obama hates McCain. Backstage they're probably quite chummy with each other


They both know its all a game and neither is a player hater. It's the partisan "fans" (ala Wacka, blzrul, etc) that are the haters

I disagree.


I don't think McCain hates Obama at all. Nor do I believe Obama hates McCain. Backstage they're probably quite chummy with each other


They both know its all a game and neither is a player hater. It's the partisan "fans" (ala Wacka, blzrul, etc) that are the haters


So says the white kid from Erie, PA. :lol:



I think McCain was just frustrated. Nothing more.


I think he goes to bed with this prayer:


Now I lay me down to sleep

I pray the Lord my soul to keep

If I die before I wake

Thank you God, for I think a made a mistake.


I'm still trying to figure this one out. Bill Press on KB this morning was going nuts over "that one" but I'm having a hard time trying to find the implied racism. In other words it was hardly a macaca moment.



If you're going to nail McCain get him for having ties to an ultra right wing international extremist organization that had heavy influence in our murderous latin American policy during the '80's, an ugly legacy of the Ray-gun era.


I don't think it had any racial intent or implication at all. Nor do I think McCain is racist at all.


McCain just hates anyone that doesn't love John McCain, and promote John McCain, and agree with John McCain, so he talks down to, and is condescending to them.


Seems Sean Hannity is doing all he can to show he is nothing more than human excrement. He had an anti-semetic radical on to throw every lie in the book at Obama to make him truely seem like an enemy of America




Over the weekend, Sean Hannity hosted a show on Fox News entitled Obama & Friends: The History of Radicalism. The star of Hannity's smear fest was none other than Andy Martin, who was featured as an honored, credible investigator and source to expose "the real Barack Obama." There wasn't a hostile or adversarial word uttered by Hannity about or towards Martin. To the contrary, Martin's claims were the basis for many of the Fox News show's allegations against Obama. This is how Fox described him on-screen when he spoke: "Andy Martin, AUTHOR & JOURNALIST":


Hannity turned to Martin after asking what Obama means by "community organizer," and Martin explained that Obama "was in training for a radical overthrow of the government" -- and Fox then promoted Martin's book:


Everybody hates Jews! Obama hates them becausae he associates with Farrakahn (sp?) and McCain hates them because he likes Hannity who had a guy on his show who hates them. They're both terrorists in my book. :doh:

Everybody hates Jews! Obama hates them becausae he associates with Farrakahn (sp?) and McCain hates them because he likes Hannity who had a guy on his show who hates them. They're both terrorists in my book. :doh:


Anti-semitism is no longer the hating of race, it's who the Jews hate and label. Tell me I'm wrong, but it's the truth. Speaking against Zionism is now anti-semitic, yet many hasidic Jews are against Zionism yet no one associates this basic understanding that anti-semitism is the biggest canard being thrown at someone.

I don't think it had any racial intent or implication at all. Nor do I think McCain is racist at all.


McCain just hates anyone that doesn't love John McCain, and promote John McCain, and agree with John McCain, so he talks down to, and is condescending to them.


I don't think it had any racial intent or implication at all. Nor do I think McCain is racist at all.


McCain just hates anyone that doesn't love John McCain, and promote John McCain, and agree with John McCain, so he talks down to, and is condescending to them.


I would add in that it was meant to be humorous. Tho, this may be along the lines of his "Thanks for the question, you little jerk :doh: " re: the kid who asked him whether he worried about getting Alzheimer's and dying in office (really, along with everyone who was in the room at the time, I thought that one was a funny quip --- a jokingly smartass comment to a kid who was also being a joking smartass by phrasing the question as he did). A sense of humor indicates a sharp wit, it indicates youthful spirit, both things that JM needs to counteract. No doubt in my mind that last night's was in the same vein. May be a different kind of humor, and maybe candidates shouldn't really attempt humor (b/c even for professional humorists, it can be hard to pull off). There were lots of times last night when JM tried to be witty/playful with Brokaw. I remember the "that one" spot, but don't remember specifically what he said after it when he referred to himself...


At the end of the day tho, you'll never lack for someone to be retroactively insulted at these debates b/c it can score brownie points with your base. Cheney did somewhat the same thing in '04 after the moderator brought up his daughter, Mary Cheney. At the time, Cheney thanked Edwards for his words, and then a few days later when Kerry referenced the VP debate, the Bush campaign went all bullsh-- acting like Kerry outed her, huffing and puffing and about hoity-toitying 'Well, I never!" I didn't really see what there was to be quite so upset over in that exchange, even tho this small quip about what the on-your-feet word choice of "one" means, in comparison, is very small potatoes.

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