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You're right, a math professor could never have crazy political beliefs......wait, wasn't Ted Kaczynski a math professor? Got anymore conspiracy theories you'd like to share with us, this is really amusing!

That's right keep convincing me that all the far left does it attack the messenger instead of the message, never mind even bothering to understand the message.


Did you even try here? Somehow I doubt it.


Another example of why the far-left should never be allowed to be in charge of anything, ever. Weak-minded, silly and lazy is no way to go through life, pal.

That's right keep convincing me that all the far left does it attack the messenger instead of the message, never mind even bothering to understand the message.


Did you even try here? Somehow I doubt it.


Another example of why the far-left should never be allowed to be in charge of anything, ever. Weak-minded, silly and lazy is no way to go through life, pal.


In that case I assume you believe that Al Gore won Florida in 2000, correct?

In that case I assume you believe that Al Gore won Florida in 2000, correct?

I believe the facts, as always:


1. Al Gore lost in Florida by vote, by court, and by public opinion for acting like a baby. The system we have set up, right or wrong, decided the issue. You can say it is terrible, and I will agree, but the rules were the rules and will remain so unless somebody changes them-->I really don't know if they did.


2. The Secretary of State of Florida acted in a completely irresponsible manner. This is due to not insisting that every disputed county do an immediate machine recount, as per the law. They didn't want to, and she should have instructed state troopers to force them to, also as per the law. And, she signed off on chucking 20,000 names off the ballot 6 months before the election based on incredibly shoddy work by a shoddy business intelligence/database outfit.


3. Michael Moore and the rest of the retard crew campaigned extensively for Nader in Florida, and 100,000 people or so voted for Nader. If only 5% of them had voted for Gore, he would have won easily. The final tallies, performed by reasonable people not far-left hacks, I have read about all conclude that Bush won by only 800-2000 votes.


4. All the hate the far-left likes to spew against George Bush re: that election doesn't take facts 1 or 3 into account, ever!


If you don't or can't accept facts 1-4 then you simply aren't a serious person and nobody should bother with you. I might as well be talking to a clown.

They used the starting lineup of the Cowboys as voters ;)


Obama should tell these azzholes to stop (and yes, they are his people), he's already got the election won, no reason to taint it.



Thats right, you did it look whos here. DBM in the house. This idiot isn't winning anything. Keep listening to what NPR tells you, eventually you will have no brain left...get it, left.. :unsure: Obama and his followers should be arrested. Just like Wild Bill Clinton should have been for lying under oath. :D Whats wrong with America?

I believe the facts, as always:


1. Al Gore lost in Florida by vote, by court, and by public opinion for acting like a baby. The system we have set up, right or wrong, decided the issue. You can say it is terrible, and I will agree, but the rules were the rules and will remain so unless somebody changes them-->I really don't know if they did.


2. The Secretary of State of Florida acted in a completely irresponsible manner. This is due to not insisting that every disputed county do an immediate machine recount, as per the law. They didn't want to, and she should have instructed state troopers to force them to, also as per the law. And, she signed off on chucking 20,000 names off the ballot 6 months before the election based on incredibly shoddy work by a shoddy business intelligence/database outfit.


3. Michael Moore and the rest of the retard crew campaigned extensively for Nader in Florida, and 100,000 people or so voted for Nader. If only 5% of them had voted for Gore, he would have won easily. The final tallies, performed by reasonable people not far-left hacks, I have read about all conclude that Bush won by only 800-2000 votes.


4. All the hate the far-left likes to spew against George Bush re: that election doesn't take facts 1 or 3 into account, ever!


If you don't or can't accept facts 1-4 then you simply aren't a serious person and nobody should bother with you. I might as well be talking to a clown.


Well if you're going to use a source from an academic to "prove" that Nixon really won Illinois in 1960 than to be consistant you should believe that Gore won Florida in 2000. Since you have such a hard-on for academics-


http://www.hamilton.edu/news/florida/KlinknerAnalysis2.htmlProfessor Walter Mebane from Cornell










And about one million more....

Well if you're going to use a source from an academic to "prove" that Nixon really won Illinois in 1960 than to be consistant you should believe that Gore won Florida in 2000. Since you have such a hard-on for academics-


http://www.hamilton.edu/news/florida/KlinknerAnalysis2.htmlProfessor Walter Mebane from Cornell










And about one million more....

Which proves what exactly? None of these professors are part of the system that determined Bush the winner. I never said that these guys aren't right. I specifically said the whole thing stinks to high heaven. Right? But, I also said that you can't bring yourself to admit that your own people f ed you, and if only 5% of them hadn't Gore would have won. How is that Bush's fault? It's not.


I also said that election fraud in the Democratic machines around the country has been going on for 150 years and will continue until somebody permanently breaks those machines. How does anything you have posted here disprove that? It doesn't.


The original point was that it is beyond doubt that Richard Daley and his Democratic machine conspired to steal the election for JFK. It's not an urban legend. This is history and it's also the truth. Deal with it.


Another fact: Democrats in 13 states are being investigated for voter fraud. Yeah, and I'm sure it's all Bush :angry: The FBI so much enjoys being made fools, of course they do. :angry:


The original, original :) point was that somehow you, and others, think that Democratic machines don't routinely commit election fraud, when history clearly shows they do. As I explained, they have recently been thrown in jail for it. And, they are being investigated TODAY, right now, as I write, for doing the very same thing.


And all of this = 150 years of history, is supposed to be simply washed away because of 2000? or because you say so? No friggin way pal! You can complain about 2000 all you want, but you look ridiculous when compared to sheer #s of elections that have been tainted by corrupt Democratic machines.

How does anything you have posted here disprove that?

Or prove it, for that matter. All you have put forth so far is innuendo and "common knowledge" history lessons about guys who've been in the grave for more than 30 years.


Edjumacate me with some 21st century "red meat" this evening when I have more time to waste on this....

Which proves what exactly? None of these professors are part of the system that determined Bush the winner. I never said that these guys aren't right. I specifically said the whole thing stinks to high heaven. Right? But, I also said that you can't bring yourself to admit that your own people f ed you, and if only 5% of them hadn't Gore would have won. How is that Bush's fault? It's not.


I also said that election fraud in the Democratic machines around the country has been going on for 150 years and will continue until somebody permanently breaks those machines. How does anything you have posted here disprove that? It doesn't.


The original point was that it is beyond doubt that Richard Daley and his Democratic machine conspired to steal the election for JFK. It's not an urban legend. This is history and it's also the truth. Deal with it.


Another fact: Democrats in 13 states are being investigated for voter fraud. Yeah, and I'm sure it's all Bush :angry: The FBI so much enjoys being made fools, of course they do. :angry:


The original, original :) point was that somehow you, and others, think that Democratic machines don't routinely commit election fraud, when history clearly shows they do. As I explained, they have recently been thrown in jail for it. And, they are being investigated TODAY, right now, as I write, for doing the very same thing.


And all of this = 150 years of history, is supposed to be simply washed away because of 2000? or because you say so? No friggin way pal! You can complain about 2000 all you want, but you look ridiculous when compared to sheer #s of elections that have been tainted by corrupt Democratic machines.


Make it 14 states. Minnesota is investigating them now. It will turn out that ACORN is crooked in all places they are.

Obama's election committee gave them 800K for "voter registration".

Or prove it, for that matter. All you have put forth so far is innuendo and "common knowledge" history lessons about guys who've been in the grave for more than 30 years.


Edjumacate me with some 21st century "red meat" this evening when I have more time to waste on this....

Easy. Read the original post. ACORN got busted doing exactly what Democrat machines have been doing since Boss Tweed. What else is there to say?


JFK won because of a massive conspiracy led by Daley. You said these massive conspiracies don't exist. History says you're dead wrong. The fact that ACORN just got busted says you're dead wrong. Holy God says you're dead wrong.


These are facts. Where's the innuendo? Do you even know what that word means? The fact is that Richard Daley's son is running the Chicago Democratic machine now, and everybody on the planet, except apparently you, knows that it is a completely corrupt organization, in league with corrupt labor unions and the mafia, and has been since forever.


How the hell else did a Daley end up as Clinton's Commerce Secretary?


Oh and you want some new Daley/Democrat/Chicago corruption form this century? Here you go:


"Hired Truck Program


The Hired Truck Program involved hiring private trucks to do city work. A six-month investigation by the Chicago Sun-Times resulted in a three-day series of articles in January 2004 that revealed that some participating companies were being paid for doing little or no work, had mob connections or were tied to city employees. Truck owners also paid bribes in order to get into the program. The program was overhauled in 2004 (and phased out beginning in 2005).[10]




The hired truck scandal eventually sparked a Federal investigation into hiring practices at Chicago City Hall, with Robert Sorich, Mayor Daley's former patronage chief, facing mail fraud charges for allegedly rigging city hiring to favor people with political connections. On July 5, 2006, Sorich was convicted on two counts of mail fraud for rigging city jobs and promotions.[11] Daley said that "It is fair criticism to say I should have exercised greater oversight to ensure that every worker the city hired, regardless of who recommended them, was qualified and that proper procedures were always followed."


Just like is has been from the beginning in Chicago, and boy aren't we lucky to have a Democratic candidate from there. :angry: I'm sure Obama doesn't "owe". :angry: Yeah I'm sure the Daley's are going to let one of their boys be President and not ask for a thing.

Yeah I'm sure the Daley's are going to let one of their boys be President and not ask for a thing.


Oh no you didn't just call Obama a "boy", did you? And what are the right wingers asking from McCain?


Keep talking about these fringe issues most voters don't care about, and keep watching McCain's poll numbers drop. I understand he can't win on the issues, but is this the best he has left?


Fringe Issue??????

Massive voter fraud by an organization that has taken at least 800 K from a candidate from president is fringe?????

Oh no you didn't just call Obama a "boy", did you? And what are the right wingers asking from McCain?


Keep talking about these fringe issues most voters don't care about, and keep watching McCain's poll numbers drop. I understand he can't win on the issues, but is this the best he has left?

I have no dog in this race other than to see that the ignorant are not allowed to prosper.


"Boy" means what it says in the context I wrote it, you know it, and you can stick your PC crap up your ass. So I guess the expression "The Boys Downtown" is now racist as well? If so, then Paul Newman is now officially a racist as well, and Rolling Stone is a propaganda site for the right wing, according to your ridiculousness:




"The Verdict. Arguably, Newman’s finest performance. In Sidney Lumet’s 1982 legal drama, Newman plays a failure, a Boston lawyer on the bottle and heading for the skids until a medical negligence case gives him a leg up on redemption. Not a false move invades Newman’s portrayal. And it’s a kick to hear him dig into juicy David Mamet dialogue, like his attack on a crooked judge: You couldn't hack it as a lawyer. You were a bag man for the boys downtown and you still are, I know about you.” The fire is his eyes as he delivers those last four words—"I know about you"— is unforgettable. Lumet told me that he, Mamet and even Newman admitted at the time that they wanted, really wanted, to win Oscars for The Verdict. That they didn't remains a blot on the Academy."


Nice lame attempt and calling me a racist. But wait, I forgot isn't that the playbook for all you little proles?


If you haven't noticed, the topic of this thread is ACORN and Democratic Party election fraud. Sorry but this is still America and we still get to talk about the truth here, at least for a while.

Fringe Issue??????

Massive voter fraud by an organization that has taken at least 800 K from a candidate from president is fringe?????

So how come a Republican Justice Department has turned up bupkis on these kinds of allegations over the last eight years?

Fringe Issue??????

Massive voter fraud by an organization that has taken at least 800 K from a candidate from president is fringe?????


Please, please explain why there have been maybe a handful of voter fraud cases brought by state or federal authorities for the past few elections.


Hint: while there may be cases of attempt to file false voter registration forms, these "voters" are not added to the voter rolls do to a host of bi-partisan safeguards, and thus, they either do not vote, or if they vote provisionally their vote is thrown out afterward.


Don't you get it? Oh, wait, the facts are not the point.


You're a idiot if you think that they have found more than the tip of the iceberg of fraud.

What about the 30K felons in Florida?


At least we should divide the blather into the correct categories. There seems to be three kinds of fraud: voter registration fraud, voter fraud, and election fraud. It seems to me there is and has been a ton of registration fraud, a significant amount of election fraud, and relatively little actual voter fraud.


Looks like Obama's $800,000 to ACORN is starting to be accounted for.


Ohio ACORN Recruits People To Get Out The Vote for Obama!


Ohio Recruitment Blog #1


Ohio Blog #2


I love this part of the ad:


Please do not contact the Obama campaign directly regarding this post as they are not the organization doing the hiring and it will only distract their staff and volunteers from the other important work they are doing on behalf of Senator Obama.


So I'm confused: is he a part of Acorn or not? Well, maybe he'll just denounce them and all will be forgiven.



You're a idiot if you think that they have found more than the tip of the iceberg of fraud.

What about the 30K felons in Florida?

Well they all vote GOP so why are YOU worried.

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