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The official McCain/Obama debate thread II

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Turnabout is fair play!


Benjy Interviews Republicans.mp3


You are arguing with the ultimate emotional JPL apologist. :doh: I didn't see the links... But, the dude you are sparing with could himself rival in many ways the 2004 and 2008 dysfunction of those Howard Stern moments.


"These are your votes."


This country is freaking scary!



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I Tivo'd the debate and watched most of it last night. Since the town hall is McCain's supposed strength I was looking forward to seeing and hearing it, also seeing how Obama held up considering the format is not supposed to be his best.


I made the mistake of recording the CNN version, but I wanted hi-def ... those stupid score-keeping things on the side are ridiculous. However I did find the undecided voter reaction at the bottom somewhat interesting.


McCain may have scored a few points - not many - but as the evening progressed he started to come across more and more like a bitter, somewhat doddering old man. It's obvious he would like to dance on Obama's grave.


McCain is looking older than ever! Anyone else notice his wheezy breathing?

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Yep. I've heard multiple representatives talking about the true bailout being 1 trillion+, but they didn't specify what. I wonder if this is part of it.

It now has a name...


That is why last night, I called for an American Homeownership Resurgence Plan -- a plan to use taxpayer money not just to bail out Wall Street, but instead to keep families in their homes and to stabilize financial markets from the bottom up.

and Obama's campaign must have decided he needed a part of that action...


The Treasury Department must move quickly to implement a plan based on the rescue package we passed last week and use the authority they already have to purchase troubled assets, including mortgages.
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Duh, people actually like ideas of their opponents and trash the other side unless it is covered up. If you went into a Republican district in say the white part of Alabama, doing just the opposite, you would get the same thing. And, If you went in to areas with an agenda list mixed between the two candidates positions and asked which they prefer, I'll be you would come up with some interesting results. Especially, then if you went back week later and asked them the same questions with one or the other candidates support or opposition to the idea. Bet the wouldn't remember how they answered their support or opposition the previous week.


This is why push polling works. It is sad, but McCain's campaign manager is right, this election is not about ideas. He just shouldn't have said it. And Obama is winning the image/vision thing whether or not you believe there is any substance behind either candidate's rhetoric.

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I turned it off after about 45 minutes. I couldn't take one more " My Friends" from McCain. I think he was up to about 18 or 19 " My Friends" by then. Obama on the other hand was driving me crazy with his"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnddddddd"

If I was next to him I would of slapped him one in the back of the head. For Christ sake Barry, spit it out. God!! :doh:



How anyone can vote for either one of these two guys is beyond me.

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Ya wanna hear something funny?


All day, every day, people here dissect all sides of the election. We're all so smart and clever and wise. We have links from the left and the right to support our cases, but in the end, here are your voters.


On Howard Stern, Sal goes to Harlem and asks black voters who they are voting for.


Please note that (1) this is Howard Stern, so the language is NSFW, (2) I know I don't like Stern, so get over yourself, and (3) I apologize if this has already been posted.


That was terrific.

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I turned it off after about 45 minutes. I couldn't take one more " My Friends" from McCain. I think he was up to about 18 or 19 " My Friends" by then. Obama on the other hand was driving me crazy with his"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnddddddd"

If I was next to him I would of slapped him one in the back of the head. For Christ sake Barry, spit it out. God!! :doh:



How anyone can vote for either one of these two guys is beyond me.




Very true. I think the count was 19 for "My Friends". I counted that he said it 4 times in one answer.

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I made the mistake of recording the CNN version, but I wanted hi-def


Out of curiousity, what difference does it make if you watch a debate in HD or regular TV?


Did you want a closeup of McCain's creepy chin/cheek or something? Maybe a better view of CNN's magic board (which btw I think will soon become self-aware and evolve into Skynet)

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I Tivo'd the debate and watched most of it last night. Since the town hall is McCain's supposed strength I was looking forward to seeing and hearing it, also seeing how Obama held up considering the format is not supposed to be his best.


I made the mistake of recording the CNN version, but I wanted hi-def ... those stupid score-keeping things on the side are ridiculous. However I did find the undecided voter reaction at the bottom somewhat interesting.


McCain may have scored a few points - not many - but as the evening progressed he started to come across more and more like a bitter, somewhat doddering old man. It's obvious he would like to dance on Obama's grave.

It was in Hi-def on the Ra-cha-cha locals. NBC had some graphic in the lower middle of the screen that was easy enough to ignore.

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I made the mistake of recording the CNN version, but I wanted hi-def ... those stupid score-keeping things on the side are ridiculous. However I did find the undecided voter reaction at the bottom somewhat interesting.

That was precisely why I recorded the CNN version...it was in hi-def. The analyst scores on the side were embarrassing, to say the least, and I found myself frustrated because if I had known they were going to lead opinion, I would have just found something less slanted. Brutally annoying and embarrassing.

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Sanford and Son


McCain was the incarnation of Fred Sanford.


McCain's movements, his awkward stiff-legged strutting toward and away from the audience, called to mind ol' Fred when he was spouting off some of his insults and barbs directed at his son and at his top nemesis, sister-in-law "Aunt Esther."


Obama didn't help matters either.


He assumed the posture of Lamont, Sanford's twenty-something year old son. Lamont -- cooler, more level headed, certainly less condescending -- differed with his father on just about everything. Yet was superficially polite.

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Out of curiousity, what difference does it make if you watch a debate in HD or regular TV?


Did you want a closeup of McCain's creepy chin/cheek or something? Maybe a better view of CNN's magic board (which btw I think will soon become self-aware and evolve into Skynet)


More vivid colors, and a bigger picture.

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Ya wanna hear something funny?


All day, every day, people here dissect all sides of the election. We're all so smart and clever and wise. We have links from the left and the right to support our cases, but in the end, here are your voters.


On Howard Stern, Sal goes to Harlem and asks black voters who they are voting for.


Please note that (1) this is Howard Stern, so the language is NSFW, (2) I know I don't like Stern, so get over yourself, and (3) I apologize if this has already been posted.


The Sal interview concludes with a McCain supporter sounding just as dumb as the Obama people. The link in my sig has the entire bit--with a frightening McCain hick on the page somewhere too.

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The Sal interview concludes with a McCain supporter sounding just as dumb as the Obama people.

Which is why I said "here are your voters." More to the point, most of us on this board spend an inordinate amount of time looking and reading and listening into every faction of the election. To that extent, there's not a lot of difference between an affiliation with a political party and an affiliation with a football team. When one team is winning, their fans act like idiots as they blather about every single misstep by the other team. "Oh, my God, your big, bad 4-0 team had the ball for less than 11 minutes, got a single first down, and couldn't get so much as a field goal against the 0-4 St. Louis Rams!!!"


But when you step outside of the stadium, most of the world is walking around ignorant to the game that just took place beyond the headline they saw from the newspaper rack while they were picking up their double chocomocha latte on the way to work, at which time they walk up to you in the office and say "I heard you guys couldn't hit a simple homerun yesterday against the Rams."

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That was precisely why I recorded the CNN version...it was in hi-def. The analyst scores on the side were embarrassing, to say the least, and I found myself frustrated because if I had known they were going to lead opinion, I would have just found something less slanted. Brutally annoying and embarrassing.


Ok, I'll be the first to admit that I'm out of touch with this stuff, but why do you need a debate in hi-def. That's like putting on your glasses to watch paint dry. :doh:

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Ok, I'll be the first to admit that I'm out of touch with this stuff, but why do you need a debate in hi-def. That's like putting on your glasses to watch paint dry. :doh:

It's all relative and a matter of personal viewing preferences.


It would be like saying to you "Why bother using ricotta cheese in lasagna when cottage cheese works just as well and is healthier for you" or "Why bother with a Brunello from Montalcino when Charles Shaw makes a perfectly acceptable red."


A matter of personal preference. Unless you think cottage cheese in lasagna is a good idea, in which case I got nuthin. :lol:

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