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AFC East is getting interesting


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Week three I was loving life the - - Bills 3-0, the Patriots had just lost to the winless Dolphins. The Jets defense looked terrible as the San Diego put up a 50 burger on them. I wasn't concerned about the Dolphins' win as it looked like gimmicky victory with all wildcat direct snaps + the Pats looked awful without Brady. Everything was happy in the AFC East, two weeks later things have changed, the east has tightened up, Buffalo really only has 1 quality win (Jacksonville and even they have a losing record). Should be a fun conference to watch all the way through - - can't wait for the divisional games they will be huge. I still think the Bill's take the division but it won't be the cakewalk I thought it would be.


Miami: as much as I hate them, anytime you beat Patriots and the Chargers (two pre-season suberbowl favourites) you have to take notice. I'm not sure if their Legit but that Defence looks much improved and the offense seems to be putting up points. I can't believe I'm writing this but Pennington's health with be key to their success.


The Patriots: still have an offense loaded with talent, but they need to establish a ground game whether it will be Laurence Maroney, Sammy Morris, LaMont Jordon or Kevin Faulk. They are definitely not the 07/08 pats but it would be a mistake to underestimate them. Once the Bills game got out of hand I flipped to the Patriots 49ers game and it looked to me like patriots defence had it swagger back really putting a lot of pressure on J.T O'sullivan.


The Jets: Farve is an X-factor, I thought he was done personally. But then he goes out and throws 6 TD's against a Arizona, the same team who wooped our butts this week. I still think their defense is suspect and really If I ranked the afc east teams I would probably put them last. But they added a lot of talent via freeagency and if that team starts to gel... watchout we could be in a for a 4 way race in the AFC east.

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What's interesting is that we're the only NFL team to have not played a division rival yet! And we won't do so for another 2 weeks.


Right. Even after our great start, we really don't know where this team stands WRT our own division. The only team that's played us and another A-East team is Ariz. and while Brett played unconsious, Ariz. actually made a game of it in the second half and more heroics by Favre were necessary to win it. We'll have a better feel for Miami after we play San Diego. They (SD) play NE this week. If we can't beat them at home, we'll be in a tremendous dogfight for the remainder of the season.


Man, how things can change in one season! :nana:

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I think the worst part about the cards win over the Bills is that it let the rest of the AFC East back into the picture. A Buffalo win and they are 1.5 games over NE going into week 6, with them being the closest team to possibly catch the Bills. The AFC East is going to be tight this year and they need all the breathing room they can.

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Anyone know the reason as to why we dont play a divisional team until that late in the season?


Miami does look better, good to see though cause I miss the old Buffalo Miami thing.


Pats, ya just never know man. I still think they are good football team we will struggle against.


Jets....Man Favre is making Cotchery & Coles look awesome.


everyone talks about the NFC East, but AFC East is not far behind.

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Anyone know the reason as to why we dont play a divisional team until that late in the season?


Miami does look better, good to see though cause I miss the old Buffalo Miami thing.


Pats, ya just never know man. I still think they are good football team we will struggle against.


Jets....Man Favre is making Cotchery & Coles look awesome.


everyone talks about the NFC East, but AFC East is not far behind.

No, the NFC East is dangerous, and almost all those teams can beat almost every other team in the league. The AFC East is just really close when it comes to their teams

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