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What Is With The Republican Terrorist Name Calling

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well sorry to say that "exiled" but if you thing you 'll retire with as good conditions as people do now you're just living on an other planet. This is not politics this is just demography.


I fully expect the Baby-Boomers to take the lion's share... I am not so far behind... I feel sorry for the younger kids out there that will have it worse than me.

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Oh my money is still on Obama being assassinated by inauguration.



Classy. Seriously is the US that messed up? Because if anything like that happens, it would set this country back 100 years. How dare that black guy work all the way up from a working class background, go to Harvard Law, become a US Senator, and get elected by a country that just had one of the worst 8 years in it's history? How dare he. :ph34r:

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Me too. I am not even banking on SS being there for me in 2033 or beyond.


The thing about my grandfather is at least he got something back... He put very little into SS, yet lived many years past his retirement.


What will be our "bone"... Or will we just get "the bone."

I'll be 65 in 2032. Reminds of being in kindergarden and the teacher talking about the year 2000 and how old we would be. Seemed like it was forever away, but now its 8 years ago! So if we live to be around 80, we are already half dead! lol


Just a cheering thought for the day :doh:

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Classy. Seriously is the US that messed up? Because if anything like that happens, it would set this country back 100 years. How dare that black guy work all the way up from a working class background, go to Harvard Law, become a US Senator, and get elected by a country that just had one of the worst 8 years in it's history? How dare he. :doh:

It might be. I don't think they will murder Obama but I suspect they will try. It will be a damn sad day in American history if they do it. Sadness followed by a lot of anger.

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Oh my money is still on Obama being assassinated by inauguration.



Interesting that you say that. I teach courses for the Navy and a couple months back (even before Hil dropped out) one of my students (who is black) stated the he would be surprised if Obama lasted more than a month alive in office if elected. Kinda took me by surprise.

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Interesting that you say that. I teach courses for the Navy and a couple months back (even before Hil dropped out) one of my students (who is black) stated the he would be surprised if Obama lasted more than a month alive in office if elected. Kinda took me by surprise.

I met a couple of ladies from Virginia over the weekend. One of them is a flight attendant and spends a lot of time in Europe, and the other had just returned from an extensive visit.


They stated that everyone they talked to is looking to this election to decide whether to write America off. We lost a lot of credibility for putting up with two terms of Bush, but to them the failure to elect Obama will be attributable solely to his race (he's white...but looks sorta black...anyway....). What's also interesting is that until McCain selected Palin, it might not have been so cut-and-dried, but to the rest of the world the GOP ticket is a joke and for America to elect another joke would be...a joke.


Not a scientific poll - just some data points relayed by two (formerly Republican) women of moderate beliefs. Of course I was in Europe not long after Bush got selected and they thought he was an incompetent nitwit too ... turns out they were right.

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I met a couple of ladies from Virginia over the weekend. One of them is a flight attendant and spends a lot of time in Europe, and the other had just returned from an extensive visit.


They stated that everyone they talked to is looking to this election to decide whether to write America off. We lost a lot of credibility for putting up with two terms of Bush, but to them the failure to elect Obama will be attributable solely to his race (he's white...but looks sorta black...anyway....). What's also interesting is that until McCain selected Palin, it might not have been so cut-and-dried, but to the rest of the world the GOP ticket is a joke and for America to elect another joke would be...a joke.


Not a scientific poll - just some data points relayed by two (formerly Republican) women of moderate beliefs. Of course I was in Europe not long after Bush got selected and they thought he was an incompetent nitwit too ... turns out they were right.


well your two friends have a good vision of the european current state of mind.

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I met a couple of ladies from Virginia over the weekend. One of them is a flight attendant and spends a lot of time in Europe, and the other had just returned from an extensive visit.


They stated that everyone they talked to is looking to this election to decide whether to write America off. We lost a lot of credibility for putting up with two terms of Bush, but to them the failure to elect Obama will be attributable solely to his race (he's white...but looks sorta black...anyway....). What's also interesting is that until McCain selected Palin, it might not have been so cut-and-dried, but to the rest of the world the GOP ticket is a joke and for America to elect another joke would be...a joke.


Not a scientific poll - just some data points relayed by two (formerly Republican) women of moderate beliefs. Of course I was in Europe not long after Bush got selected and they thought he was an incompetent nitwit too ... turns out they were right.


I know, I know... I have friends in Ireland and they say the same thing. Sad, really sad what our great nation has become to the world.


Now, if Booster and his southern folk have their way... They will fix us good!


To quote BlueFire:


"God, I love irony."

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Speaking of how stupid it is to think Obama is a terrorist ... I realized this morning that based on the wingnut !@#$ed-up logic ("they were in the same room and they talked and the alleged [former] evildoer helped t the promising young politician, so the latter is a terrorist..."), I am in all likelihood a murderer. I didn't actually kill anyone, but a guy from my hometown did. He served a number of years in Attica and was paroled. I was in a bar one night and...I spoke to him. Yup, absolutely I did. In front of witnesses. (As far as I know, he's stayed out of trouble since.)


I didn't know him when the crime took place, only met him after he'd served his time and finished parole. My only real thought about the conversation afterwards was to wonder how he could cope with the guilt which he said he felt.


Now, thanks to the enlightened souls on PPP, I now know that there is NEVER any forgiveness and that ANYONE who treats as human ANYONE who might EVER had done ANYTHING wrong is, by association JUST AS GUILTY.

So I guess you need to be afraid of me - cause you never know when one of us murdering murderers may take it into our heads to kill again. :doh:

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Speaking of how stupid it is to think Obama is a terrorist ... I realized this morning that based on the wingnut !@#$ed-up logic ("they were in the same room and they talked and the alleged [former] evildoer helped t the promising young politician, so the latter is a terrorist..."), I am in all likelihood a murderer. I didn't actually kill anyone, but a guy from my hometown did. He served a number of years in Attica and was paroled. I was in a bar one night and...I spoke to him. Yup, absolutely I did. In front of witnesses. (As far as I know, he's stayed out of trouble since.)


I didn't know him when the crime took place, only met him after he'd served his time and finished parole. My only real thought about the conversation afterwards was to wonder how he could cope with the guilt which he said he felt.


Now, thanks to the enlightened souls on PPP, I now know that there is NEVER any forgiveness and that ANYONE who treats as human ANYONE who might EVER had done ANYTHING wrong is, by association JUST AS GUILTY.

So I guess you need to be afraid of me - cause you never know when one of us murdering murderers may take it into our heads to kill again. :doh:


well as most of the PPP guys here are not afraid to argue and speak with me, a damned frenchman, i think this whole board is highly suspect!

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Looky here... Another McCain apologist.


Like McCain will surely tell the truth about what he meant.




McCain was clearly peeved and talking down.


What about the man who asked a question... McCain said his name right first and then forgot it and said another name?


He sure has a hard time with African-Americans... Quite a pattern McCain is setting up. And sure it may really all be harmless... But, dude McCain isn't helping his cause with these slips.

Harmless no... innocent probably. It came across as someone who is defensive and inside sees all his best laid plans slipping away. His attitude was accusatory, like how dare Obama challenge him, his judgement or his authority. It appears Obama has actually gotten under McCain's skin and he doesn't know quite how to deal with it so he resorts to the grumpy old man routine which is part of his main character.

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Harmless no... innocent probably. It came across as someone who is defensive and inside sees all his best laid plans slipping away. His attitude was accusatory, like how dare Obama challenge him, his judgement or his authority. It appears Obama has actually gotten under McCain's skin and he doesn't know quite how to deal with it so he resorts to the grumpy old man routine which is part of his main character.




Remember: The Rumble in the Jungle?


Obama is Ali


McCain, Foreman


Even among McCain's supporters... He is totally out of place.

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Nicolle Wallace: We Don't Care About Ayers. Yeah I know it's Huff Post, but this is a fairly important statement.


"[N]obody in America sitting around the kitchen table trying to figure out if they're gonna be able to make the mortgage or worried about the price of groceries or price of gas, nobody cares about Mr. Ayers," Wallace told Fox News. "Neither do we."


Delivered to several news outlets during the spin portion of the night's festivities, Wallace qualified her statement by saying Obama's relationship with the '60s radical - which included a one political event, brief meetings, and appearances on an education-policy board - was important in that the Senator was not being truthful with the public.

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Nowhere yet... It is seems like such a luxury... But, I will keep in touch with you! Maybe in the not so far off future.




well they had their first snow fall last friday up there... hope they'll have a snowy winter, that 'd be good for the business...

I have people in the family who have flats to rent during ski season so contact me when you plan something i may help you save some money!

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You know someone by the company they keep. If Obama did all those things with Ayers, who was unrepentant, it stands to reason that Ayers would only take someone radical by his side. Radicals don't befriend and work with anyone other than like minded people. The same goes for Wright.


How Obama got the blindness pass on this is amazing to me. Its not like Ayers just donated to Obama's campaign, but they actively worked together and Obama LIED about it. Donated or simply fraternizing is something which can be excused without reason because it's impossible to know everyone you deal with.


So the real question remains is Obama a radical and does he have many radical connections and therefore is a radical in centrist clothing? The answer is obvious with anyone with eyes, and then the it remains why those who know this deny the facts with belligerence and apathy.


In all fairness I hope Obama wins as he will be "responsible" for the economy in 4 years along with the Dems as the public cannot think historically but only in the now.

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well as most of the PPP guys here are not afraid to argue and speak with me, a damned frenchman, i think this whole board is highly suspect!


Wait...you mean I'm guilty by association of being a Frenchman?



I had no idea. Guess I have to go surrender to my German coworkers now...

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