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What Is With The Republican Terrorist Name Calling

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You DO understand why that's in quotation marks right? You DO know which genius made that statement, right?



Hehe, no, must have missed that one.


So many, so little time...

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:ph34r::worthy::worthy: (Where is the wtf smiley when you need it?)


Are you flippin' serious?


Talk about "name calling, fear/smear, tactics." All I can say is "wow."


Bump Taro T.


You responded to my comment:


"McCain thinks Obama is anything but a human."



"That One." ~John McCain 2nd Presidential Debate, 10-7-2008


McCain is clearly peeved and he showed his true feelings with the "That one" comment.


That what? What does McCain think Obama is?


Enquiring minds want to know.

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That One = That Politician.


To bad for 72 year old McCain... That one = That sub human.




Another note... Blue, you are a young dude... How do you feel about not being able to retire as good as people do now or in the past according to McCain? You and me will surely have to sacrifice.


I said before, back in the 1930's FDR cut my grandfather's railroad wage was cut from 36 bucks a week to 18. My grandfather made such a sacrifice for the sake of the country. Would we be willing to do that for our country? Seems McCain has similar ideas with us.

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Bump Taro T.


You responded to my comment:


"McCain thinks Obama is anything but a human."



"That One." ~John McCain 2nd Presidential Debate, 10-7-2008


McCain is clearly peeved and he showed his true feelings with the "That one" comment.


That what? What does McCain think Obama is?


Enquiring minds want to know.

I would assume he meant either "that Senator" or more likely "that politician". Based on your earlier posts, you don't agree w/ me on this. The Obama campaign is clearly trying to imply that the phrase was racial. One of the post-debate shows (IIRC it was CNN, but I was flipping through 3 different ones, so I might be off on that) said the Obama camp had sent 6 e-mails about "that one" w/in 20 minutes of the debate ending.


It'll be interesting to see who is correct on the interpretation, and we'll see in a few days whether it shows up in the polls.

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I would assume he meant either "that Senator" or more likely "that politician". Based on your earlier posts, you don't agree w/ me on this. The Obama campaign is clearly trying to imply that the phrase was racial. One of the post-debate shows (IIRC it was CNN, but I was flipping through 3 different ones, so I might be off on that) said the Obama camp had sent 6 e-mails about "that one" w/in 20 minutes of the debate ending.


It'll be interesting to see who is correct on the interpretation, and we'll see in a few days whether it shows up in the polls.


"That One" at least smacks of dumb politics. If Biden had done that to Palin, the country would have been up in arms. Not saying that is right mind you.

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To bad for 72 year old McCain... That one = That sub human.




Another note... Blue, you are a young dude... How do you feel about not being able to retire as good as people do now or in the past according to McCain? You and me will surely have to sacrifice.


Yep, and I'm predicitng that sacrifice is going to come in the way of social security. Depsite McCain stupidly calling it "easy to fix" (and then offering no details - which was a horrible point, wasn't it?), my big guess is our generation is going to be asked to sacrifice Social Security for the good of the country. I'm not taking any of that into account, but considering it a tax, when making my retirement plans.


Honestly, though, it depends on what the sacrifice is. If it is a benefit I could get by without, I'd do it.


I said before, back in the 1930's FDR cut my grandfather's railroad wage was cut from 36 bucks a week to 18. My grandfather made such a sacrifice for the sake of the country. Would we be willing to do that for our country? Seems McCain has similar ideas with us.


I have great respect for the people that worked on the railroad and steelmills. From my reading of history, they cared most about their family and the people that meant something to them. I always get annoyed when politicans start talking about the family, because they tend to use it as a divisive issue, but at the same time, if we don't have loved ones, what do we have? Nothing.

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I would assume he meant either "that Senator" or more likely "that politician". Based on your earlier posts, you don't agree w/ me on this. The Obama campaign is clearly trying to imply that the phrase was racial. One of the post-debate shows (IIRC it was CNN, but I was flipping through 3 different ones, so I might be off on that) said the Obama camp had sent 6 e-mails about "that one" w/in 20 minutes of the debate ending.


It'll be interesting to see who is correct on the interpretation, and we'll see in a few days whether it shows up in the polls.


Looky here... Another McCain apologist.


Like McCain will surely tell the truth about what he meant.




McCain was clearly peeved and talking down.


What about the man who asked a question... McCain said his name right first and then forgot it and said another name?


He sure has a hard time with African-Americans... Quite a pattern McCain is setting up. And sure it may really all be harmless... But, dude McCain isn't helping his cause with these slips.

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To bad for 72 year old McCain... That one = That sub human.




Another note... Blue, you are a young dude... How do you feel about not being able to retire as good as people do now or in the past according to McCain? You and me will surely have to sacrifice.


I said before, back in the 1930's FDR cut my grandfather's railroad wage was cut from 36 bucks a week to 18. My grandfather made such a sacrifice for the sake of the country. Would we be willing to do that for our country? Seems McCain has similar ideas with us.



do you expect SS to exist in its present form when you and I are old enough to partake?


I remember hearing the stat many times back in the '80's that more college age people believed in UFO's than believed that they'd be able to collect SS. It's 20 years further along, I haven't seen anything to make me believe that it can or should exist as it currently does. Our kids won't be able to pay for it the way it currently is set up when we hit 65/67. Means testing and a decrease in cost of living increases is almost inevitable.

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Yep, and I'm predicitng that sacrifice is going to come in the way of social security. Depsite McCain stupidly calling it "easy to fix" (and then offering no details - which was a horrible point, wasn't it?), my big guess is our generation is going to be asked to sacrifice Social Security for the good of the country. I'm not taking any of that into account, but considering it a tax, when making my retirement plans.


Honestly, though, it depends on what the sacrifice is. If it is a benefit I could get by without, I'd do it.




I have great respect for the people that worked on the railroad and steelmills. From my reading of history, they cared most about their family and the people that meant something to them. I always get annoyed when politicans start talking about the family, because they tend to use it as a divisive issue, but at the same time, if we don't have loved ones, what do we have? Nothing.



Me too. I am not even banking on SS being there for me in 2033 or beyond.


The thing about my grandfather is at least he got something back... He put very little into SS, yet lived many years past his retirement.


What will be our "bone"... Or will we just get "the bone."

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Looky here... Another McCain apologist.


Like McCain will surely tell the truth about what he meant.




McCain was clearly peeved and talking down.


What about the man who asked a question... McCain said his name right first and then forgot it and said another name?


He sure has a hard time with African-Americans... Quite a pattern McCain is setting up. And sure it may really all be harmless... But, dude McCain isn't helping his cause with these slips.

Where did I apologize for McCain?


You asked how I interpreted his comment, and I told you. The Obama camp appears to be pushing the issue hard to make it racial. You seem to be pushing that interpretation as well.


We'll see who's interpretation is correct soon enough.

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"That One" at least smacks of dumb politics. If Biden had done that to Palin, the country would have been up in arms. Not saying that is right mind you.


So true.


I am not for PC... But it was dumb. Sensitivity starts with respect... John McCain should know better.


Now couple in:


"Not you Tom."

Stepping in front of Tom's monitor

Bolting early


And you have bumpling fool in McCain.


If Obama was white and Irish... This would be a slam dunk... No matter who the phuck Ayers was with. You know they have terrorists in Ireland too... :ph34r::worthy:

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Where did I apologize for McCain?


You asked how I interpreted his comment, and I told you. The Obama camp appears to be pushing the issue hard to make it racial. You seem to be pushing that interpretation as well.


We'll see who's interpretation is correct soon enough.




I think the early polls are coming out now.


Except, did you see the Fox poll... 82% thought McCain won. :ph34r:

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How do you feel about not being able to retire as good as people do now or in the past according to McCain?


well sorry to say that "exiled" but if you thing you 'll retire with as good conditions as people do now you're just living on an other planet. This is not politics this is just demography.

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