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bet his baby mamas are up in arms now seeing their meal ticket has disappeared...


guess these ghetto ho's are gonna have to lure another man to sleep with them and trick them into not using a condom...

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Liberal sickness? Oberfuhrer buttboy? That's precious.


First of all, my reference was a play on words. There's more than one dumb Palin out there, and the stupidity of the "second" Palin is akin to the Henry incident I alluded to. It might be that the reference was too hip for the room, or that you're not sharp enough to pick it up. Probably both.


Second, not that arguing with someone on the Internet gets you anywhere, but I'll stoop to it anyhow because it is relevant to just about everyone who reads this post (actually, everyone, in light of the fact that the current economic crisis seems to have enveloped the world and, sadly, might impact the fate of the football team that we all love once new ownership is needed).


It's sad that the people who voted for the worst president in the history of the United States of America might get sucked into voting for a ticket containing someone who is certainly one of the worst candidates in the modern era and quite possibly the most unqualified candidate for federal office in the history of this country. Not only is she unqualified, she is a moron of the first order. (Unless you believe she reads ALL the newspapers, of course. Or that the "liberal media" tripped her up when she stammered her way through the Katie Couric interview. Or that she flubbed the Bush Doctrine question because that theory is taught only at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, and she's just a "Jane six-pack" whose travels to six colleges in five years didn't take her to Harvard.) The Bush presidency was a national and global tragedy, and if we are stupid enough to place Sarah Palin a heartbeat away from the presidency with a 72-year-old health risk at the top of the ticket, shame on us. Our economy is premised upon confidence, and if you think this current state of affairs is bad, just wait until, heaven forbid, President Palin is our leader.

Once you catch you breath after all of that ^^^^.

Stop and ask yourself what on earth barrack obama knows about the economy.



It's amazing to me how fast people get roped in.

Liberals barrage the airwaves with a transpaerent smear campaign to denigrate this woman and the herd lines up.

Predictable I suppose.

Does the average american realize that these are contrived smear campaigns?


"It is wonderful to be back in Oregon," Obama said. "Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit, but my staff would not justify it."

NO POLITICS!!!!! What the hell does Travis Henry & Politics have in common....NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He's hoping political connections will keep him out of jail. Other than that I got nuthin.

NO POLITICS!!!!! What the hell does Travis Henry & Politics have in common....NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The current President and Travis Henry probably have the same IQ. :doh: Double U is just better at covering his tracks. :nana:

Once you catch you breath after all of that ^^^^.

Stop and ask yourself what on earth barrack obama knows about the economy.



It's amazing to me how fast people get roped in.

Liberals barrage the airwaves with a transpaerent smear campaign to denigrate this woman and the herd lines up.

Predictable I suppose.

Does the average american realize that these are contrived smear campaigns?


"It is wonderful to be back in Oregon," Obama said. "Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit, but my staff would not justify it."



I suppose you listen to Rush for unbiased, unfiltered midday talk. Reaganomics has really done a bang up job for this country. We beat the Soviets, and now we're socialists. No growth in the past 8 years. Good thing Social Security wasn't privatized, or we'd really be in trouble.


To top it all off, the GOP nominates a VP candidate who has had no success in the private sector, been the mayor of the equivalent of Springville for a handful of years and now runs a state rich in oil money that has half the population of Erie County. Chris Collins is far more qualified for the second spot on the ticket. I bet Palin would have the job even if she looked like Candy Crowley. She might still be on the ticket if she looked like Mitt Romney (oops, says the McCain camp).


I'm not the brightest light on the tree, but I deal with sharp tacks every day, and I can say this: Harvard Law Review is just a different breed of cat. There are no dummies there. It doesn't make Obama an economist, but it does make him smart enough to realize his own limitations and surround himself with those qualified to steer the economy in the right direction. In my humble opinion, Palin falls outside that category.


Sadly, this all relates to football because we can't buy tickets if we're unemployed.

Wow a 12 million signing bonus just over a year ago and he's runnin cocaine. I hope the loser gets life. If 12 million dollars isn't enough for anyone to be set for life they deserve any hardship they might face.

Well, I know there is a thread today advocating the banishment of the word “retarded” from the board (and I would generally be in agreement), but I think it fits here. What the hell was he thinking?! Amazing. Just amazing.

I suppose you listen to Rush for unbiased, unfiltered midday talk. Reaganomics has really done a bang up job for this country. We beat the Soviets, and now we're socialists. No growth in the past 8 years. Good thing Social Security wasn't privatized, or we'd really be in trouble.


To top it all off, the GOP nominates a VP candidate who has had no success in the private sector, been the mayor of the equivalent of Springville for a handful of years and now runs a state rich in oil money that has half the population of Erie County. Chris Collins is far more qualified for the second spot on the ticket. I bet Palin would have the job even if she looked like Candy Crowley. She might still be on the ticket if she looked like Mitt Romney (oops, says the McCain camp).


I'm not the brightest light on the tree, but I deal with sharp tacks every day, and I can say this: Harvard Law Review is just a different breed of cat. There are no dummies there. It doesn't make Obama an economist, but it does make him smart enough to realize his own limitations and surround himself with those qualified to steer the economy in the right direction. In my humble opinion, Palin falls outside that category.


Sadly, this all relates to football because we can't buy tickets if we're unemployed.

I agree with all of this except the part about Chris Collins being more qualified than Palin. I originally thought so when she was nominated, as Collins has run businesses for many years, and Erie Country has more people and much more difficult financial issues to deal with than Alaska. I mentioned this to a friend of mine who has worked for Erie County Social Services for many years and he set the record straight. Collins has been handling the negotiations with the union as if he is still running a private business where he's the owner and has that leverage over the union. He's tried "negotiate" by telling them they'll need to make concessions for nothing, and the union basically laughed at him. He's tried to save the county money by using WalMart style tactics of replacing full time workers with part time, but in doing so blatantly violated the existing union contract. His feeble strong-arm tactics with the intent of saving money will in the end cost taxpayers quite a bit, as when this all plays out in court the county will have to give back pay/benefits to all the people who were hired part time who by contract should have been full time, and the county might even wind up having to pay numerous people substantial amounts of money for doing no work at all. In the end, he's no better/worse than any of the inept local politicians who have unfortunately dominated the scene for far too long.

Say what you want, but any country who sends a harmless drug dealer to jail for life, when a guy can brutally slaughter hundreds of dogs for a living and get less then 5 years, is a !@#$ED UP country. :ph34r:

Say what you want, but any country who sends a harmless drug dealer to jail for life, when a guy can brutally slaughter hundreds of dogs for a living and get less then 5 years, is a !@#$ED UP country. :ph34r:
I wouldn't call someone who threatens to kill multiple people and all of their family members if he doesn't get his $40,000 "harmless". Drug dealing that that large of a level pretty much always involves guns, and often includes violence. There's also a ripple effect where deals even 2-3-4 levels down almost always involve guns and often violence as well. And that's just scratching the surface on the overall effect of drug dealing at that large of a scale.


Based on everything I read about Vick, first of all he wasn't slaughtering dogs for a living. He was playing football for a living. He used his wealth to fund the dog operation, which may have resulted in dozens of dogs getting killed. I doubt if the total was even close to 100 total.


Anyways, they're both embarrassments to mankind and should be locked up in the same cell. They can chat it up about the good ole days; making babies and dog fights.

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