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Whatever...Show me some historical comparisions to Attila and I may buy your argument....Your Avatar says all I need to know where you are. You are just like your avatar, you refuse to hear or see anyone elses view.




Refuse to hear? No that is not true at all. I would love to hear other views. However to say that he is similar to one of the most hated leaders ever, a person that orchestrated the holocaust, believed in the perfect person (blonde hair, blue eyes, etc.) That is ridiculous.


I do like this from your original post. "But he could inspire people to do whatever he wanted them to do. During his speeches, women would often be seen crying and feinting. Men would shout and cheer, and hang on Hitler’s every word." Sounds like Palin's speech the other day... people wildly cheering, some screaming Kill Him, others screaming that Obama is terrorist. All because she said so. Blind faith right?


So he's a great speaker that can motivate/move people. Must be Hitler-like. Socialist views may be in the cards under some of Obama's beliefs... but that does not mean that all of his views will be instantly put in place if elected. Same goes for McCain.

The parallels are there...Accept that fact.


He cannot, and that's what is so dangerous. It doesn't matter if Obama is a saint - the combination of adoring masses unwilling to examine his positions together with a media on a mission to elect him is a recipe for potential disaster. With no public criticism, he doesn't have to be nefarious to start wondering about extending term limits, taking back power from a corrupt congress, mandating 'fairness' in society and the press, etc... it's the road of a Chavez or a Morales, or indeed any popularist including Hitler. But it is also a road not always followed to the authoritarian end - we'll just have to see how it plays out. The common threads in all of this are popularism, easy solutions, the promise of change, and a compliant press.

Socialist views may be in the cards under some of Obama's beliefs... but that does not mean that all of his views will be instantly put in place if elected.
So you admit he's a Socialist? :devil: I never said he was a Nazi or a Hitler...Only that it parallels their rise to power. A relative unknown who is a great public speaker with the masses following him without really knowing who he is and what he really stands for. That's all. Watch the History Channel program then compare it to some of the things going on with Obama...Kinda scary.
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