Hazed and Amuzed Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 Yeah, this is going to go real well....... I agree
Mickey Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 Probably not. Pretty sure that if they called that play with Edwards in the game, Trent would have let that ball fly earlier, hitting Evans about ten or fifteen yards sooner, in stride, right as he passed the cornerback. Or he'd have abandoned it with that pass rush, and perhaps gone back to it when the rush wasn't in his face. Great play by Losman. One of a few. In a sea of bad ones. Forgetting the rush that JP had to sidestep. Unless Trent's mere presence scares away a fierce rush, he would have to have side stepped and moved up field to avoid the rush before letting that ball fly just as JP did. But the ball would likley have been underthrown. Trent has many skills but throwing a ball that deep isn't one of them. For what it is worth, there are some things that JP can do that Trent can't and vice versa.
The Dean Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 You are forgetting the rush that got to JP early which he avoided, buying enough time for Lee to get downfield. That is the problem with deep routes, especially ones involving a double move, they take time. Time the QB often doesn't have. Trent is the man but had he tried to throw that ball it would have been underthrown. Gotta give JP his due. He throws a great long ball. But there is more to the game than having a cannon. Wasn't the question of the initial post. It was "Could TE throw the ball that far?" My answer is, probably not, but he may have accomplished it another way. It could have been thrown much earlier, as the move was made way before JP threw the ball. And, as we know, Trent knows how to buy himself time in the pocket. But, we also know that Trent is more likely to find a WR sooner, and not as far downfield. So, neither of us know if Trent would actually make this throw. If he does, he makes it a little sooner (but after Evans is free of the CB) and it might not be as perfect of a long throw. But, he has a good enough arm to get that job done, most of the time.
bizell Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 That was a beautiful throw. I don't think Edwards can make the same throw.
billnutinphoenix Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 Don't blame JP...Defense couldn't stop a dust mite yesterday!
High Mark Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 If we throw a last second hail mary to the end zone and the ball has to travel 60+ yards in the air 'm all for bringing in J.P. Why??? So he can get sacked before he decides to throw it? Beside the way Trent plays to to play well enough as to never need a last second hope... he wins the game on the drive before.
PromoTheRobot Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 If JP can make that play every series, then he can be the starting QB. Unfortunately most teams get wise after they get burned once in a game, hence we get what we got Sunday...JP getting sacked, fumbling, and losing the game. But he gets a gold star for being able to heave a ball further than Trent. PTR
RayFinkle Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 After looking at the Chuck that JP Made, it looked like JP threw the ball from the Buffalo 6 and Landed at teh Arizona 32. Do you guys think if they called the same play with TE, could he have done the same thing? 90% of the starting QBs in the league couldn't throw it that far. Doesn't mean much.
julian Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 That was a beautiful throw. I don't think Edwards can make the same throw. after watching that play again, Lee had to slow down and wait on the ball, and had the safety not taken a very bad angle on the play it would have been picked or broken up at the least. i think a beautiful throw is one that is dropped in over the shoulder of the reciever while in stride. JP just threw it as far as he could and luckily Lee had the cb beat for 15 yds and could afford to slow down and wait. JMO
Southern McButterpants. Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 Can I vote "what f&$%$ difference does it make?"
stuckincincy Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 That was a beautiful throw. I just went to nfl.com and watched it. What a fine toss by JP, after sliding to his right.
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