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Well... Now we know for sure, it's troo

Dr. Trooth

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Just what I've been saying from week one on.... this defense stinks. They've been playing bad offenses and were lucky to be 4-0.


Two stats that don't lie from this game...


1) Arizona ran 76 offensive plays... that's pathetic.


2) the defense was 0 for 42. They had 42 oportunities to sack Warner... and whiffed all 42 times...trust me... the Cards oline sucks... that's how bad this defense is.


Hopefully we'll have dink & dunk Trent to keep the pathetic defense off the field


I'm calling it now... over the next 11 games, the Bills will be no better than 6-5... and that's if Edwards finishes all 11.

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Is this how some people cope with and justify losses? Predicting mediocre results for the remainer of the year? You're a joke of a fan.


I'd say over half the posters on here are jokes of fans. Many of them have 2 accounts, one for when the Bills win and one for when they lose. That way they can never be wrong in their predictions and toot their own internet horns all day.

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I'm calling it now... over the next 11 games, the Bills will be no better than 6-5... and that's if Edwards finishes all 11.

So, what you're saying is WE'RE GOING TO THE PLAYOFFS, for the first time in, like, forever?!!


I mean, 10-6 gets you in. I'm glad there's others here on the board that are confident (like me) that we'll get in this year. Keep the faith bro!

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I don't find this game indicative of the way the defense has been playing. Coming into the game they were the best in the league at defending 3rd down. They have always been a good red zone defense under Jauron. They have turned the ball over with regularity this season. They've done a good job of defensing the pass. They've been successful with LB and DB blitzes. They've made good adjustments in second halves of games.


I don't know why the team chose to game-plan the Cards like they did, but it is a far cry from the creativity that the coaching staff has shown over the last two seasons (what happened to the "Creep?").


It's impossible to judge how good or bad a team is in any one game, but if you look at the way that they trend over a handful of games, their level of ability can be more accurately judged, and they have shown over the course of this season that they are a pretty good defense.

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I'd say over half the posters on here are jokes of fans. Many of them have 2 accounts, one for when the Bills win and one for when they lose. That way they can never be wrong in their predictions and toot their own internet horns all day.


ROFL!! People actually do that?!?!?


That brings being a loser to a whole new level....

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I don't find this game indicative of the way the defense has been playing. Coming into the game they were the best in the league at defending 3rd down. They have always been a good red zone defense under Jauron. They have turned the ball over with regularity this season. They've done a good job of defensing the pass. They've been successful with LB and DB blitzes. They've made good adjustments in second halves of games.


I don't know why the team chose to game-plan the Cards like they did, but it is a far cry from the creativity that the coaching staff has shown over the last two seasons (what happened to the "Creep?").


It's impossible to judge how good or bad a team is in any one game, but if you look at the way that they trend over a handful of games, their level of ability can be more accurately judged, and they have shown over the course of this season that they are a pretty good defense.



Nice post. Hopefully this game was an abnormality. We should get healthier over the bye and will have a tough one on our hands in two weeks, but we will be back at the Ralph. 4 months ago, if someone would have told me we would be 4-1 heading into the bye, I would have been elated. That being said, I hope we get back on track against the Chargers because I booked plane tickets to go to the game in Miami a couple weeks ago!

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I don't find this game indicative of the way the defense has been playing. Coming into the game they were the best in the league at defending 3rd down. They have always been a good red zone defense under Jauron. They have turned the ball over with regularity this season. They've done a good job of defensing the pass. They've been successful with LB and DB blitzes. They've made good adjustments in second halves of games.


I don't know why the team chose to game-plan the Cards like they did, but it is a far cry from the creativity that the coaching staff has shown over the last two seasons (what happened to the "Creep?").


It's impossible to judge how good or bad a team is in any one game, but if you look at the way that they trend over a handful of games, their level of ability can be more accurately judged, and they have shown over the course of this season that they are a pretty good defense.


IMHO, I think the gameplan is as much to blame as the players...2+ years of Warner on tape has shown he is tremendous if allowed to stand in the pocket and make throws, and very poor when pressure is in his face and he is getting hit. He fumbles, throws bad interceptions, and makes bad decisions. The gameplan would seem to be to pressure him with incessant blitzing, especially since their O-line was considered pretty poor coming into the game. Fewell decided to rush 4 and drop into coverage. The four got stood up at the line repeatedly and Warner had all day to throw. Cardinals did not punt in the 1st half and scored on all 4 possessions. The obvious adjustment to everyone other than Fewell was to stat dialing up the blitz packages. Apparently he was worried about the young secondary getting burnt, but they were already getting burnt anyways, so I am not sure what the difference is. It was clear as day what they were doing i the first half was not working, yet they continued to do the same thing, and it continued to not work.


Granted, the players execution of what they were trying to do was pretty poor as well---by no means are they getting a free pass here...When Aaron Schobel is lined up one-on-one with Mike Gandy at LT, you have every right to think he will be bringing back memories of Gandy's nickname in Buffalo---"turnstile". Instead, Schobel got essentially neutralized by a crappy guard playing tackle. This has been happening far too often with Schobel lately...he just doesn't seem to have the ability to get around his guy with any consistency anymore---they keep talking about how he has the most sacks in the AFC since 2003, but he looks like he has lost a few steps out there...The inside run D was pretty decent, but its not like the Cards are any real threat to run the ball anyways...when they needed to get a stop on a running play(like 3rd and 9), they couldn't do it. The CB's did very little except tackle the Cardinals players after they allowed them to catch the ball uncontested for the majority of the game. AT least they didn't allow them to break free for big gains, but I mean cmon...could they at least gamble a little bit on a few throws and attempt to get an INT??


All in all, it seemed like an ultra conservative defensive game plan designed to protect our young secondary, and it backfired horribly. The more disturbing part was that they had no answer after halftime, although they did force a Cardinal punt on their opening possession...IMHO, the secondary could have held up OK playing their normal style defense...McGee is pretty good, but Yobouty has been playing really well and I think a better pass rush would have helped them out a lot...

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