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I can't think of one. I guess there might be a troll or two, but a legit member of the community? Anyone who gets general respect from fellow posters on other matters? Seriously, I can't think of a one.


Why would you wish a member of your team to do bad?

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I can't think of one. I guess there might be a troll or two, but a legit member of the community? Anyone who gets general respect from fellow posters on other matters? Seriously, I can't think of a one.



Oh, I didn't mean a legit member.

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Was the ML fumble JP's fault, or the Ol that missed his block and allowed a defender in the back field.


D back on the field.


Was the RR fumble JP's fault?


D back on the field.


Come on name JP's five bone head plays.


2 fumbles, INT and several sacks where he had ample time.

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I agree.


But he may be pointing out that making fun of, or abusing, ANY player on your team is fairly poor practice for one claiming to be a fan. I also thought he was attempting to be ironic by demonstrating to those claiming that Trent inspires the line to play better, that it was the poor play of this line (while Trent was in the game) that allowed Trent to be injured and driven from the game.


Deano, here's my take on this situation. There's a certain intangible quality of some QB's that lifts their team up to a higher level of play. I can't explain it, and it's not overly logical, but it is a phenomenon that goes part and parcel with the QB position. I really like JP, and I want JP to succeed. He really came to Buffalo and seemingly embraced the city and did all the right things. But, for some reason the guy gets in the game and this team becomes mediocre. JP wasn't at fault for much of today's drubbing, and he in fact made plays that Trent simply cannot. But, at the end of the day, I truly believe this team doesn't get beaten 41-17 today with Trent Edwards in the game. Why? I don't know. Why is Doug Flutie the only QB to lead this team to the playoffs in the 12 seasons since Kelly retired? I'm not particularly a fan of Doug Flutie, and RJ in many cases could make throws that Doug simply could not. But, at the end of the day, when RJ came into the game, disaster was looming on the horizon. I'm sure many will flame away at me for this post, and like I said, I really do like JP and concede that he made some great plays today to keep the Bills in the game early, but for whatever reason the machine just doesn't run nearly as well when he's inserted into the equation.

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I knew if I came on the board, there would be these threads of idiocy. :thumbdown:


That hand-off exchange was NOT on JP. First, it was a missed assignment on the line that led to that play. I don't know if Dockery screwed up by letting the guy come in untouched , or if it was an inadequate job by our center in pulling and blocking down (as he wiffed the guy), but either way, a man coming in full speed and untouched on a running play is going to cause some serious problems.


Secondly, Marshawn stopped running forward on the play, because HE was in position to see the guy coming in full barrel. He hesitated right at the time he was supposed to take the hand-off because he knew he was about to get blown up. But, yeah, of course blame it on JP. But you JP haters gotta take every opportunity to do so, don't ya?


Then I love that blind-side sack he took when Peters was abused on the outside. The announcer says, "Oh he hung onto that too long at over 4 seconds, and tries to justify it during the replay by counting 1-1thousand - 2 1thousand - 3 one thousand bang! Umm, oh well, yeah his left tackle got burned BUT, if you're going to wait three seconds back there, you better be on the move or something." Had it been Trent taking that sack, everyone would have been screaming at Peters. I guess if Trent had been in there, Peters would have been inspired to play better - or something!


And I love the one poster above who claims he should have thrown the TD pass sooner. What game were you watching?? He had back-side pressure and he had to step up into the pocket first to avoid a near sack before he could throw it cleanly. It is amazing what people will say just to be right.


Notwithstanding our hapless defense, JP had us within a TD of the lead with less than two minutes to go in the first half, and our defense still gave up three more points at the end of the half.


Once again, JP had us within a TD after the FG drive at the beginning of the second half (I'm sure that was his fault it wasn't a TD, too!).


The whole notion that the team was not as confident with JP in there is laughable. For nearly 3 quarters, he had us in the game in spite of that woeful performance by the defense and frankly the O_line as well. I know Trent would have inspired the team to better play. Had Trent been there to inspire them, they most certainly would have had more stops on defense no doubt (hell, maybe even ONE sack), and they would not have had all of those stupid penalties, like being offside on the FG attempt that gave them another TD.


I KNOW Royal wouldn't have fumbled on the very next drive if Trent would have thrown that pass in stead of JP. I guess he just wasn't confident or something. :D


JP didn't throw his pick until the game was over, and we were just winging it. And maybe he did screw up his read with Evans on that play, but so what? The guy hasn't played a down in 5 weeks. I realize Trent never makes a mistake, so he's a tough act to follow, but Geesh!


The reality is that our team got their butts kicked on defense, special teams and the o-line. They dominated both sides of the ball in the trenches, and we made everything worse with stupid penalties. Did JP make some mistakes? Sure. Would Trent have made any difference back there today? No Freakin' Way! :D

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I knew if I came on the board, there would be these threads of idiocy. :thumbdown:


That hand-off exchange was NOT on JP. First, it was a missed assignment on the line that led to that play. I don't know if Dockery screwed up by letting the guy come in untouched , or if it was an inadequate job by our center in pulling and blocking down (as he wiffed the guy), but either way, a man coming in full speed and untouched on a running play is going to cause some serious problems.


Secondly, Marshawn stopped running forward on the play, because HE was in position to see the guy coming in full barrel. He hesitated right at the time he was supposed to take the hand-off because he knew he was about to get blown up. But, yeah, of course blame it on JP. But you JP haters gotta take every opportunity to do so, don't ya?


Then I love that blind-side sack he took when Peters was abused on the outside. The announcer says, "Oh he hung onto that too long at over 4 seconds, and tries to justify it during the replay by counting 1-1thousand - 2 1thousand - 3 one thousand bang! Umm, oh well, yeah his left tackle got burned BUT, if you're going to wait three seconds back there, you better be on the move or something." Had it been Trent taking that sack, everyone would have been screaming at Peters. I guess if Trent had been in there, Peters would have been inspired to play better - or something!


And I love the one poster above who claims he should have thrown the TD pass sooner. What game were you watching?? He had back-side pressure and he had to step up into the pocket first to avoid a near sack before he could throw it cleanly. It is amazing what people will say just to be right.


Notwithstanding our hapless defense, JP had us within a TD of the lead with less than two minutes to go in the first half, and our defense still gave up three more points at the end of the half.


Once again, JP had us within a TD after the FG drive at the beginning of the second half (I'm sure that was his fault it wasn't a TD, too!).


The whole notion that the team was not as confident with JP in there is laughable. For nearly 3 quarters, he had us in the game in spite of that woeful performance by the defense and frankly the O_line as well. I know Trent would have inspired the team to better play. Had Trent been there to inspire them, they most certainly would have had more stops on defense no doubt (hell, maybe even ONE sack), and they would not have had all of those stupid penalties, like being offside on the FG attempt that gave them another TD.


I KNOW Royal wouldn't have fumbled on the very next drive if Trent would have thrown that pass in stead of JP. I guess he just wasn't confident or something. :D


JP didn't throw his pick until the game was over, and we were just winging it. And maybe he did screw up his read with Evans on that play, but so what? The guy hasn't played a down in 5 weeks. I realize Trent never makes a mistake, so he's a tough act to follow, but Geesh!


The reality is that our team got their butts kicked on defense, special teams and the o-line. They dominated both sides of the ball in the trenches, and we made everything worse with stupid penalties. Did JP make some mistakes? Sure. Would Trent have made any difference back there today? No Freakin' Way! :D


Where were you earlier?

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I knew if I came on the board, there would be these threads of idiocy. :thumbsup:


That hand-off exchange was NOT on JP. First, it was a missed assignment on the line that led to that play. I don't know if Dockery screwed up by letting the guy come in untouched , or if it was an inadequate job by our center in pulling and blocking down (as he wiffed the guy), but either way, a man coming in full speed and untouched on a running play is going to cause some serious problems.


Secondly, Marshawn stopped running forward on the play, because HE was in position to see the guy coming in full barrel. He hesitated right at the time he was supposed to take the hand-off because he knew he was about to get blown up. But, yeah, of course blame it on JP. But you JP haters gotta take every opportunity to do so, don't ya?


Then I love that blind-side sack he took when Peters was abused on the outside. The announcer says, "Oh he hung onto that too long at over 4 seconds, and tries to justify it during the replay by counting 1-1thousand - 2 1thousand - 3 one thousand bang! Umm, oh well, yeah his left tackle got burned BUT, if you're going to wait three seconds back there, you better be on the move or something." Had it been Trent taking that sack, everyone would have been screaming at Peters. I guess if Trent had been in there, Peters would have been inspired to play better - or something!


And I love the one poster above who claims he should have thrown the TD pass sooner. What game were you watching?? He had back-side pressure and he had to step up into the pocket first to avoid a near sack before he could throw it cleanly. It is amazing what people will say just to be right.


Notwithstanding our hapless defense, JP had us within a TD of the lead with less than two minutes to go in the first half, and our defense still gave up three more points at the end of the half.


Once again, JP had us within a TD after the FG drive at the beginning of the second half (I'm sure that was his fault it wasn't a TD, too!).


The whole notion that the team was not as confident with JP in there is laughable. For nearly 3 quarters, he had us in the game in spite of that woeful performance by the defense and frankly the O_line as well. I know Trent would have inspired the team to better play. Had Trent been there to inspire them, they most certainly would have had more stops on defense no doubt (hell, maybe even ONE sack), and they would not have had all of those stupid penalties, like being offside on the FG attempt that gave them another TD.


I KNOW Royal wouldn't have fumbled on the very next drive if Trent would have thrown that pass in stead of JP. I guess he just wasn't confident or something. :devil:


JP didn't throw his pick until the game was over, and we were just winging it. And maybe he did screw up his read with Evans on that play, but so what? The guy hasn't played a down in 5 weeks. I realize Trent never makes a mistake, so he's a tough act to follow, but Geesh!


The reality is that our team got their butts kicked on defense, special teams and the o-line. They dominated both sides of the ball in the trenches, and we made everything worse with stupid penalties. Did JP make some mistakes? Sure. Would Trent have made any difference back there today? No Freakin' Way! <_<

You make a number of good points in your post. (And bear in mind that I'm known as one of the more anti-JP people on this board.) The hand-off/fumble was the fault of the o-line, most likely Fowler. The sack you mentioned was partly Peters' fault, but probably also JP's fault to some extent as well. And I agree with your implication that our defense's play was simply inexcusable, regardless of whether they felt inspired by the QB situation.


However, my assessment of Losman's play during that game is probably less positive than yours. The Bills would have lost that game no matter who they had back there at QB, but Losman played like his usual self. And I don't mean that as a compliment.

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You make a number of good points in your post. (And bear in mind that I'm known as one of the more anti-JP people on this board.) The hand-off/fumble was the fault of the o-line, most likely Fowler. The sack you mentioned was partly Peters' fault, but probably also JP's fault to some extent as well. And I agree with your implication that our defense's play was simply inexcusable, regardless of whether they felt inspired by the QB situation.


However, my assessment of Losman's play during that game is probably less positive than yours. The Bills would have lost that game no matter who they had back there at QB, but Losman played like his usual self. And I don't mean that as a compliment.

Then I have to assume that Trent deserves his share of responsibility as well for those blind-side hits he's taken and lost the ball when Peters or someone else got beat, right?


And of course, one could argue that Trent played his usual game, in our previous three games, which was not to get a whole lot done until the last drive or two and then pulled it out of his ass. And he was able to do that because at least in his games, the defense kept it close enough to make that even possible.


The reality is, Trent has not had to play a game yet this year where the defense was so atrocious that he had to literally score every time down the field or we were screwed. If all of our games had been like this one, we would be 2-3 at best right now and there wouldn't be all this talk about how Trent's the next great thing comin' down the pike.


Now of course, my point is not to bash Trent. I like the kid and I think he's done OK. My point is only that this was a completely different game from the past three, because our defense kept those other games close enough to pull out in the end. There's a big difference between a game like those, and one like yesterday where the defense KNOWS you can't stop their offense so they can tee off on every damn play. Oh, and let's not forget that they literally ran over twice the plays we did.


Trent's taken his fair share of sacks over the first four games, and has fumbled on a number of them. Of course, you never hear anything about it on this board that maybe HE held the ball too long, or that maybe HE should have felt the blind-side pressure. But if JP does it (even for only 3 seconds), he's just playing that crappy game he always plays.


I didn't say he played that great, but I think under the circumstances he did pretty well until our lack of defense made it a lost cause. And he sure didn't get a lot of help from the team along the way, especially up front.


I guarantee you Trent's typical game would not have made this one any better.

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you are a waste of life who does not deserve to even post on a bills fan forum, let alone call yourself a fan.


Trent would not have gotten hurt if some !@#$ would have picked up his block. but you are right, we need a new QB. we need a new QB who can bring us back in 3 straight games to win in the 4th quarter. we need a new QB who will step up in his 2nd year in the league, and be a vocal leader, as well as lead by example on the field. we need a new QB who has some smarts and makes wise decisions with the ball in his hand. we need a new QB who will be raved about throughout the league, in only his 1st full season as a starter. our QB has a horrible W/L record.


get the !@#$ out of here.



*just a side note...JP Losman's 87 yard TD pass, would not have looked so pretty if Lee Evans did not run such a solid route, with an amazing move at the line to juke the DB, which led to him being WIDE OPEN...good thing your boy Losman got the ball out there and made that play. Otherwise, he would have been cut tomorrow. Evans made that play happen.


*just a thought...Losman has 1 INT and was sacked 5 times in 1 game. Edwards has 2 INTs in 4 games and has been sacked 7 times, all against better defenses. Our best chance to WIN is with Edwards under Center. Bottom line.



Better recheck the stats. Trent has been sacked 11 times with 2 fumbles and 2 pics this year in 4 games. Rams and Seahawks are worse than the Cards and it's not proven the Raiders are better either, the Jags i'll give ya.

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I don't which play made me more upset today (aka physically sick to my stomach)


Trent getting knocked out of the game (they won't win a game until he is back)

OR when Losman botched the handuff right off the bat (knowing that the old Bills were back....God, I cannot stand this guy)

He didn't botch the handoff. We had a lineman pulling and the Cards jumped a guy right in the gap left behind, he was there quick enough to get the handoff himself. There is plenty you could say about JP's play yesterday that would be legit but that isn't one of them.

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My view: JP was soooooooo JP yesterday. He showed why he's still in the league, and why he'll probably parlay his considerable athletic talent into a 10+ year NFL career. He can occasionally lead a team to a score, and if you give him a good deep threat, he can burn a D. But it's the little things -- the brief possessions, the numerous sacks resulting from the always-hoping-to-hit-Evans-on-a-deep-strike mentality, the lack of awareness about the play clock winding down (huge, because he doesn't have time to change plays, like Edwards does), and the general sense that the offense under him is sailing in stormy seas. In offense, the offense doesn't seem to possess either a rhthym or an overall strategy when he's leading it. And while it's not his fault entirely, when down in the fourth quarter the whole offense looked panicked and raggedy -- no poise. I just don't think he's the sort of QB that get a team to ten wins.

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My view: JP was soooooooo JP yesterday. He showed why he's still in the league, and why he'll probably parlay his considerable athletic talent into a 10+ year NFL career. He can occasionally lead a team to a score, and if you give him a good deep threat, he can burn a D. But it's the little things -- the brief possessions, the numerous sacks resulting from the always-hoping-to-hit-Evans-on-a-deep-strike mentality, the lack of awareness about the play clock winding down (huge, because he doesn't have time to change plays, like Edwards does), and the general sense that the offense under him is sailing in stormy seas. In offense, the offense doesn't seem to possess either a rhthym or an overall strategy when he's leading it. And while it's not his fault entirely, when down in the fourth quarter the whole offense looked panicked and raggedy -- no poise. I just don't think he's the sort of QB that get a team to ten wins.



While I don't entirely agree with your entire post, I think you hit the nail on the head, with the bolded part. I don't totally disagree with your assessment of JP, either. He has many issues that need to be fixed, or disguised, if is ever going to become very successful in the league. The odds are likely against him, but his talent and upside will keep him working in the NFL. I think it is actually likely that he will get a chance to start, on another team in the NFL. Maybe due to injury, maybe due to a very impressive camp and preseason.

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