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A Few Thoughts About The Game

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Do you really think we need to draft different players for the o-line? I think the talent is there, we have seen it in prior games. It's just that they are not playing up to their potential. Or, the have been overachieving for a while now.


Well, maybe a new center.


The only guy worth a sh-- is Peters and he's not playing that well. Except for Seattle who never blitzed, teams are crushing this line. The Bills look like they are up against the Steel Curtain and Purple People Eaters every week. Teams don't respect the running game at all so they just attack the QB. TE is good at finding the hot read so he's made plays but he's been getting hammered every week.


I rewatched the sack that came from the right/left (the QB blindside, ie, Peters's side--I didn't have the benefit of TiVo when it first happened.) Peters drives his guy into the center of the line and one of the interior lineman comes around the left tackle spot where Peters was. It may have been a stunt but I think it was just a jumble of bodies and the Dlineman made a smart play. Not Peters fault.


The play is at about 2:25 of the below vid if you are sadist enough to want to watch any of this game again.



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As you must know, Fairchild was the lead excuse for the JP excuse makers, and there have been dozens of excuses, perhaps more than a hundred. Remember when JP complained about the play calling at a press conference?

Looking back, Fairchild was pretty bad, but even he was able to win a few games when they yanked JP and put an untested, brand new rookie in the lineup.


Now, on to the scene comes Schonert, who is doing a pretty good job, to say the least. Nobody can dispute this. JP is not in a position to turn his back and walk away from this man, only to sit on the bench, pouting and sulking. No, he should stand there, listen, and perhaps even learn something.


The excuses for JP and his losses will continue to flow much in the way that water cascades over Niagra Falls, and will not stop for.....I forgot, how long did it take people (including yours truly) to get over RJ?

That pass to Evans was great Brian. It was a thing of beauty. It also lasted about 10 seconds of a 60 minute football game. Yet, as miserable as JP played, the defense was also terrible so there, we have yet another excuse.


This particular post however is about JP and his childish display, behavior he was noted for at Tulane. Who was the college teammate who ragged all over him? I will be glad to see JP leave Buffalo, and take his mood swings, pouting, and Smith Brothers Beard with him.

The Bills are an up and coming team who do not need JP Losman, his losing record, and his attitude. Not by a longshot.


Now THIS is the Bill I remember from the end of last year. No pretending to look objectively at a situation, no disguising of his crusade, just some good old fashioned JP bashing! Way to go!


I won't address your "excuse"-laden rehash of past years. The Wall has threads and threads of that discussion. Let's just focus on the "incident" at hand, Maybe you have some inside info, maybe you are gifted with psychic abilities, or slowed the tape down and read the lips of the parties involved. I simply watched it, and it really didn't look like that big of a deal, to me.


It just isn't that unusual to see a QB and a coach have a little tiff on the sideline, when the team is getting drubbed. I won't let two, totally unrelated incidents in the past (JP's mentioning of play calling and one player in college who didn't like him) lead me to an overly harsh judgment. But, I will use the past to try and interpret an event. In this case, I don't remember JP having a reputation of fighting with coaches on the sidelines, or being combative or disrespectful during a game.


Now, you might be right, and this may be something new and problematic that will be dealt with. But, I'm guessing this is a non-issue that quickly gets dismissed as something that happens, on occasion, in the heat of the bad-side of the battle.

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2) It was due to confusion after the non-penalty call for an illegal receiver. (the costly delay of game penalty). Well yes, but it also appeared the veteran backup QB was not even looking at the clock.


3) Jabari Greer had a particularly rough outing, despite making a play or 2. I agree but it also appeared our coaching

staff had never seen Kurt Warner play before, he made his career throwing slant passes. The Jets jammed his receivers and rushed him from the right as he holds the ball low in his passing hand, they swatted it away a couple of times. We come out in the base cover 2 and sat there and get picked apart. Bad plan, played not to lose. Kept it close most of the game; reminded me of Jauron 2006 and 2007.



4) It was entirely Fowler's fault. (1st fumble). Yes, Bill but he makes tremendous line calls. :thumbsup:


5) Any complaints about Peters today? He certainly made progress, and had the blind side sealed off for most of the game. Contrary to the anti-Peters mob, I thought he was outstanding. He ragdolled a 290 lb DE a couple of times. He was not the problem today.


6) The play calling was too conservative. (Having to settle for A 48 yard field goal). He clearly was playing for the field goal there. Lindell was money but again playing not to lose.


Duke Preston and Chris Ellis might be getting near a debut I am guessing.

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As you must know, Fairchild was the lead excuse for the JP excuse makers, and there have been dozens of excuses, perhaps more than a hundred. Remember when JP complained about the play calling at a press conference?

Looking back, Fairchild was pretty bad, but even he was able to win a few games when they yanked JP and put an untested, brand new rookie in the lineup.


Now, on to the scene comes Schonert, who is doing a pretty good job, to say the least. Nobody can dispute this. JP is not in a position to turn his back and walk away from this man, only to sit on the bench, pouting and sulking. No, he should stand there, listen, and perhaps even learn something.


The excuses for JP and his losses will continue to flow much in the way that water cascades over Niagra Falls, and will not stop for.....I forgot, how long did it take people (including yours truly) to get over RJ?

That pass to Evans was great Brian. It was a thing of beauty. It also lasted about 10 seconds of a 60 minute football game. Yet, as miserable as JP played, the defense was also terrible so there, we have yet another excuse.


This particular post however is about JP and his childish display, behavior he was noted for at Tulane. Who was the college teammate who ragged all over him? I will be glad to see JP leave Buffalo, and take his mood swings, pouting, and Smith Brothers Beard with him.

The Bills are an up and coming team who do not need JP Losman, his losing record, and his attitude. Not by a longshot.


Better argument than I could put into words yesterday.


TE managed to win with the same guy calling plays, and with the same defense.


Would we have won if TE played the whole the game? Don't know. But I saw the same damn problems yesterday that we experienced before with JP. Short possessions which gave the D no chance and kept the well-oiled Arizona offense on the field when we needed to sustain drives with short passes rather than quick strikes. Sloppy one-read progression play, and sacks b/c he held onto the ball while trying to force the long ball that wasn't there.


I'm sick of his style of play. It might get a couple of 'Ooooh Aaaaah's per game, but it's not what we need to do to win ballgames and by this point JP's got to know this. If Trent is out any more, I want Hamdan in there. See what we've got, and at least other teams won't know exactly what he's going to do and how to beat him.

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Would we have won if TE played the whole the game? Don't know. But I saw the same damn problems yesterday that we experienced before with JP. Short possessions which gave the D no chance and kept the well-oiled Arizona offense on the field when we needed to sustain drives with short passes rather than quick strikes. Sloppy one-read progression play, and sacks b/c he held onto the ball while trying to force the long ball that wasn't there.

To you and everyone else saying this or something similar - how is it that you think there's even a chance TE would've won that game? The defense, prior to the Royal fumble which set things up for a three-score deficit, forced one punt. One. Did you see anything out of that defense which would lead you to believe the problem was that they weren't rested enough? They were horrible from start to finish of that game, and we don't have an offense built to win a shootout, no matter who the QB is.

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Going into the 4th quarters of the Raiders and Rams games, I would never have thought Trent could pull a rabbit out of his hat and win those games, but he did. So, it is not entirely unreasonable to say that they could have won the Arizona game if Trent was in. He's done it before. I dunno, maybe if the defense saw the offense coming alive, just maybe they would have decided to show up and give a better effort.

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Going into the 4th quarters of the Raiders and Rams games, I would never have thought Trent could pull a rabbit out of his hat and win those games, but he did. So, it is not entirely unreasonable to say that they could have won the Arizona game if Trent was in. He's done it before. I dunno, maybe if the defense saw the offense coming alive, just maybe they would have decided to show up and give a better effort.

Bills down 14-0 - Losman connects on a long strike to Evans to pull within a TD. What does the defense do? Give up a long drive for a TD.


Bills down 21-7 - Losman leads the offense on another TD drive. What does the defense do? Lets the Cardinals drive down for a field goal attempt to end the half, probably would've been another TD if time hadn't run out.


I see nothing to back up the idea that the defense would decide to show up at any point.


This game was nothing at all like the Raiders and Rams games.

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