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So the Democratic-controlled congress is hindering the good Bush could do? I appreciate that admission. It must've hurt.



Other way around as well buddy. Bush hindering with threats of veto.

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Other way around as well buddy. Bush hindering with threats of veto.


be careful what you wish for. It happened in 1992 and it devastated your party for over a decade.


I don't mind divided government and it seems to work better when the Democrats have the WH, but it worked best when the President had line item veto, kept Pork down to a dull roar. Seems like when the GOP has the WH, they seem to compete with Dems on who can spend more, and the other way around when the Dems have the WH and the GOP has Congress.

When Obama doesn't get us out of this financial mess, he won't be able to vote present, raise taxes, blame anyone else, or give a speech about hope and change...I think this is the donkeys year, but watch out in 2010 with the Congressional elections and 2012 with Palin as the nominee...

Partisan BS aside, no matter who gets elected, the economy will get worse before it gets better. I semi like both McCain and Obama....they are talking heads to an extent, but I think they actually care about the country.


Palin kept saying that the corruption needs to be stopped, which is likely to win her some voters, but like the democrats, she said something needs to be done, but never said how it can be done.


If the dig here, dig now mantra could actually work, I'd vote for McCain in a second. Fact is that all of it will be put on the world market and will do very little for us. I'm not sure I'll vote for either.

When Obama doesn't get us out of this financial mess, he won't be able to vote present, raise taxes, blame anyone else, or give a speech about hope and change...I think this is the donkeys year, but watch out in 2010 with the Congressional elections and 2012 with Palin as the nominee...


Why wait.? Elect McCain and pray for a stroke, that way we can get ...a little bit of reality from Wasilla Main Street there, brought to Washington, DC. to fight corrruption and continue great work, and do the kind of stuff that happens for 26 years in the Senate. It's going to be tough though, so maybe we'll be glad the Constitution will grant the President a little more authority, you know, to come together and work both sides of the aisle like a maverick, you know, when taxes ruin the ecomomy and hurt regular people with voting. That's bad for everyone then and America is better and hard working.

Why wait.? Elect McCain and pray for a stroke, that way we can get ...a little bit of reality from Wasilla Main Street there, brought to Washington, DC. to fight corrruption and continue great work, and do the kind of stuff that happens for 26 years in the Senate. It's going to be tough though, so maybe we'll be glad the Constitution will grant the President a little more authority, you know, to come together and work both sides of the aisle like a maverick, you know, when taxes ruin the ecomomy and hurt regular people with voting. That's bad for everyone then and America is better and hard working.



Good one!

Don't argue that one, Clinton won, but the party took a big hit. Needed it and Republican incompetence needed to be made crystal clear. Bush and the Republican Congress did this for the American public. But the Dems took a big hit in 2000.

The country took a big hit

If JMac loses, she's set to be a gov. --- or senator to gain/maintain DC experience and national visibility --- for as long as terms limits allow until, and if, she decides to make her own run.

She'll take over when Ted Stevens is sent to jail ... and thus become an insider.

Why wait.? Elect McCain and pray for a stroke, that way we can get ...a little bit of reality from Wasilla Main Street there, brought to Washington, DC. to fight corrruption and continue great work, and do the kind of stuff that happens for 26 years in the Senate. It's going to be tough though, so maybe we'll be glad the Constitution will grant the President a little more authority, you know, to come together and work both sides of the aisle like a maverick, you know, when taxes ruin the ecomomy and hurt regular people with voting. That's bad for everyone then and America is better and hard working.

And I betcha there are some folks on the sidelines with fear in their hearts....


Anyone who seriously thinks Sarah Palin will ever be a viable Presidential candidate do a search on the following:

"James Danforth Quayle" + Presidential Campaign + 1996

Anyone who seriously thinks Sarah Palin will ever be a viable Presidential candidate do a search on the following:

"James Danforth Quayle" + Presidential Campaign + 1996


Yep, still have my campaign button... Quayle...just a heartbeat away, Just keep George Alive!


with a heart beat logo embedded behind it.

Just what we need the republicans to take over Congress again.



Oh I am sorry, I forgot how great a job Nancy, Barney, and a cast of others are doing in Congress...their approval are numbers are lower than Bush (which all the Dems swear is the worst president ever)...


You're dreaming. This is the death of her political career on the national stage.



Bingo, we have a winner!!! The woman is a moron--anyone with an unbiased eye can see that. Seen her Katie Couric interview perhchance? She couldn't even answer simple questions. Notice at the debate the other night how rote everything seemed, as if she wasn't really thinking, just plugging in the (sometimes somewhat) appropriate response her handlers had programmed into her--no real thought or nuance at all. I'd have loved for example to ask her about "the two state solution" in the Middle East--she kept throwing that around as a buzz word in one answer, but in a way that I'd bet $1000 she couldn't tell you what it means (kind of like her "Bush Doctrine" answer to Charlie Gibson (a Republican himself, BTW). This is someone in way over her head......

When Obama doesn't get us out of this financial mess, he won't be able to vote present, raise taxes, blame anyone else, or give a speech about hope and change...I think this is the donkeys year, but watch out in 2010 with the Congressional elections and 2012 with Palin as the nominee...
Palin will never be more than what she is.......Dan Quale with breasts.
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