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More on Obama tactics

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Your conclusion is wrong, and nowhere in the article, nor the actual email I suspect or they would have put it in there, is there a link saying "register two students so they can vote for Obama." Don't you think Fox, your second link, would have put it in there in it's entirety, instead of linking a couple sentences from what appear to be different parts of the email together?


And that's why I've been upfront about my inability to obtain the email itself. Conclusions drawn from cherry picked, second hand reporting need neccessarily remain soft until you see the whole thing.


Nevertheless, I fail to see how you can assert that my conclusion is wrong. It seems likely given the excerpts we've seen and the active role the VEU official has played elsewhere in supporting Obama. What exactly do you think the following passage means?


The e-mail said teachers should wear blue Tuesday for "Obama Blue Day" and to "register two voters or talk to two people who may be on the fence/or a McCain supporter and sway them to become a Obama supporter."


The e-mail also states: "There are people out there not yet registered. You teach some of them."


Would you only be satisfied if the author had written "register two student voters" in their internal email? Or would you then be arguing it was harmless because they weren't explicit enough to say "register two voters who are students or yours"?

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What? An email was sent out for teachers to wear a blue T-shirt...no Obama shirts with slogans or Obama buttons. A blue T-shirt. Also, where the hell is the evidence of any threat or intimidation in that piece? You saw an article on teachers wearing a blue T-shirt to school, then you remember a largly misrepresented story from a week ago, and from this you make the leap to "a goal of intimidation?" Really?



I ama teacher and in AZ I have chosen to be in a union...If I was told to wear a blue shirt, I'd wear red!

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My brother's family lives out in the pacific Northwest. You get away from the urban areas and it's a whole different world. They pray when they pull out of the ranch driveway. We get along because we're family, but they think my wife and I are going to hell. :sick:


:sick: I guess some of us do cling to our guns and God

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