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More on Obama tactics

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In all seriousness, hanging with Wright, or even his particularly close time spent with an admitted terrorist, are all a thing of the past because Obama has denounced them. It's like being a catholic. Kill someone. Ask for forgiveness. Go to heaven. Our future president has absolute carte blanche, and I, for one, can't wait until he takes the White House and REALLY shows this country the meaning of the phrase "Be cafeful what you ask for as you will SURELY get it!!!!"



Like undocumented gay Mexicans wearing blue helmets rampaging through Anytown USA, aborting babies, stealing your 401k and turning your kids into drug addicted homos? I really wouldn't get too worked up. His presidency isn't going to shock your world that much.

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Like undocumented gay Mexicans wearing blue helmets rampaging through Anytown USA, aborting babies, stealing your 401k and turning your kids into drug addicted homos?


Great idea for a movie!

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Absolutely. Obama is where he is ONLY because he is the change we've been waiting for. The media has NOTHING to do with his rise. He simply got there based on all the amazing work he has done in the Senate, and his love for the middle class, and his original thinking, and most importantly, the way he stood up in the middle of the economic crisis and said "Bush McCain policies are the reason for this mess, so if you need me, you can just call me and I'll fix it."


And now it's clear that America knows what he's going to do. He's going to show everyone precisely who is responsible for this mess, and when it's all over in four years, America will finally see the light!


GO Obama/Biden!!!!


The media is responsible for him winning the Democratic Nomination?


I dunno. I'd ask Biden, Edwards, and Clinton.....it seems to me he found the financing and was good on the stump.


That's all he's won other than a Senate seat over Ambassador Alan Keyes.

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I'd say you're reading way too much into an email suggesting teachers wear blue T-shirts and talk to two people of voting age about Obama.


So you would be ok with Republican districts sending emails to teachers telling them to wear McCain colors on Democracy Day, pointing out that there are a lot of potential supporters among those that they teach, and setting a goal of each teacher recruiting two students to Republican causes?


Got it.

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So you would be ok with Republican districts sending emails to teachers telling them to wear McCain colors on Democracy Day, pointing out that there are a lot of potential supporters among those that they teach, and setting a goal of each teacher recruiting two students to Republican causes?


Got it.

Where exactly did you get that out of that piece? It doesn't say "Go recruit two students" anywhere, other than what was inferred by the Republican party. Tell you what, I'll side with you in not allowing teachers to wear blue T-shirts in an election year if you side with me in banning any and all school prayer.

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Where exactly did you get that out of that piece? It doesn't say "Go recruit two students" anywhere, other than what was inferred by the Republican party. Tell you what, I'll side with you in not allowing teachers to wear blue T-shirts in an election year if you side with me in banning any and all school prayer.


I'll vote to ban school prayer regardless of what you do.


As to where I pulled that conclusion out, I got it directly from the excepts that are floating around (all we have until the email itself surfaces):


The e-mail said teachers should wear blue Tuesday for "Obama Blue Day" and to "register two voters or talk to two people who may be on the fence/or a McCain supporter and sway them to become a Obama supporter."


The e-mail also states: "There are people out there not yet registered. You teach some of them."


and from


"There are people out there not yet registered. You teach some of them," the Sept. 25 e-mail reads. "Others, including our members, remain on the fence! Its time for us to come together, voice our unity, because we make a difference!"


"Let's make Obama Blue Day a day of Action!" the e-mail continues. "Barack the vote!"


In a statement released to FOXNews.com Thursday, VEA President Kitty Boitnott defended the e-mail, saying that it called for teachers to wear blue shirts, but not ones that mentioned a candidate.


The invitation was not intended to "encourage teachers to use their classrooms for partisan political purposes," Boitnott said.


"The e-mail did not encourage teachers to talk with students about voting for any specific candidate, although it did suggest that teachers can encourage eligible students to register to vote. There certainly is nothing wrong with encouraging students who are 18 years of age or older to register to vote."

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I'll vote to ban school prayer regardless of what you do.


As to where I pulled that conclusion out, I got it directly from the excepts that are floating around (all we have until the email itself surfaces):




and from


Your conclusion is wrong, and nowhere in the article, nor the actual email I suspect or they would have put it in there, is there a link saying "register two students so they can vote for Obama." Don't you think Fox, your second link, would have put it in there in it's entirety, instead of linking a couple sentences from what appear to be different parts of the email together?

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Where exactly did you get that out of that piece? It doesn't say "Go recruit two students" anywhere, other than what was inferred by the Republican party. Tell you what, I'll side with you in not allowing teachers to wear blue T-shirts in an election year if you side with me in banning any and all school prayer.


Hell I'll side with you to ban prayer anywhere. I have very religious friends and when we go to their house we have to hold hands and pray (well they do, I just hold hands) before dinner. What the !@#$ dudes, I'm hungry. :worthy:

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Hell I'll side with you to ban prayer anywhere. I have very religious friends and when we go to their house we have to hold hands and pray (well they do, I just hold hands) before dinner. What the !@#$ dudes, I'm hungry. :worthy:

My brother's family lives out in the pacific Northwest. You get away from the urban areas and it's a whole different world. They pray when they pull out of the ranch driveway. We get along because we're family, but they think my wife and I are going to hell. :lol:

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My world isn't the one I expect it to shock.


We've gotten through the past 8 years of the W debacle. Obama can't possibly be worse. Its like the guy hired to fill in for Matt Millen in detroit. No matter how hard you try, its going to be almost impossible to be worse than the guy before you.

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We've gotten through the past 8 years of the W debacle. Obama can't possibly be worse. Its like the guy hired to fill in for Matt Millen in detroit. No matter how hard you try, its going to be almost impossible to be worse than the guy before you.


You could draft another receiver in the first round? :worthy:

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You keep telling yourself that. See you in four years.

Then let's hear what you're so scared of. Do you think he's the anti-christ? Or Hitler? Or Stalin? Are you worried that he's going to let the country be overrun by undocumented workers? It can't be terrorism, because we've already won the Iraq war. Are you worried he won't invade Iran? Are you worried about the markets going to hell, kind of like they are right now? Is he going to further deteriorate our standing in the world, I mean, any further than Bush has already driven it down to? Exactly how will Obama do any worse than the previous administration, roundly accepted as the worst ever even before it has ended?

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Then let's hear what you're so scared of. Do you think he's the anti-christ? Or Hitler? Or Stalin? Are you worried that he's going to let the country be overrun by undocumented workers? It can't be terrorism, because we've already won the Iraq war. Are you worried he won't invade Iran? Are you worried about the markets going to hell, kind of like they are right now? Is he going to further deteriorate our standing in the world, I mean, any further than Bush has already driven it down to? Exactly how will Obama do any worse than the previous administration, roundly accepted as the worst ever even before it has ended?

I'm not afraid of ANYTHING, Johnny. Not a thing. See...I believe in personal accountability, so I don't rely on the government to get me through life. I only resent them taking my money simply because I have more than the waitress and am expected to be neighborly. And if I'm not going to be neighborly, they're going to MAKE me be neighborly.


You, on the other hand, seem pretty lost without today's Keith Olbermann rant running on your Ipod. :worthy::lol:


The problem, my fellow Bills fan, is you and every other liberal in this world is full-goose-bozo convinced that everything wrong in this world came exclusively as a result of the current administration and no one else is to blame. When Obama wins this thing, we'll all find out what happens when a ridiculously liberal party has full control of everything.


But hey...Germany and France will like us, so that's something.


Bit of advice, though. As soon as Obama wins, you may want to buy a gun.

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I'm not afraid of ANYTHING, Johnny. Not a thing. See...I believe in personal accountability, so I don't rely on the government to get me through life. I only resent them taking my money simply because I have more than the waitress and am expected to be neighborly. And if I'm not going to be neighborly, they're going to MAKE me be neighborly.


You, on the other hand, seem pretty lost without today's Keith Olbermann rant running on your Ipod. :worthy::lol:


The problem, my fellow Bills fan, is you and every other liberal in this world is full-goose-bozo convinced that everything wrong in this world came exclusively as a result of the current administration and no one else is to blame. When Obama wins this thing, we'll all find out what happens when a ridiculously liberal party has full control of everything.


But hey...Germany and France will like us, so that's something.


Bit of advice, though. As soon as Obama wins, you may want to buy a gun.


as opposed to the ridiculously conservative fear mongers we've had in office the past 8 years? Woohoo, it was a ton of fun to have the moral police in the white house to tell us what we can and cant do because of their own personal beliefs? So i suppose if we had a jewish president, it would be ok if he demanded that every american follow jewish tradition and custom?


It was also a ton of fun to watch someone use 9/11 as an excuse or reason for anything and everything. Ummm, Mr W, why do you need to invade the privacy of americans? "Ummm, uhhh, 9/11! terrorists!" When it all comes down to it, W successfully bumblefuct this country forwards and backwards. There is no possible way Obama can make things worse. There is only one way this mess could possibly get worse, and that would be to re-elect W to a 3rd term.


You complain about taxing the rich and government assistance, but to me, we are going to get a lot further by having the waitress down the street get some sort of healthcare subsidy (or the like) so she can improve her quality of her life and can better raise her kid(s) as opposed to making sure Joe CEO makes all 20 million instead of a measley 19. No one is saying just give out free handouts to anyone who wants one, thats a road to nowhere. People shoudl still have to work for their money and earn it. But in a lot of cases, a little bit can go a long way.


You guys are talking about saving for retirement. Well, if the waitress gets a small healthcare subsidy, then thats wage money she could potentially set aside for her retirement, just as you guys would like.

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It was also a ton of fun to watch someone use 9/11 as an excuse or reason for anything and everything. Ummm, Mr W, why do you need to invade the privacy of americans? "Ummm, uhhh, 9/11! terrorists!" When it all comes down to it, W successfully bumblefuct this country forwards and backwards. There is no possible way Obama can make things worse. There is only one way this mess could possibly get worse, and that would be to re-elect W to a 3rd term.

Riiiight. Like Islamic extremism isn't the greatest threat to Western culture since the fall of Communism?


Hey, at least BO will TALK to the Iranians. I'm sure they'll voluntarily give up their nuclear ambitions when we talk to them.


Sure, W was no sharp tool. But at least he wasn't a coward on the scale of Bill Clinton, asleep at the switch as Muslim nutjobs attacked our ships, embassies and citizens all over the world.


You complain about taxing the rich and government assistance, but to me, we are going to get a lot further by having the waitress down the street get some sort of healthcare subsidy (or the like) so she can improve her quality of her life and can better raise her kid(s) as opposed to making sure Joe CEO makes all 20 million instead of a measley 19. No one is saying just give out free handouts to anyone who wants one, thats a road to nowhere. People shoudl still have to work for their money and earn it. But in a lot of cases, a little bit can go a long way.


You guys are talking about saving for retirement. Well, if the waitress gets a small healthcare subsidy, then thats wage money she could potentially set aside for her retirement, just as you guys would like.


You know damned well the waitress down at the diner isn't going to save anything. No, she'll go out and buy a satellite dish for her trailer.

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