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The Patriots superbowl loss


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A co-worker who is a huge Pats fan and is from the Boston area made an odd reference the other day to the Bills-Giants superbowl and the Bills 1990 season as strikingly similar to the patriots undefeated regular season run.


My head popped up from my desk like you do when you wake up from a nightmare, or like when you were in grade school and you realized that book report you had 4 months to work on was due today, and you're still on chapter 2. Yup, thats what I said too " Do tell kind sir, please elaborate on your analogy"


He began by comparing league leading offenses, how both teams dominated the NFC, both defenses were strong, and on some occasions completely dominated teams, and a few close calls, but came away with victory. I interjected here and said keeping comparing the players at key positions to a minimum please continue... Both teams were favored to win the superbowl heavily, and they went into those games as the best team in the NFL. I added that while the Bills were not undefeated, they way we went to the superbowl was much more decisive, and prognosticators agreed that Buffalo should demolish the Giants; He agreed(stunned look on my face too) Pats fan co-worker(thats what I'll call him) secretly admitted that he agreed with me when I said the Bills while not undefeated may have been a better team given the landscape of AFC teams and top rated passers that were good that year.


What was ground shaking evidence was how both games came down to a late game play, even a highlight reel play at that, and the outcome a stomach wrenching loss to an underdog Giants team with a crappy QB. Pats fan co-worker finally said a lot of his friends back home made similar statements after the dust settled last year on how they know what Buffalo fans felt back then.


My personal feelings are that the pats loss will eventually bring some credibility and recognition to that 1990 Bills team, with the point that you can utterly dominate the league during the regular season, not end up world champions, but STILL be considered one of the greatest teams of all time. It's a lot harder than it looks, and we did it 4 times in a row, something I now wear as a badge of honor. Go Bills.

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Everytime my friends rip on me for being a Bills fan they always bring up the 4 super bowls. Myself i am proud my team was able to do that, we dominated the league for years, put up record points and put 51 in an AFC championship game.


I grew up in that era and it was awesome. I loved going to the games and feeling the energy of the crowd, meeting Bruce and Jim Kelly and Thurman and just idolizing these men and what they did for the city of Buffalo.


Even tho we never won the big show its still an incredable feat and something that shouldnt be laughed at. especailly now when the super bowl loser hardly makes the playoffs... The seahawks in a weak division were the last team to do i beleive and i doubt the pats do it this year and after that their time is probley up.


Then again i never heard about the Bills already having victory parades and parties set up so..... !@#$ the pats*!

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