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Any official word on Boldin's status for Sunday???

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I searched around but couldnt find anything.


Anyone know if it has been made official either way if he will be playing or not? Or is he just listed as "doubtful" or something.


I know he had a fractured sinus canal and some other minor injury...


Thanks in advance!

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Here it is right from Boldin. Well, through Micheal Irvin, but here it is:


The Arizona Republic reports...


"When I talked to Anquan, I said, 'So what it is, man? How do you feel? Is it a concussion?' " Irvin said. "He said, 'Yeah. And I've got a fracture (sinus membrane). The doctors told me to take a week off, and then I'm going to come back and give them the dirt. I'm going to give it right back to them.'


So, no Boldin this week, it seems. Good news since we're sans McGee.

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The last report I had heard was Sunday night on ESPN when they said he had a concussion. If that's true, then he'll definitely be out. And especially if the doctors are seeing any kind of fracture. So while that's "good" news since we're

without McGee, I thought the hit on Boldin was way out of line. It's good that they suspended the DB who delivered it.

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The last report I had heard was Sunday night on ESPN when they said he had a concussion. If that's true, then he'll definitely be out. And especially if the doctors are seeing any kind of fracture. So while that's "good" news since we're

without McGee, I thought the hit on Boldin was way out of line. It's good that they suspended the DB who delivered it.


completely disagree. Boldin was hit from behind and was accelerated downward into the hit. Had he not been hit from behind, the Safety would have connected with him right in the numbers.


I wont try t argue the fine or suspension because I understand that Goodell has a league to run and rules to impose. thats fine. but i dont think for one second that there was any dirty play behind the hit.


i dont want to see anyone injured, but... its football. if you dont want people getting hit, go play baseball.

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Here it is right from Boldin. Well, through Micheal Irvin, but here it is:


The Arizona Republic reports...


"When I talked to Anquan, I said, 'So what it is, man? How do you feel? Is it a concussion?' " Irvin said. "He said, 'Yeah. And I've got a fracture (sinus membrane). The doctors told me to take a week off, and then I'm going to come back and give them the dirt. I'm going to give it right back to them.'


So, no Boldin this week, it seems. Good news since we're sans McGee.


thanks scribo! and i guess ill see what the official report says today as well

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completely disagree. Boldin was hit from behind and was accelerated downward into the hit. Had he not been hit from behind, the Safety would have connected with him right in the numbers.

Signed, the Jets front office...


I don't buy it. If the defender wasn't leading with his helmet, maybe he could have seen that Boldin was "accelerated downward". But he couldn't see him because he was looking at the turf, which is what happens when you lead with your helmet. You lead with the helmet you get fined, it's pretty cut and dry.

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completely disagree. Boldin was hit from behind and was accelerated downward into the hit. Had he not been hit from behind, the Safety would have connected with him right in the numbers.


I wont try t argue the fine or suspension because I understand that Goodell has a league to run and rules to impose. thats fine. but i dont think for one second that there was any dirty play behind the hit.


i dont want to see anyone injured, but... its football. if you dont want people getting hit, go play baseball.


Lee Evans agreed with that (your) asessment on his weekly radio show and he's a fellow WR, so.... :rolleyes:

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completely disagree. Boldin was hit from behind and was accelerated downward into the hit. Had he not been hit from behind, the Safety would have connected with him right in the numbers.


I wont try t argue the fine or suspension because I understand that Goodell has a league to run and rules to impose. thats fine. but i dont think for one second that there was any dirty play behind the hit.


i dont want to see anyone injured, but... its football. if you dont want people getting hit, go play baseball.


These incidents are always going to be tricky to interpret, because it really is a guessing game. Was the DB intending to hurt Boldin? Most likely not. He's coached to hit hard, and in the heat of the play, how well can someone really control his body?

The only thing they can do is look at the tape and try to make a determination from there.

But I agree with you about the nature of the sport. It's violent by its very nature, so this kind of stuff is going to happen no matter how many rules are made up. Actually I'm suprised there aren't more injuries, which is a testament to the advances in equipment and medical care.

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completely disagree. Boldin was hit from behind and was accelerated downward into the hit. Had he not been hit from behind, the Safety would have connected with him right in the numbers.


I wont try t argue the fine or suspension because I understand that Goodell has a league to run and rules to impose. thats fine. but i dont think for one second that there was any dirty play behind the hit.


i dont want to see anyone injured, but... its football. if you dont want people getting hit, go play baseball.


Dude, watch it again. he led with his helmet the whole way. He is lucky he didn't hurt himself or Boldin any further. I am all for laying a shot on a WR roaming across the middle but you have to worry about your health as well.


I hit a guy once in high school and knocked him and myself out, and I had my eyes up. Needless to say I was done for the next game as well. Wasnt concussed but I felt like ass for 3 days.


Very scary thing to wake up and see people standing over you asking you a bunch of questions you can't answer.

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completely disagree. Boldin was hit from behind and was accelerated downward into the hit. Had he not been hit from behind, the Safety would have connected with him right in the numbers.


I wont try t argue the fine or suspension because I understand that Goodell has a league to run and rules to impose. thats fine. but i dont think for one second that there was any dirty play behind the hit.


i dont want to see anyone injured, but... its football. if you dont want people getting hit, go play baseball.


big hits and injuries are going to happen, its a violent game. I dont mind seeing a DB tatoo a WR coming over the middle. But honestly, watch the replay. Eric Smith had his head down and was trying to hit boldin with the crown of the helmet. Accidental helmet-to-helmet hits happen, but this was cut and dry. He led with the helmet and was appropriately dealt with.

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Dude, watch it again. he led with his helmet the whole way. He is lucky he didn't hurt himself or Boldin any further. I am all for laying a shot on a WR roaming across the middle but you have to worry about your health as well.


I hit a guy once in high school and knocked him and myself out, and I had my eyes up. Needless to say I was done for the next game as well. Wasnt concussed but I felt like ass for 3 days.


Very scary thing to wake up and see people standing over you asking you a bunch of questions you can't answer.


I have to agree with Dr. Dank. The guy was aiming for Boldins chest, leading with his face -as taught in little league. The other DB hit Boldin high, knocking him down into the other guys head. I can't argue with the commish for taking a strong stance, but I truely believe the guy intended to hit him clean.


Glad you're alright from your big hit. I wasn't so lucky on a head to head hit -separating C3 & C4 vertebrae and contusing my spine.

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I have to agree with Dr. Dank. The guy was aiming for Boldins chest, leading with his face -as taught in little league. The other DB hit Boldin high, knocking him down into the other guys head. I can't argue with the commish for taking a strong stance, but I truely believe the guy intended to hit him clean.


Glad you're alright from your big hit. I wasn't so lucky on a head to head hit -separating C3 & C4 vertebrae and contusing my spine.


Thanks! I was more worried when I came to and saw the other guy lying there.Very scary. Sorry to hear about your injury, this game is as brutal as it gets.

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Signed, the Jets front office...


I don't buy it. If the defender wasn't leading with his helmet, maybe he could have seen that Boldin was "accelerated downward". But he couldn't see him because he was looking at the turf, which is what happens when you lead with your helmet. You lead with the helmet you get fined, it's pretty cut and dry.



Dude, watch it again. he led with his helmet the whole way. He is lucky he didn't hurt himself or Boldin any further. I am all for laying a shot on a WR roaming across the middle but you have to worry about your health as well.


I hit a guy once in high school and knocked him and myself out, and I had my eyes up. Needless to say I was done for the next game as well. Wasnt concussed but I felt like ass for 3 days.


Very scary thing to wake up and see people standing over you asking you a bunch of questions you can't answer.



as someone who played OLB from the age of 8 through 18, and then 4+ years of rugby in college, i have a BIT of experience with tackling technique. while i wont argue that tackling, in general, has become absolutely atrocious throughout the league (not wrapping up and driving through, head down, etc) I do not feel this was the case in this specific incident. agreed, it wasn't perfect form, but it wasnt horrible. and the fact that the WR was hit just prior to the second contact completely changes everything.


Ricojes, that is a ridiculously unfair (or naive) statement to think that "if he had his helmet up, maybe he could have seen" the hit from behind and changed course or technique. that all happened so fast, no one had a chance. and for all we know, he wouldve gotten his head up in time for the hit.


but... the fact is he didnt, so he was fined and suspended. something ive already said i understand the reasons behind. and think is fair.




also, given the anatomy we are stuck with, tacklers will ALWAYS lead with their head. its the top part of our body. the trick is to slide the head past the body and make contact with your shoulder. however, thats not always possible and/or the ball carrier changes course and youre stuck hitting with your head. it happens. you may get a stinger, but as long as your head is UP, youll (probably) be ok. but again, thats the risk of playing a violent sport. i had to retire from rugby after my 4th lifetime concussion. last one knocked me blind for almost an hour. so im a little sensitive to the cause as well. i just dont see anything dirty on this hit. just unfortunate.

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