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In an Amoozing turn of events the judge found that the charges were udderly warranted, rejected her pleas as "milking sympathy, and sent her to a cowrectional facility.

:lol: booooooo!



OK... :lol: it were funny!



It really is a shame that a good cud chewing out didn't stop this from happening. :D

In an Amoozing turn of events the judge found that the charges were udderly warranted, rejected her pleas as "milking sympathy, and sent her to a cowrectional facility.


The article was very mooooooving. The writer of this article heard about this through the bovine. I don't understand what her beef was. I'd be willing to steak a lot of mooney that she was just moosunderstood. I think her name is Carolus Linnaeus, If I herd right. Personally I think the cops veal to charge her was a bunch of Bull. I think the prosecutor will tell them to steer clear of any actual charges. I bet if they polled people they would tell them to passture on to a qualified moodical doctor who could refer her to a psychiatrist. I'm sure after rumenating on this they would tell people that there is no reason she should be branded as nut and sent to Jersey.

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